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Pakistani kid suffers rape in a madrasa

Catholic church had the same problem. I will say this again, obsession of faith or anything for that matter is a sign of mental illness. Call it autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychopathy, its a mental illness. That's why all the zealots are unhinged. To protect society they must not be given relevance or importance.
Normal in Madressas
Pakistanis wont act in general because the Mullah is the prophet to them and they don’t want to change it otherwise
What could be an alternative system of madrasas for the preaching of Islam in society?

This madrasa system is one of the worst educational system in the world.
What could be an alternative system of madrasas for the preaching of Islam in society?

This madrasa system is one of the worst educational system in the world.
Maybe teach Islam as one of the subjects in a regular educational institute? Religion is a part of life. It is not life. Why does anyone need to spend an entire life in a madrasa?
What could be an alternative system of madrasas for the preaching of Islam in society?

This madrasa system is one of the worst educational system in the world.
An Islamic class as part of the educational curriculum at schools

But ideally I think it's more to do with the quality of the teachers, we need more stringent requirements to meet for such positions.
I cry for the children...God save us all from the devil inside of us.:cry:
Apply Shariah punishment. Stone him to death. He has no right to live. He should be punished for rape, abuse, blasphemy and being gay.
If Pakistan takes strict action and publicly punishes these people according to Shariah, it will serve as a deterrent to deter other like him.
Apply Shariah punishment. Stone him to death. He has no right to live. He should be punished for rape, abuse, blasphemy and being gay.
If Pakistan takes strict action and publicly punishes these people according to Shariah, it will serve as a deterrent to deter other like him.
Yes Pakistan should apply full Sharia law immediately, a country with 99% muslims and still doesn't want to implement Sharia, shameful indeed.
You said 'being gay' is punishable... So do you agree that gays should be thrown from tall building to death? Just like how ISIS did it.!?
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