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Pakistani Marxists/Islamists and destruction of OUR economy

@FaujHistorian, no you can pull him down into a nala for all I care but that wouldn't make your hypothesis less laughable. Show me one well researched document by an economist that backs the hypothesis you dreamed up last night. Unless of course you claim to be an unquestionable authority on economy.
Pakistan never had Marxism. Z. A. Bhutto who claimed himself as socialist himself had a feudalistic family background.

Well brother

you do not know then

the sad history of Pakistan during marxist Bhutoo's time

all the banks

all major factories

all the schools

all went down the toilet

Even land owners were attacked

it is just that they were too powerful for Bhutto and thus were able to save their property from the marxists

so please read a bit

Thank you
Pakistan never had Marxism. Z. A. Bhutto who claimed himself as socialist himself had a feudalistic family background.

You have dared to refuse an unquestionable authority on economy, history, sociology(too long a list to continue).
@FaujHistorian, no you can pull him down into a nala for all I care but that wouldn't make your hypothesis less laughable. Show me one well researched document by an economist that backs the hypothesis you dreamed up last night. Unless of course you claim to be an unquestionable authority on economy.

Do you bhai

need to see a research paper to realize that sun rises from the East?

p.s. narazgi chor dain bhai.

You have dared to refuse an unquestionable authority on economy, history, sociology(too long a list to continue).

itni narazgi?
Do you bhai

need to see a research paper to realize that sun rises from the East?

p.s. narazgi chor dain bhai.

itni narazgi?

yani ke aap ke siwa kisi ko yeh baath nazar hi nahi arahi yet it's as obvious as the rising sun to you? Sir, aap tau azeem shakhs hien, the great thinker of the era who does not need to back things up with proof. Maaf kijye ga huzoor...
yani ke aap ke siwa kisi ko yeh baath nazar hi nahi arahi yet it's as obvious as the rising sun to you? Sir, aap tau azeem shakhs hien, the great thinker of the era who does not need to back things up with proof. Maaf kijye ga huzoor...

When someone is sick and you tell him not to drink dirty water
and he objects over and over, what can you say then?

same way Pakistani economy is sicker than a sick dog and yet you insist -- sub Acha hai-- sub Acha hai

or worse continue giving the same old marxist medicine the same medicine that has failed in so many societies .

Why so much narazgi?

This is true.

After the market reforms carried out by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, our economy has finally been put back on track.

Thank you my brother

Thank you

But so many in Pakistan want to turn Pakistani economy into 60's china/India

or worse

00's north Korea

@FaujHistorian, Pakistan does not have Marxism (except for semi marxism of the stupid nationalisation which ended in the 70s)I thought you understood that I was pointing to that. We are in 2014 not the 70s...

This is true.

After the market reforms carried out by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, our economy has finally been put back on track.

The question is not how bad Marxism is, the question is where the heck does Pakistan have Marxism, do you think Pakistan is Marxist?
The question is not how bad Marxism is, the question is where the heck does Pakistan have Marxism, do you think Pakistan is Marxist?

He is expert on China,

Ask him how China has 4000 billion dollar worth of treaures

and Pakistan only 10

in fact it will be stupid to ask anything from China


just emulate their culture and their policies

that's it

no need to look for research papers
no need to put forth angry arguments

When you are in a class, and struggling among the bottom of class

what do you do?

defend your bottom of class life

or copy the students who are consistently in top 3 for the last 10 years?

or worse

you ask IMF and WB to write a paper for you

This is true.

After the market reforms carried out by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, our economy has finally been put back on track.

Then why do Chinese generally have so much positive views for Mao many times more compared to Deng Xioping
Then why do Chinese generally have so much positive views for Mao many times more compared to Deng Xioping

Like Indians can worship Nehru (minus Hinhdutvadis Modi-vadis off course)

and all the while

ditch his marxist socialist policies

Why it is so hard to understand?
Then why do Chinese generally have so much positive views for Mao many times more compared to Deng Xioping

Who says?

In my personal experience, Deng Xiaoping is much more popular.

You're on a defense forum so you'll get a lot of strong opinions obviously.

In both directions. Personally I consider Deng Xiaoping not only one of the best leaders in Chinese history, but one of the best leaders in world history.

His market reforms lifted more people out of poverty than anyone else in history. That is a world record that anyone can be proud of.
Like Indians can worship Nehru (minus Hinhdutvadis Modi-vadis off course)

and all the while

ditch his marxist socialist policies

Why it is so hard to understand?

Sir hardly anyone of today's Internet generation of Indians worship Nehru and by extension his descendants and even those who have little respect left for him don't held him in too much high regard. We are no longer brainwashed by Congress made History textbooks who'll believe anything BS written there without cross verifying it on the web. We are all aware of nehru's and his family's immense failures what what price our country has paid for it which all were conveniently ignored in our school books and previous generation were largely unaware of it due to lack of electronic and social media.
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