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Pakistani Missiles vs Indian Missiles

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It's not for India, it was initially developed for Israel but then put in cold storage because we have no quarrel with them and certainly don't want to incite one by building a weapon that's completely unnecessary. There are a handful of launch ready units for the 'When **** hits the fan' scenario but further proliferation of the platform is suspended at the moment. However, with the necessary know-how and production equipment available, Pakistan can restart the program at whatever time such a weapon is considered necessary to safeguard national interests.
I thought Israel was in reach of our existing missiles if launched from gwadar :coffee:
Pervez Musharraf's time. The peace process with Israel lead to the program being put into cold storage. You'd be surprised what range of programs we have in cold storage. I've even seen Pakistani built side-winders, there are about 30 test units and the program's funding was routed to Ballistic Missile program in the early 90s.

But sir a few designs and drawings, some feasibility meetings are far from ready-to-launch stuff. Whatever plans of that sort were made during Musharraf's era exist no more.
Man i am talking about ballistic missiles too and pakistan is nowhere near india in that field,,,the fact remains!! Until and unless we see a test video of shaheen 3 its pointless to even talk on this topic.Yes i give credit to pakistan's babur but nirbhay is gonna have longer range and flexibility and unless pakistan really extends babur's range in say 2-3 years it will fall behind.Yes,if we get an upgraded babur 2 then its a diff story

But the point is pakistan dosen't need a cruise missile with>750 km range and i don't see it diverting precious resources just to satisfy their ego
One the other hand we badly need mirv and marv equipped agni 6 to counter china.So its not about capability but priority

And last but not the least,indian success in the space field reiterates its solid fundamentals of rocket science and i seriously think instead of developing new missiles nescom should focus on slv as WAR IR NEVER GONNA HAPPEN..NEVER
But sir a few designs and drawings, some feasibility meetings are far from ready-to-launch stuff. Whatever plans of that sort were made during Musharraf's era exist no more.

The project was running from the 60s, it was a spin-off from the Rahbar program and had reached a very high stage of maturity. The exact details might be known to someone with NESCOM or SUPARCO.
Man i am talking about ballistic missiles too and pakistan is nowhere near india in that field,,,the fact remains!! Until and unless we see a test video of shaheen 3 its pointless to even talk on this topic.Yes i give credit to pakistan's babur but nirbhay is gonna have longer range and flexibility and unless pakistan really extends babur's range in say 2-3 years it will fall behind.Yes,if we get an upgraded babur 2 then its a diff story

But the point is pakistan dosen't need a cruise missile with>750 km range and i don't see it diverting precious resources just to satisfy their ego
One the other hand we badly need mirv and marv equipped agni 6 to counter china.So its not about capability but priority

And last but not the least,indian success in the space field reiterates its solid fundamentals of rocket science and i seriously think instead of developing new missiles nescom should focus on slv as WAR IR NEVER GONNA HAPPEN..NEVER

Now that you bring Ballistic Missiles into the equation, the paradigm has completely changed because the strategic base and intended targets have been substituted.
The project was running from the 60s, it was a spin-off from the Rahbar program and had reached a very high stage of maturity. The exact details might be known to someone with NESCOM or SUPARCO.

Then it must have been cancelled, as the initial design would've been liquid fueled (no longer preferred) and SUPARCO is not involved in developing BMs except for Abdali.
Then it must have been cancelled, as the initial design would've been liquid fueled (no longer preferred) and SUPARCO is not involved in developing BMs except for Abdali.

It was long divorced from the Rahbar program as it itself did not make it into the 70s. This program was active until the early 2000s, in the meantime I am very sure it would have made the transition to a solid fuel, possibly multi-stage design.

Can you name me any other threat to pakistan besides India and Israel? >NATO

Nato is a collection of countries, there's no way you can attack all at once. NATO isn't a threat for Pakistan either. It's the political front where we are most vulnerable, militarily, we are adequately secure.
It's not for India, it was initially developed for Israel but then put in cold storage because we have no quarrel with them and certainly don't want to incite one by building a weapon that's completely unnecessary. There are a handful of launch ready units for the 'When **** hits the fan' scenario but further proliferation of the platform is suspended at the moment. However, with the necessary know-how and production equipment available, Pakistan can restart the program at whatever time such a weapon is considered necessary to safeguard national interests.

Sir I am pretty sure we are still working on Long Range Missiles may be have developed one but would not test at until USA is in Afghanistan and we are getting weapons from them because their is no need of it yet and as long as Israel is concerned we have quarrel with from day one Sir since day one we are after each other they are the major force behind attacks from Afghanistan on us along with RAW the attempted to attack our nuclear plants twice and above all they are after Makkah and Madinah sooner or later they would attack them or try to do it I wouldn't be surprised if Pakistan tests it and also for sending satellites we can get idea of making them at least some of it if we have long range Missiles
Whereas I agree that the Nirbhay will be a significant boost to India's arsenal of cruise missiles and will bring it up to par with Pakistan's standard, it would be foolhardy to imagine that it would suddenly grant India an edge in Cruise Missile technology. Pakistan retains a more diverse arsenal of cruise missiles and has more mature platforms to choose from. India has an unprecedented edge in supersonic cruise missile technology thanks to the Brahmos but overall, any student of DSS who has a good understanding of 'Missile Politics' will tell you that Pakistan retains a slight edge over India, even with the Nirbhay factor in mind.

Are you Joking? India is Far ahead of most of the country in Cruise missile technology. Nirbhay will put India on the top of all countries having Cruz missile technology. Pakistan's cruise missiles are No where nears that of India.
Brahmos the only one of its kind with Mach 2.8 speed with submeter CEP with double S manevour performing capabilty with ability to hit ship just 1 meter above sea surface and lot more such as steep dive etc etc.......

Hypersonic Brahmos in making with Mach 7.5 speed. Sucessfully lab tested.

Shaurya, K15, K 5 No match.

Nirbhay has similar capabilities as Tomahok.

For further Infomation, educate yourself from Google.
Brahmos the only one of its kind with Mach 2.8 speed with submeter CEP with double S manevour performing capabilty with ability to hit ship just 1 meter above sea surface and lot more such as steep dive etc etc.......

Shaurya, K15, K 5 No match.

Nirbhay has similar capabilities as Tomahok.

For further Infomation, educate yourself from Google.

If you took the time to actually read my posts, you would know that I already acknowledged the Brohmos's superiority but the fact remains that:

1) It is still not a widely deployed platform.
2) Pakistan has a much more diverse range of cruise missiles.
3) Pakistani platforms have had more time to mature and are already deployed in large numbers, ie are combat ready.
4) Nirbhay has similar performance parameters as Tomahawk but so does Babur.
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