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Pakistani Marxists/Islamists and destruction of OUR economy

@FaujHistorian :

every time i read your posts you are whether accusing someone of being islamist extremist or being marxist !

do even have any freaking idea what marxism means ? or you just say that cause it looks cool ?

islamisim is not a bad word in the dictionary of at least 1.7 billion muslim all around the world .

instead of accusing others of being whether extremist or atheist , work on your logic and grow them !

what logic is behind this scentence :

"islamists are destroying our economy ! "

With your beligerant attitude you will not understand especially Pakistani situation.

For islamism look at Iranian economy. And cry to see 25,000 Ryals - 35,000 ryals to a dollar.

This is what Islamists have done to YOUR country and only in few decades.

They got the Iranian economy with 50+ ryal to a dollar and look how quickly they took into the gutter with 500 to 700 times drop.

I hate to turn this thread about Iran.

So please post what YOU know about Pakistani economy.,

Thank you
@FaujHistorian :

every time i read your posts you are whether accusing someone of being islamist extremist or being marxist !

do even have any freaking idea what marxism means ? or you just say that cause it looks cool ?

islamisim is not a bad word in the dictionary of at least 1.7 billion muslim all around the world .

instead of accusing others of being whether extremist or atheist , work on your logic and grow them !

what logic is behind this scentence :

"islamists are destroying our economy ! "

Islam ideology is a main hurdle to free thinking and accepting new idea or anything which is good across the world. You will hardly see any in ovation or research in these countries but a lots of fundamentalism on the name of religion. It is more of a political ideology to grab and retain power.
you are now making it a religious war. come on.
you post this news to prove what kind of point?
instead of going orgasmic after watching 7 feet tall paper wall?

Please pay attention to details

What have you been smoking lately ???:laughcry:
Ranting against Muslims is fashionable on this forum. It gains many admirers and people can prance around claiming to be "intellectuals".

The funny part is that, once you strip away all the foaming and frothing about "Islamists" and "Marxists", his posts have no content.

None whatsoever!

Yaar developo

No need to take your frustration out once you have run out of arguments

Crying on an Iranian shoulder should not be your thingy.

Thank you

What have you been smoking lately ???:laughcry:

So you don't have answers to some basic questions to the news YOU posted?

Here they are just in case you couldn't read the last time. So look at your post about Chinese getting loads of notes and see if you know a bit more than just "surkhian". Thank you

What product did they sell? did you pay attention?

What was the per hour labor cost? did you pay attention?

What was the profit margin per hour? Did you calculate that?

Can you replicate your marxism in big city like Shenghai? did you check that?
Islam ideology is a main hurdle to free thinking and accepting new idea or anything which is good across the world. You will hardly see any in ovation or research in these countries but a lots of fundamentalism on the name of religion. It is more of a political ideology to grab and retain power.

Say Mullah Ideology not Islam ideology . And now your post makes perfect sense
For islamism look at Iranian economy. And cry to see 25,000 Ryals - 35,000 ryals to a dollar.
This is what Islamists have done to YOUR country and only in few decades.
They got the Iranian economy with 50+ ryal to a dollar and look how quickly they took into the gutter with 500 to 700 times drop.

again iranian economy BS , although its 100% off-topic but i remember talking about our economy but you were so embarrassed after some discussion that u gave it up .

but here u go again . starting all over .

u never learn , you are so ignorant

I hate to turn this thread about Iran.

u already did

Yaar developo

No need to take your frustration out once you have run out of arguments

Crying on an Iranian shoulder should not be your thingy.

Thank you

So you don't have answers to some basic questions to the news YOU posted?

Here they are just in case you couldn't read the last time. So look at your post about Chinese getting loads of notes and see if you know a bit more than just "surkhian". Thank you

What product did they sell? did you pay attention?

What was the per hour labor cost? did you pay attention?

What was the profit margin per hour? Did you calculate that?

Can you replicate your marxism in big city like Shenghai? did you check that?

again youre so ignorant !

what da phaak does "crying on iranian shoulder " mean ? why are u so aggressive ?

dude its 2014 ! grow up ! they are talking about global village .....
Say Mullah Ideology not Islam ideology . And now your post makes perfect sense

Yaar why to nit pick. So let's see how much you know about the Chinese village

Thank you

again iranian economy BS , although its 100% off-topic but i remember talking about our economy but you were so embarrassed after some discussion that u gave it up .

but here u go again . starting all over .

u never learn , you are so ignorant

u already did

again youre so ignorant !

what da phaak does "crying on iranian shoulder " mean ? why are u so aggressive ?

dude its 2014 ! grow up ! they are talking about global village .....

Stick to the topic please.

Mr., 35,000 ryal to a dollar

Please see the subject line and post.

Thank you
Islam ideology is a main hurdle to free thinking and accepting new idea or anything which is good across the world. You will hardly see any in ovation or research in these countries but a lots of fundamentalism on the name of religion. It is more of a political ideology to grab and retain power.

we are islamist and according to ISI and SCOPUS , we will catch USA in 2050s in science production .
Stick to the topic please.
are u high !!! you made the topic about iran !! o_O

u must be smoking sth !

Mr., 35,000 ryal to a dollar
again off-topic , but still our economy is one of the most strong economies in muslim world .

to be exact , second economy after turkey . nice try

now back to your accusations of marxism
Meray bhai ever heard of Mao`s Reforms ?



Are you living in 1950s or what?

Even a Chinese Kid now talks about Deng Xiopeng reforms.

you sure you have learned anything about MODERN china?

at all.


just simple question

Are you posting this while wearing Mao's cap?
we are islamist and according to ISI and SCOPUS , we will catch USA in 2050s in science production .

I do not know whether your post is a sarcasm or serious. In 2008, Zaid hamid had declared that Pakistan will reach moon within 5 years.

What I can do is to wish you best of luck.
are u high !!! you made the topic about iran !! o_O

u must be smoking sth !

again off-topic , but still our economy is one of the most strong economies in muslim world .

to be exact , second economy after turkey . nice try

now back to your accusations of marxism

So Mr. 35,000 ryals.

Do you support Marxism in Pakistan. and if so which policies?

or just Mullahtic shenanigans would do.


Are you living in 1950s or what?

Even a Chinese Kid now talks about Deng Xiopeng reforms.

you sure you have learned anything about MODERN china?

at all.


just simple question

Are you posting this while wearing Mao's cap?

You did not get my point dear fauj .
Do you know anything about Mao other than what you have come to know through western propaganda
Did you ever try to read his ideas yourself ??
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