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Pakistani Hindus demand religious freedom

And they should receive these rights. It is a complete shame that Pakistan isn't doing more to help it's minorities, when they're the ones being primarily targeted by militants. As far as I'm concerned, Pakistan can never be a developed nation if such issues aren't addressed right away.

Ah, you took words out of my mouth! No bad can come out of protecting your own minorities. Western countries are truly a shining model of this; if not then one has to look no further than the Quran and Sunnah for proof of this.

It's a shame the Islamic Republic is not living out its name where it really matters; rather some misguided, intolerant religious zealots have hijacked this country for their personal gain!
Is it true that nothing is taught on Hinduism in Pakistan school.
And they should receive these rights. It is a complete shame that Pakistan isn't doing more to help it's minorities, when they're the ones being primarily targeted by militants. As far as I'm concerned, Pakistan can never be a developed nation if such issues aren't addressed right away.

Come on mate! Firstly, hindus in Pakistan hardly constitute 2.5% of the total population. Why should they have equal rights in an Islamic Republic? Let those minorities immigrate or convert into Islam instead of browbeating about rights in a country that wasn't created for them in the first place.:rolleyes:

And secondly, development has nothing to do with religious tolerance. Case in point: Saudi Arabia.
Muslims residing in India face the similar discrimination in almost all sectors.
LOL as per what i know even Hindus in India don't get as much as freedom and support as Muslims get in India. Muslims in India get 4% reservation in education and 27% reservation in Govt. jobs whereas most of Hindus sections get 0%. And you are talking about freedom? Dude please keep India out of it. That's just impossible for Pakistan to provide as much as freedom to Hindus which Muslims get in India.
In Islamic democracy it is essential to give equal rights and jurisdiction to the non-muslims. The reason of discrimination is their Hindu origin, as , Muslims residing in India face the similar discrimination in almost all sectors.
However, Government should introduce properly framed laws of every aspect for the Hindus.

No man. That's like saying if Christians in Saudi are persecuted Muslims in Italy should be as well. Makes no sense. First of all, if what you claim is true, then Pakistan should be even more vigilant about protecting it's minorities rights. After all, we are not India, are we? Besides, the main mistake here is thinking of these Hindus are 'Indian'; because they clearly aren't.
Come on mate! Firstly, hindus in Pakistan hardly constitute 2.5% of the total population. Why should they have equal rights in an Islamic Republic? Let those minorities immigrate or convert into Islam instead of browbeating about rights in a country that wasn't created for them in the first place.:rolleyes:

And secondly, development has nothing to do with religious tolerance. Case in point: Saudi Arabia.
I don't know why I'm replying to an obvious troll comment, but here goes. The white in the Pakistani flag represents the minorities, which will always exist, and are a part of Pakistan as a whole. If they wish to migrate, then it is their decision, but for those that want to stay, Pakistan must protect them. Forcing them to convert is only going make matters worse, besides, why would they even want to convert when they're happy with who they are?

Second, development has a lot to do with minority rights (religious tolerance is only a part of that), Saudi Arabia is a bad example to post, as it is still a developing nation, not a developed nation.

If you want to troll, at least put some effort into it.
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