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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen

I see a lot of pas
it is >60 years now. no one decides in favour of people. it is all after for the interest of few or others.
receive alms and aids and loans for the interests of the nation is not for interest of country but for some other interest which they better know.

what the people want is infact the real and best interest for a country instead of few who decides against the people and call it interest of the country. It is not secret, they always decide against people and this time too. they will decide against people and there is no doubt in it and economic or military interest is fake and a smoke screen to deceive people.
U do refrendum on this in pak trust me U will loose .states don't run on wishes it runs on theior interests like iraq war whole UK was againest but Blair act on national interest

it is >60 years now. no one decides in favour of people. it is all after for the interest of few or others.
receive alms and aids and loans for the interests of the nation is not for interest of people+country but for some other interest which they better know.

what the people want is infact the real and best interest for a country instead of few who decides against the people and call it interest of the country. It is not secret, they always decide against people and this time too. they will decide against people and there is no doubt in it and economic or military interest is fake and a smoke screen to deceive people.
If u realy want ppl wish ask iranian ppl how much they love ayyatullah Now after this deal what left them to sell iranian ppl
I see a lot of pas
U do refrendum on this in pak trust me U will loose .states don't run on wishes it runs on theior interests like iraq war whole UK was againest but Blair act on national interest

If u realy want ppl wish ask iranian ppl how much they love ayyatullah Now after this deal what left them to sell iranian ppl

referendum with decades of manipulation.

Pharao was then right who acted in the best interest of his nation and committed every crime. Today there are many Pharaos with more destructive power.

world belongs to the people and not to the few manipulators.

Those who think that people are fool and do not know their own interests are infact fools.

we will witness not in too distant future, the nuclear powers controlled by few manipulators will be striking each other with nukes in the best interests of their nations and bringing them destruction. :lol:

we do not want our country to go into this mess and it is in best interest of our people.

so it is people vs manipulators.

People are changing the world and manipulators are more confused and in problem today than ever in the past.

Future is Bright for the people.
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referendum with decades of manipulation.

Pharao was then right who acted in the interest of his nation and committed every crime. Today there are many Pharaos with more destructive power.

world belongs to the people and not to the few manipulators.

Those who think that people are fool do not know their own interests are infact fools.

we will see that not in too distant future, the nuclear powers controlled by few manipulators will be striking each other with nukes in the best interests of their nations and bringing them destruction. :lol:

we do not want our country to go into this mess and it is in best interest of our people.

so it is people vs manipulators.

People are changing the world and manipulators are more confused and in problem today than ever in the past.

Future is Bright for the people.
Yes for the ppl who live in reality not in myth pak state will take care of it U don't worry rest if nukes were not important then mullah won't pursue it this deal was there 10 yrs ago .pak is going to Saudi Arabia not Yemen at first second state comes first then there r ppl if our Persian neighbour thinks he can play shia card in pak he is folly but I won't be surprise they playing this card everywhere
Yes for the ppl who live in reality not in myth pak state will take care of it U don't worry rest if nukes were not important then mullah won't pursue it this deal was there 10 yrs ago .pak is going to Saudi Arabia not Yemen at first second state comes first then there r ppl if our Persian neighbour thinks he can play shia card in pak he is folly but I won't be surprise they playing this card everywhere

shia card ? basically you people have no idea of the conflict and Mullah is far more clever than you could even imagine. they made the deal today not 10 years ago.

it will be good to go first to yemen and leave peaceful jud behind to do its job.
Pakistan is in. they are free to demonstrate but that wont change the government decision. ppl think this is a football match. every step has a meaning and a message. pakistan did the right thing by joining
referendum with decades of manipulation.

Pharao was then right who acted in the best interest of his nation and committed every crime. Today there are many Pharaos with more destructive power.

world belongs to the people and not to the few manipulators.

Those who think that people are fool and do not know their own interests are infact fools.

we will witness not in too distant future, the nuclear powers controlled by few manipulators will be striking each other with nukes in the best interests of their nations and bringing them destruction. :lol:

we do not want our country to go into this mess and it is in best interest of our people.

so it is people vs manipulators.

People are changing the world and manipulators are more confused and in problem today than ever in the past.

