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Pakistani Hindus demand religious freedom

I am worried that might backfire for them. :coffee:

NOT a bad deal even then.

I personally believe and its for all minorities around the world Hindu-Muslim, etc etc etc

Zulm phir Zulm ha barhta ha to mit jata ha

Khoon phir khoon ha behta ha to jum jata ha.
The 11th August Speech or the white in your flag is too insignificant because they are are against the Two Nation Theory. thus forget Hindus getting treated as equal but will they even be considered as the part of Pakistan.
They're insignificant to you, but not to Pakistanis. Don't presume to speak on our behalf.

I towed the fundamentalist line because they're the ones who have shown the intent and means to rid the nation of it's minorities. The Government hasn't fostered this thought process, neither has it done enough to counter this.

The international community hasn't done anything so far. If done slowly enough( the current pace is apt), it can easily slip under the radar of the international community or UN. And 3% rebelling and waging civil war? numerical superiority will end it rather swiftly in that case.

Fully agree with your stance and the bolded parts though. IMO, Pakistan's Government has been a major failure in this regard. But from where can they derive credibility for their affirmative action towards the minorities though? The circumstances of Pakistan's creation and the wording in it's constitution amply clarify that the minorities aren't exactly included in the National consciousness. Regarding such a scenario in India, the constitution does not proclaim India as a Hindu Republic. Hence, a large part of the legitimacy that Governments derive for protecting minorities come from this one single, simple word in our Constitution.

Can a Pakistani Government become strong enough to take on fundamentalist ideology in the near future? The fate of minorities is firmly tied with this development.

Pakistan's constitution guarantees freedom to minorities, the only problems are that colonial laws are still in effect which need to be repeal and replaced. Again, I don't think you know enough about Pakistan to make such a judgement. It's also not as simple as numerical superiority being the best way to beat an insurgency. Insurgencies rely on smaller numbers, because it makes the more maneuverable, it also allows them to fight asymmetrically, that's something a conventional army finds hard to deal with. The US had to retrain their soldiers to deal with guerrilla tactics, and raise more specfor units to combat insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, is the current government strong enough? Yes, it is. We can already see efforts to raise minorities politically in Pakistan. More effort has been made to give minorities a bigger voice, including reserving more seats in the national assembly.
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They're insignificant to you, but not to Pakistanis. Don't presume to speak on our behalf.

A. Hindus and Muslims are two nations who can't live together. Pakistan was created so that Muslims don't have to live with these Hindus.

B. Pakistani flag has white band for minorities and there is 11 August Speech of Jinnah.

Now choose A(Pakistan was to be a Muslim exclusive homeland based on two nation theory) or choose B(pakistan was to be a secular state) and because of contradiction of A and B Pakistanis remained in confusion kept on guessing. :lol:
A. Hindus and Muslims are two nations who can't live together. Pakistan was created so that Muslims don't have to live with these Hindus.

B. Pakistani flag has white band for minorities and there is 11 August Speech of Jinnah.

Now choose A(Pakistan was to be a Muslim exclusive homeland based on two nation theory) or choose B(pakistan was to be a secular state) and because of contradiction of A and B Pakistanis remained in confusion kept on guessing. :lol:

How about:

C. Pakistan remains an Islamic state; where minorities are treated with respect. It's a non-issue; because there's no contradiction between the two.

Everyone all of sudden forgets that currently Pakistan is in a state of near-civil war; not even the so called majority are not safe. Mosques and bazaars filled with Muslims get blown up every other day but no one care's to mention that.
Psycho's and intolerant, extremists exist in every community and country; if India was going through what Pakistan is (and believe me, you're no where close to that), then we'd see mosques, churches and gurdwaras getting blown up all the time since there'd be no trustworthy authority to stop what's going on and the average man would be too scared to speak up.
How about:

C. Pakistan remains an Islamic state; where minorities are treated with respect. It's a non-issue; because there's no contradiction between the two.

Everyone all of sudden forgets that currently Pakistan is in a state of near-civil war; not even the so called majority are not safe. Mosques and bazaars filled with Muslims get blown up every other day but no one care's to mention that.
Psycho's and intolerant, extremists exist in every community and country; if India was going through what Pakistan is (and believe me, you're no where close to that), then we'd see mosques, churches and gurdwaras getting blown up all the time since there'd be no trustworthy authority to stop what's going on and the average man would be too scared to speak up.

C still contradicts Hindus and Muslim are two nations. BTW here is a question, do you think all human beings are born equal.
Lahore: The minority Hindu community in Pakistan has asked the government to ensure religious freedom, protection of lives and properties and grant them their fundamental rights.

