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Pakistani Marxists/Islamists and destruction of OUR economy


This thread is about YOUR assertion that Marxists are dominating Pakistani economic policies.

You need to prove your assertion.

Who are these Marxists running Pakistan's policies?
What specific Marxist policies have they implemented and show us their effects.

Yaar no need to make it personal.

If Pakistan was known for its global corporations, and free market polices

you had some legs to stand on.

But right now

no such luck.
So according to you the only way any country can progress in through unconditional slavery to the west, sorry to break it to you but we already tried that and guess what, it sucked us deeper into the vortex, what we need right now is an intellectual revolution, we should not be drones at the west disposal as some ''liberals'' and give up all things Islam, we should tread our own path for it is something we have never truly done, we need to draw down on western reliance slowly until we can stand on our own.....
Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist

please educate yourself .tnx

and also i'm talking about about half a century . not 5 yrears

Iran's scientific growth is attributable to its people loosing faith in Islamic ideology and embracing free world thought. Historically Iran was a great country. Had Islam not been there, Iran would have progressed more.

Hired Russian scientist have a great role in Iran's defense development.
Yaar no need to make it personal.

If Pakistan was known for its global corporations, and free market polices

you had some legs to stand on.

But right now

no such luck.

So, asking you to back your assertions with facts is a personal attack?

I notice you still haven't provided any specifics to back up your claims.

P.S. The same question was asked by other posters a few days ago. I know you cannot answer, so I am not going to waste my time waiting...
Do you know that this book with shitty ideas (as u say) is one of the most printed books in history ?
Also did u read it ? just keeping it is not enough
What do you know about Mao`s reforms ?

Read 2,3, and 33 and cry

So, asking you to back your assertions with facts is a personal attack?

I notice you still haven't provided any specifics to back up your claims.

So you and hamam are conducting exams?

So according to you the only way any country can progress in through unconditional slavery to the west, ....

Did Deng Xiopeng's China become an unconditional slave of the West?

What kind of illogic is that?
Yeah they quit listening to marxist economists


look how are they prospering.

China especially suffered gravely as long as they followed marxism.

They day they put marx in toilet, they started the path of becoming rich and prosperous.

Please don't take it personally if you see marx being put in toilet. He was not god. You know that. Right?

p.s. Aaap ub bhi naraz lugtay hain

The stuff you talk about is being done mostly by military and a handful of industrialists.

Our educated elite, our media etc. are all against the stuff you listed.

Hope you understand it better .

Actually Marx thought that ideal place for communism is US, but the comunism instead flourished in Russia, China.
Read 2,3, and 33 and cry

Brother I do expect better from you seriously
do you even know what the rural cooperatives are (in China )?
Just google it if you dont
Then come back and read the news again
And if you still dont understand , do let me know plz
Have you read chapters 2,3,33 of the book?

I thought you wanted to discuss that.

Brother I do expect better from you seriously
do you even know what the rural cooperatives are (in China )?
Just google it if you dont
Then come back and read the news again
And if you still dont understand , do let me know plz

I have.

You posted a link

and I wanted you do a high level financial eval.

Copy n paste is lazy man's job

Actually Marx thought that ideal place for communism is US, but the comunism instead flourished in Russia, China.

but the comunism instead DIED in Russia, China.


Please move to 2014 please

For how long we must live in 1950s in order to appreciate the "flourishment" of commies.

Thank you
Have you read chapters 2,3,33 of the book?

I thought you wanted to discuss that.

I am ready to discuss "Marxism" with you if you are willing !!
That was in reply to your question that what does that news has got to do with Mao`s reforms !!
I am ready to discuss "Marxism" with you if you are willing !!
That was in reply to your question that what does that news has got to do with Mao`s reforms !!

Yaar if Marxism is so deeply entrenched that it becomes almost part of the religion, then how could we have a discussion?

I respect you too much to try to change your belief system
Yaar if Marxism is so deeply entrenched that it becomes almost part of the religion, then how could we have a discussion?

I respect you too much to try to change your belief system

Marxism is just a ideology , like others . It has its plus points , it has its negative points
But still Socialism is far better than Capitalism
That should be the discussion !!
Marxism is just a ideology , like others . It has its plus points , it has its negative points
But still Socialism is far better than Capitalism
That should be the discussion !!

Socialims needs lots of funds

You either get them from under ground

or loot other people.

There is no other way to have socialist junnat for a large country like Pakistan.

Just to give you an example

For a socialist system like Norway

We'll need almost 8000 billion dollars per year budget. Currently we are at 30+ billion so for a socialist system like Norway to work we need to increase our yearly earning by almost 300 times

Let me know if you need my help to figure out the numbers.

Off course Norway system is one of the top line system. So I have given the budget numbers for that

You are free to reduce socialism to a level that Pakistan can afford in foreseeable future
Socialims needs lots of funds

You either get them from under ground

or loot other people.

There is no other way to have socialist junnat for a large country like Pakistan.

Just to give you an example

For a socialist system like Norway

We'll need almost 8000 billion dollars per year budget. Currently we are at 30+ billion so for a socialist system to work we need to increase our yearly earning by almost 300 times

Let me know if you need my help to figure out the numbers.

If you think that socialism means to loot the wealth of those who work hard and give it to those who dont do anything , then you are actually thinking of Capitalism !! ;) Let me know if you need my help to figure this out .....

About numbers , are you sure you want to discuss them ??
I thought you knew that Numbers are the basis of socialism!!
Top 0.7 % of world population owns 50 % of global wealth
The lower half (50 %) of global population owns less than 1 % of global wealth
You want to discuss numbers ???:)
Yeah they quit listening to marxist economists


look how are they prospering.

China especially suffered gravely as long as they followed marxism.

They day they put marx in toilet, they started the path of becoming rich and prosperous.

Please don't take it personally if you see marx being put in toilet. He was not god. You know that. Right?

p.s. Aaap ub bhi naraz lugtay hain

The stuff you talk about is being done mostly by military and a handful of industrialists.

Our educated elite, our media etc. are all against the stuff you listed.

Hope you understand it better .

why are they against it? is it due to marxism, Islamism or plain ignorance?. I would go with a mix of the last two.
If you think that socialism means to loot the wealth of those who work hard and give it to those who dont do anything , then you are actually thinking of Capitalism !! ;) Let me know if you need my help to figure this out .....

About numbers , are you sure you want to discuss them ??
I thought you knew that Numbers are the basis of socialism!!
Top 0.7 % of world population owns 50 % of global wealth
The lower half (50 %) of global population owns less than 1 % of global wealth
You want to discuss numbers ???:)

Yes please do come up with the dollars/year needed to establish Pakistan as a fully marxist /socialist/Islamist state.

Thank you
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