Future is Bright for the people.
My good advice to U is visit Iran and live theior sometime and see what they think about U and way treat u as thior cult brother U wil know ur worth all this acting is only possible in pakistan U should be thanks for this and follow the interest of UR state not cult or sect whom U belong .its in our interest to work with GCC and Turks we should go for it not the sake of our Persian neighbour who don't care about pak interest when he act so be realistic not running around UR cult come out from this syndrome

shia card ? basically you people have no idea of the conflict and Mullah is far more clever than you could even imagine. they made the deal today not 10 years ago.

it will be good to go first to yemen and leave peaceful jud behind to do its job.
Realy mullah is clever why not say graps R saur can't make use all his energy for last 10 yrs then hug the same country whom he preach big shatan

Pakistan is in. they are free to demonstrate but that wont change the government decision. ppl think this is a football match. every step has a meaning and a message. pakistan did the right thing by joining
I agree with u I think 6 apr is parliment will sit they will stamp it .i don't see any direct intervention by regular troops from GCC it may be SF work with hadi loyalists I think that a right way to go I see hothis have limited support in Aden just secure Aden is big win for Saudis that will be first step .there is No military solution of this issue but to get good deal U need to creat right environment that what Saudis R doing .so far they way they act diplomatically and military wise is impressive .
My good advice to U is visit Iran and live theior sometime and see what they think about U and way treat u as thior cult brother U wil know ur worth all this acting is only possible in pakistan U should be thanks for this and follow the interest of UR state not cult or sect whom U belong .its in our interest to work with GCC and Turks we should go for it not the sake of our Persian neighbour who don't care about pak interest when he act so be realistic not running around UR cult come out from this syndrome
i didnt read what he said. im not interested in what he has to say. but if he is willing to go live in tahran for a year il pay for his accommodation. then he can tell us how pleasant his experience was lol
My good advice to U is visit Iran and live theior sometime and see what they think about U and way treat u as thior cult brother U wil know ur worth all this acting is only possible in pakistan U should be thanks for this and follow the interest of UR state not cult or sect whom U belong .its in our interest to work with GCC and Turks we should go for it not the sake of our Persian neighbour who don't care about pak interest when he act so be realistic not running around UR cult come out from this syndrome

we are far more smart than you could think. we have nothing to do with arab or persian syndrome.

let be clear. the ayatollahs have made a deal for some reason just like Prophet Muhammad pbuh hugged the same killer enemy and brought them for some reason.

you have no idea of the conflict. someone has shown you a red tag and all the bulls are the way to jump in Gulf of Aden. :lol: . rest assure war is somewhere else.
we are far more smart than you could think. we have nothing to do with arab or persian syndrome.

let be clear. the ayatollahs have made a deal for some reason just like Prophet Muhammad pbuh hugged the same killer enemy and brought them for some reason.

you have no idea of the conflict. someone has shown you a red tag and all the bulls are the way to jump in Gulf of Aden. :lol: . rest assure war is somewhere else.
Realy I told u visit UR cult country they will show u UR worth graps R saur for mullah no matter what u say shia bomb will remain a pipe dream of ayyatullah nothing more shatan wins by hugging the mullah match made in heaven
Rest see what happens
Realy I told u visit UR cult country they will show u UR worth graps R saur for mullah no matter what u say shia bomb will remain a pipe dream of ayyatullah nothing more shatan wins by hugging the mullah match made in heaven
Rest see what happens

Judging by the tone of his post, i think he knows that. Then again, i might be wrong. May God forgives me for that.

I think his hatred for other sects of Islam clouds his rational thinking which doesn't force him to think for the large picture ahead.

Any Pakistanis won't survive in Arab and Persian lands as they will be treated as secondary. But that being said, for the very same reasons for the hatred towards other sects of Islam is the same reason half of the world hates Iran. Eventually, it comes down to sectarian agenda which both Iran and KSA is fueling to further their influences over ME by battling each other through their backed militant groups.
Judging by the tone of his post, i think he knows that. Then again, i might be wrong. May God forgives me for that.

I think his hatred for other sects of Islam clouds his rational thinking which doesn't force him to think for the large picture ahead.

Any Pakistanis won't survive in Arab and Persian lands as they will be treated as secondary. But that being said, for the very same reasons for the hatred towards other sects of Islam is the same reason half of the world hates Iran. Eventually, it comes down to sectarian agenda which both Iran and KSA is fueling to further their influences over ME by battling each other through their backed militant groups.
I agree with u sir I don't believe in sects but it's controllable by GOP .my point is only that we should care what good for us as state not by wishes if we start making policies on wish list then we as country can't move farward .
It would be better If we kill every wahabbi deobandi in operation zarb e azb , and their will no need to protest then for shia or other minorities . Pakistan will become a peaceful and strong country then. These wahabbi\deobandi minority wants to kill Barelvi\shia majority.
Lmao... Shias and their wet dreams :D
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