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Pakistani Marxists/Islamists and destruction of OUR economy

You did not get my point dear fauj .
Do you know anything about Mao other than what you have come to know through western propaganda
Did you ever try to read his ideas yourself ??

Yaar his ideas have been dumped. ditched, thrown in the gutter, in the dust bin of the history

If you want to talk now that means in 2014, then learn to understand Deng Xiopeng

Garhay murday kiyon ukhartay ho bhai sahib

Kiyon Mao ki kabar Kharab kertay ho
So Mr. 35,000 ryals.

you are constantly insulting iran by this shitty insult !

WTF does that suppose to mean . dont try to make it iran-pakistan fight cause i'm not buying it troll :lol:

Do you support Marxism in Pakistan. and if so which policies?

did i say that ? where did i say that ? @Azlan Haider @Developereo

i correct my words , you are the biggest troll in this forum

or just Mullahtic shenanigans would do.

troll , stop accusing and insulting .
Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist

please educate yourself .tnx

and also i'm talking about about half a century . not 5 yrears

Again Mr. 35,000 Ryals

My question was, what marxist policies do you favor for Pakistani economy

Thank you

p.s. this thread is not about Iran or its Ayatualls

If you want to show something, open a new thread and do post HOW many PATENTS have come out of Mullahtic science. Thank you
Yaar developo

No need to take your frustration out once you have run out of arguments

Crying on an Iranian shoulder should not be your thingy.

Thank you

I am not the least bit frustrated -- quite amused, in fact that someone else has made the same observations that I had made for a while.

And what's the relevance of anyone being Iranian, Pakistani or whatever?

Besides, anti-Muslim rants are a favorite on this forum, so I am sure you will continue to do well...
Yaar his ideas have been dumped. ditched, thrown in the gutter, in the dust bin of the history

If you want to talk now that means in 2014, then learn to understand Deng Xiopeng

Garhay murday kiyon ukhartay ho bhai sahib

Kiyon Mao ki kabar Kharab kertay ho

A little knowledge is dangerous my brother !!
Normally I dont take your anti-marxist ranting seriously
but sometimes you make really strange assertions
you put Pakistani Marxists and Mullahs in the same category
A really stupid thing to claim
Did you ever bother try to understand what Marxism is ?
I am not the least bit frustrated -- quite amused, in fact that someone else has made the same observations that I had made for a while.

And what's the relevance of anyone being Iranian, Pakistani or whatever?

Besides, anti-Muslim rants are a favorite on this forum, so I am sure you will continue to do well...

This thread is about economic policies.

You favor marxist policies. If yes give your arguments.

Same thing with Islamist destruction of economy. If no give you arguments.

Thank you
Again Mr. 35,000 Ryals

shut the **** up . never name call me again . understood ?

congratulations , you just succeeded in making me angry . do me a favor and save me from the headache

My question was, what marxist policies do you favor for Pakistani economy
no marxist in pakistan .

marxist are atheist you idiot , and i f u do have marxists , they have nothing to do with your economy whatsoever
A little knowledge is dangerous my brother !!
Normally I dont take your anti-marxist ranting seriously
but sometimes you make really strange assertions
you put Pakistani Marxists and Mullahs in the same category
A really stupid thing to claim
Did you ever bother try to understand what socialism is ?

Still no answers about the points on Chinese village.

Why brother. Why?

no marxist in pakistan .

marxist are atheist you idiot

Is this what Mullahs tought you?

p.s. ignoring personal attacks. If you can't stand the heat, do not come to the kitchen

Isn't not the fact that 1 dollar is better than 1000s of Ryals. (like 25,000 to 35,000 forking ryals) almost same as toilet paper.

And that with God given oil in the ground.
Still no answers about the points on Chinese village.

Why brother. Why?

I asked you if you ever read Mao , answer my question plz so I can explain to you what this news has got to do with Mao`s reforms
This thread is about economic policies.

You favor marxist policies. If yes give your arguments.

Same thing with Islamist destruction of economy. If no give you arguments.

Thank you


This thread is about YOUR assertion that Marxists are dominating Pakistani economic policies.

You need to prove your assertion.

Who are these Marxists running Pakistan's policies?
What specific Marxist policies have they implemented and show us their effects.
I asked you if you ever read Mao , answer my question plz so I can explain to you what this news has got to do with Mao`s reforms

Absolutely borther

"the little Red book" has been part of my family's library. We may hate his $hitty ideas it. But it is a book. So we keep it. just for a reference when a mraxist comes over to argue in vain.

Wha do you mean by this?

1.00 IRR = 0.000040 USD official

market rate fluctuates between 25,000 and 35,000
Absolutely borther

"the little Red book" has been part of my family's library. We may hate his $hitty ideas it. But it is a book. So we keep it. just for a reference when a mraxist comes over to argue in vain.

Do you know that this book with shitty ideas (as u say) is one of the most printed books in history ?
Also did u read it ? just keeping it is not enough
What do you know about Mao`s reforms ?
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