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Pakistani Offensive into North Waziristan to begin after EID

why is this being done? attacks in pakistan are at an all time low. this open pandora's box once again. they should undertake these measures covertly.

Are you serious.. Attacks are higher than last year...
Panetta says Pakistan plans new combat operation in North Waziristan, targeting Taliban

WASHINGTON — Pakistan has told U.S. military officials that it plans to launch combat operations against Taliban militants soon in a tribal area near the Afghan border that also serves as a haven for leaders of the al-Qaida-affiliated Haqqani network, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Monday.

Speaking to The Associated Press in his Pentagon office, Panetta said Pakistan’s military chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, discussed the planned operation in recent conversations with the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen.

Panetta said he did not know when the Pakistani operation would start, but he said he understands it will be in the “near future,” and that the main target will be the Pakistani Taliban, rather than the Haqqani network.

Panetta welcomed Kayani’s initiative, even though the main target may not be the Haqqani leadership.

“They’ve talked about it for a long time. Frankly, I’d lost hope that they were going do anything about it. But it does appear that they in fact are going to take that step.”

If it is done as mentioned above , US wont stop drone attacks, Already situation is such that Even if you carry out an offensive in North waziristan, they are not going to stop drone attacks. Pakistan has to rely on air power to soften targets and then their army can move in. But here Pakistan army will face stiff resistance.
They would flee to Afghanistan , whoever controls it !

That's why it is important to coordinate with NATO on the following:

1. Have NATO troops blocking the fleeing Talboobs.

2. The places where NATO cannot block off the routes, Pakistan should do the hot pursuit across the border with NATO + PAF providing air cover.

That's why it is important to coordinate with NATO on the following:

1. Have NATO troops blocking the fleeing Talboobs.

2. The places where NATO cannot block off the routes, Pakistan should do the hot pursuit across the border with NATO + PAF providing air cover.


That will never happen , you have my bet. US is not interested in eliminating anti Pakistan elements CIA & RAW have so actively popped up. All they want is those who fight against them , Pakistan is not going to benefit from this situation. We will have thousands of more IDPs , more suffering and no real results.
Warning is necessary! We do not want to harm our own people.
I love this news.. wish all the best to your sucess. defeat TTP.
That will never happen , you have my bet. US is not interested in eliminating anti Pakistan elements CIA & RAW have so actively popped up. All they want is those who fight against them , Pakistan is not going to benefit from this situation. We will have thousands of more IDPs , more suffering and no real results.

RAW be damned. They will never be on our side.

But CIA should not be lumped with RAW. CIA will be more than happy to work with anyone who can get Americans out of jam. We have 50+ years of history with ISI working with CIA.

Today CIA gets a green signal from ISI, the next day RAW will be put to the dog house. Such is the game of mutual interests.

India so far has worked very hard to prove they want to help American win in Afghanistan.

However the problem is that Indians with all their sincerity cannot do much. Why? Because the trump cards are in Pakistani hands. No I am not talking about some divine link here, just the geography and history givens Pakistan an edge in Afghanistan.

So the bottom line is: CIA and pentagon will be jumping with joy if they get 110% help from Pakistani army and Pakistani masses.

Remember Americans are very goal oriented. For them ideological idiotism is not much important. Get the job done is their mantra.

And Pakistan can help everyone including ourselves by cleansing the Taliboobi mess in the region.

there is no operation the news just came in
Announcement like this will help the militants to flee the area and stock thier weapons for a comeback!

You do know how they operate ..... The most difficult part of this war is to separate the civilian from taliban.... And a warning helps in that.... They flee (to Madrasas in Pakistan or to 70% not controlled Afghanistan) doesn't matter.... Civilian safety should be first priority...They are already suffering enough.... Dropping bombs without warning is not what they need.
well it is interesting..............
when military once talked of offensive in 2009 a strong reprisal was heard, a convoy was hit killing 20 soldiers including col and also flyers were distributed claiming that tribes will leave pakistan and move to afghanistan instead of becoming IDPs

If that is the only reason why the operation will not be launched, then i can assure that they wont join Afg. Go after these terrorists, make no exception and get rid of all of them as they are cancer, today it is our turn, but tomorrow it will be yours or somebody else's turn. Get rid of the snake before they strike.
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