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Pakistani Hindus demand religious freedom

I don't know why I'm replying to an obvious troll comment, but here goes. The white in the Pakistani flag represents the minorities, which will always exist, and are a part of Pakistan as a whole. If they wish to migrate, then it is their decision, but for those that want to stay, Pakistan must protect them. Forcing them to convert is only going make matters worse, besides, why would they even want to convert when they're happy with who they are?

Second, development has a lot to do with minority rights (religious tolerance is only a part of that), Saudi Arabia is a bad example to post, as it is still a developing nation, not a developed nation.

If you want to troll, at least put some effort into it.

It isn't an attempt to troll, but to think the way a typical Pakistani should/would feel. He's been told all along that the Nation was created for him, only to see the enemy aka Hindus roam about in his country demanding equal rights and protection. How is forcing them to convert going to make matters worse? Isn't it better if all citizens are Muslim?

Saudi Arabia might be a bad example, but it's the state that Pakistan looks up to as the second Fortress of the Faith. And if SA can initiate laws that seem against religious minorities and still prosper with high per capita GDP, why not Pakistan?

(*again, from a Pakistani perspective)
In Islamic democracy it is essential to give equal rights and jurisdiction to the non-muslims. The reason of discrimination is their Hindu origin, as , Muslims residing in India face the similar discrimination in almost all sectors.
However, Government should introduce properly framed laws of every aspect for the Hindus.
Well justified Sir :enjoy:

It's almost like requesting the Government for repairing a church(forget building one) in Saudi Arabia!

Their country their rules. If the minorities in Pakistan believe that they can have all their rights, they are mistaken. Period. Technically they are dhimmis and there are certain limits that are constitutionally imposed upon them. I ain't criticizing Pakistan, just stating what every Pakistani knows as the Truth.
post of the thread :tup:
i have a better one, extremist should go back to india there is no place for them in pakistan (aka indian style, i learn alot from indians on this forum:-) )
Hindus should arm themselves and start blowing themselves up in markets full of women and children. I'm sure a politician will come along and start sticking up for you and telling the world how oppress you are. That's the only way this joke of a nation takes you seriously.
i have a better one, extremist should go back to india there is no place for them in pakistan (aka indian style, i learn alot from indians on this forum:-) )
mazaa nahi aya yaar.
previous one was better :agree:
Karachi fried chicken ? o_Oo_Oo_O
kaffir hai tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I don't know why I'm replying to an obvious troll comment, but here goes. The white in the Pakistani flag represents the minorities, which will always exist, and are a part of Pakistan as a whole. If they wish to migrate, then it is their decision, but for those that want to stay, Pakistan must protect them. Forcing them to convert is only going make matters worse, besides, why would they even want to convert when they're happy with who they are?

Second, development has a lot to do with minority rights (religious tolerance is only a part of that), Saudi Arabia is a bad example to post, as it is still a developing nation, not a developed nation.

If you want to troll, at least put some effort into it.

Its a fact that Pakistan wasn't made for Hindus, how much you repeat the same thing 11 August 1947 Speech. If anyone read history of Pakistan entire Pakistan of the creation of Pakistan was anti-Hindu, almost every Pakistani say the same thing, "Pakistanis don't wanted to live with having Hindus around."
kaffir hai tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Our Kashmiri bhai is in there - twice :enjoy: He sits around the Kashmir University and stares at girls. But does not misbehave :P Decent chap, might get a chance in the movies. :D

He wants to marry a Hindu girl, after converting her. :omghaha: Funny guy :tup:
kaffir hai tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

It isn't an attempt to troll, but to think the way a typical Pakistani should/would feel. He's been told all along that the Nation was created for him, only to see the enemy aka Hindus roam about in his country demanding equal rights and protection. How is forcing them to convert going to make matters worse? Isn't it better if all citizens are Muslim?

Saudi Arabia might be a bad example, but it's the state that Pakistan looks up to as the second Fortress of the Faith. And if SA can initiate laws that seem against religious minorities and still prosper with high per capita GDP, why not Pakistan?

(*again, from a Pakistani perspective)

Are you a Pakistani? How can you write from my perspective? Been smoking too much sheesha recently, have we?
I support their demand for religious freedom.

i am happy that they have started raising voice
Please elaborate ?
Muslims masquerade as Hindus for India jobs - Features - Al Jazeera English
Anti-Muslim violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Tale Of ‘Two Cities’: Hindu-Muslim Divide Deepening In Ahmedabad, India
Persistent exclusion of Muslims in India | Analysis | Human rights
You are welcome for more.....

It isn't an attempt to troll, but to think the way a typical Pakistani should/would feel. He's been told all along that the Nation was created for him, only to see the enemy aka Hindus roam about in his country demanding equal rights and protection. How is forcing them to convert going to make matters worse? Isn't it better if all citizens are Muslim?

Saudi Arabia might be a bad example, but it's the state that Pakistan looks up to as the second Fortress of the Faith. And if SA can initiate laws that seem against religious minorities and still prosper with high per capita GDP, why not Pakistan?

(*again, from a Pakistani perspective)
BULLSHIT.....thats all I can say
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