A 50-member delegation made the demands while celebrating "Holi" organised by the South Asia Partnership-Pakistan here yesterday.

"Among the major problems we are facing despite being the citizens of Pakistan since birth are the registration of marriages because no family laws are available for us," said Kanwal Kishor, a delegate member from Punjab province.

"Our elders struggled for establishing Pakistan, but we are not even regarded as third grade citizens. We are discriminated in every field, including education," she said.

Kishor said nothing about the Hindu community and their religion have been included in school syllabus despite the fact that Hindus are the largest religious minority in Pakistan. "Our children also get education from schools but nothing about inter-faith harmony is taught to all children."

She said there were eight reserved seats for minorities in Punjab Assembly and out of them only one seat is reserved for Hindus despite the fact that Hindus are the major religious minority group in Punjab, a province of 90-million. Another delegate Pandit Channa Lal from Rawalpindi said in case any Hindu child up to the age of 12 years dies, he or she is buried but unfortunately there is no graveyard.

He demanded that the burial place should be allocated to them besides residential plots and houses.

"There is no respect for our places of worship and it can be gauged from this reality that a temple in Saidpur Village (Islamabad) is changed into a hotel by authorities," he said. Other delegates complained about some government departments seizing their religious places and agricultural lands.

They cited an example of a temple in Rahim Yar Khan, some 400 km from Lahore, that was allotted to someone through fake auction. They said they are afraid of worshipping and even celebrating Holi publicly, particularly after a recent incident at Larkana district in Sindh province.

On March 15, a frenzied mob had set on fire a temple and a 'Dharamshala' in Larkana over alleged desecration of a holy book.

Hindus are the largest minority in Pakistan but make up only about two per cent of the country's 180 million population.

utter nonsense! some one should tell the fool to shut his mouth.
C still contradicts Hindus and Muslim are two nations. BTW here is a question, do you think all human beings are born equal.

Of course; want me to give you another answer? All humans are born as Muslims.

Hindus and Muslim are indeed two different nations; just like the foreigners living in European countries are technically a different 'nation (s)' than the natives of those countries; until they start adapting. I said that Pakistan is a country for Muslims, where non-Muslims should be welcome and respected. Hardly anything contradictory here.
In Islamic democracy it is essential to give equal rights and jurisdiction to the non-muslims. The reason of discrimination is their Hindu origin, as , Muslims residing in India face the similar discrimination in almost all sectors.
However, Government should introduce properly framed laws of every aspect for the Hindus.

Wow such Intelligence at such tender age
According to you Pakistanis should be punished because Indians are Punishing Indians
& where is a Hindu President if PK
Where is Hindu Chairman of a intelligence agency
Muslims in india are enjoying far better lives than Pakistanis
& we are not killing our Shias like you
Thats just announcements and most of the projects are on paper only, and are doomed to stay that way for all eternity, you are a smart guy, so you must understand it, I agree that the government is not generally biased towards any group but its the masses that make the difference, hell its not like we have government sanctioned groups to desecrate temples or target minorities, its hooligans on both sides of the border that stir shit up and disturb the entire populace.....
A. Hindus and Muslims are two nations who can't live together. Pakistan was created so that Muslims don't have to live with these Hindus.

B. Pakistani flag has white band for minorities and there is 11 August Speech of Jinnah.

Now choose A(Pakistan was to be a Muslim exclusive homeland based on two nation theory) or choose B(pakistan was to be a secular state) and because of contradiction of A and B Pakistanis remained in confusion kept on guessing. :lol:
This is a false choice, use proper logic.

You can have a primarily Muslim nation, with an Islamic ideology, but still allow minorities to live in peace, there is no contradiction besides the one that you're trying to create.
This is a false choice, use proper logic.

You can have a primarily Muslim nation, with an Islamic ideology, but still allow minorities to live in peace, there is no contradiction besides the one that you're trying to create.

Yes, its possible only in case you don't tell your kids that Hindu and Muslims are two different nations how their nation was created on the same principle.
Yes, its possible only in case you don't tell your kids that Hindu and Muslims are two different nations how their nation was created on the same principle.
Hindu and Muslims are different nations? What?

Look, I don't like repeating myself, so I'll just say this final thing; You're making an issue where there is no issue, Pakistan was built on the principles of which I have already listed in my previous comments. Nothing you will say can change that fact, no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

If you want to stick to your ignorant belief that Pakistan is the great evil of the world, then be my guest. Meanwhile, all us rational people will be else where thinking about other important issues that exist, like giving minorities a bigger voice.
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