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Pakistani gunship helicopters attack Dandam district in Kunar

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Afghanistan is an 'occupied land' and doesn't have sovereignty!

TTP's mercenaries we are killing are the common enemies of us and Americans, so they are happy to turn a nelson's eye.

Afghanistan can cry as much it wants, untill its willing to play an Indian proxy against us when it actually should be feeding its people, we are going to keep pounding.

At this moment its Cobras, tomorrow we'll send F-16Ds and if that doesn't cut it, we'll flatten Northern Alliance's strong holds with conventional ballistic missiles.

It's fascinating that Pakistanis either overestimate India's capapbility or belittle it at other times.

India doesn't have a coherent foreign policy it doesn't have a long terms geo-political vision even. After NATO leaves, what happens to Afghanistan? It goes back into civil war mode with Taliban controlling swathes of countryside.

Indians are very insular in nature. Becuase unlike Pakistan that can claim the realms of Islam, at least quite a few of them as allies or at least a form of theological bond, India has no choice to go at it alone.

It's relationship with other countries are always mercenary and temporal.

But, I veer off topic and it would be a shame if this topic got trolled.
Afghanistan is an 'occupied land' and doesn't have sovereignty!

TTP's mercenaries we are killing are the common enemies of us and Americans, so they are happy to turn a nelson's eye.

Afghanistan can cry as much it wants, untill its willing to play an Indian proxy against us when it actually should be feeding its people, we are going to keep pounding.

At this moment its Cobras, tomorrow we'll send F-16Ds and if that doesn't cut it, we'll flatten Northern Alliance's strong holds with conventional ballistic missiles.

First of all, Afghanistan is not an "occupied" land. It is a sovereign country governed by a democratically elected govt, one that is going through a peaceful transition at the moment something very rare in your country.

For the rest of your post, your bravado will be limited to the next call you get from Washington DC. Also you were one of those who used to "cry" about sovereignty when American drones were pounding terrorists in your backyard or the seal team raided a house next to your military academy to take out OBL. You must have changed your mind about that now as I am sure you are not a hypocrite.
PA should target the mother Bitch - Karzai, pups will die themselves.

These Afghan backed animals tried to attack a Pakistani post but were found out and sent to hell, now their backers licking their wounds are trying to divert from the real story, even if they were attacked inside Afghanistan, all the better as it sends out a clear message to culprits, we will hit them even inside their Rat hole.

Bajaur clash kills one soldier, 14 militants - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Raheel shareef , it seems he didnt get promoted due to merit but his brother's name. Look at him, now gunship chasing taliban inside kunar, like a mad raging bull.

Perhaps spending more than 9 years sitting at the side and watching Kiyani do absolutely nothing about finishing off TTP. Raheel has clearly been plotting before he was appointed COAS.
in true classic sense yes it is
as far as the drone strikes were concerned , most were on request or consent of Pakistanis and the "sovereignty protests" were for domestic consumption, I said most because some of them were specifically targeting open air ordinary tirbal gatherings, funerals and weddings not just in Pakistan but Afghanistan as well which resulted in loss of innocent lives.

I think if I am not mistaken you were in favor of drone strikes, so there is no duplicity in your stand. But I don't believe that drones were killing tribals just for the fun of it.

Americans have set a precedent as you can see and thats what Indians wanted to follow as well if you recall those hot pursuit speeches by former Indian government right after Abbotabad raid which saw a sudden end when we forced down an Indian helicopter in the northern areas.

India doesn't possess such capability, both militarily and diplomatically to pull that off, but yes, the Americans as well as Pakistanis now have set precedence.
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Afghanistan is an 'occupied land' and doesn't have sovereignty!

TTP's mercenaries we are killing are the common enemies of us and Americans, so they are happy to turn a nelson's eye.

Afghanistan can cry as much it wants, untill its willing to play an Indian proxy against us when it actually should be feeding its people, we are going to keep pounding.

At this moment its Cobras, tomorrow we'll send F-16Ds and if that doesn't cut it, we'll flatten Northern Alliance's strong holds with conventional ballistic missiles.
We don't have a 'theka' for regional or international security. We have limited resources which we will project to serve 'our' interests. Thats what states do.

@Pak-one l What stops ANA from mounting a joint op with us to eradicate TTP from Afghanistan which will build goodwill to be used to eliminate anti Afghanistan establishment in Pakistan later?

Despite our repeated requests NDS is carrying water on Hindustan's behalf. If they are not cooperating, its their choice and a wrong one at that. We cannot allow TTP to run into Kunar, Nooristan based Hindustan funded rabbit holes, facilitated by NDS. They have to be pounded, just like they have to be pounded in Pakistan.
What if ANA instead insists on joint operation in NW and other pakistani terretories?
I would like to quote spider man "with power comes the great responsibility". Pakistan army, under leadership of raheel, acted like a bull raging after a red flag.
But then, we have come to know hypocrisy as the second attribute of Pakistani's.
works both ways..
and lately its the Afghan drug lords that have been found out repeatedly by the Americans themselves when they caught them harboring Latif Mehsood who has the messenger of TTP former leader.

we didnt protest Indians about violating any sovereignty .. we forced your helicopter down when you tried copy cat the Americans. the best you achieved was sneaked in with few minutes of high speed jet passes and mostly your jets were intercepted and escorted out @Windjammer can refresh your memory if you want.

there is a difference between us and the Afghan regime, they celebrate and boast that they allow TTP in Kunar and Nooristan and boast that has been busted twice by their Masters, in our case we dont claim that we are willing hosts of Afghan Taliban and we dont taunt Afghan regime over that.

if it was just the racist and xenophobe Northern alliance of thugs, druggies and warlords then we would have let that pass but now we have more motivation to screw them because of Indian presence.

we have recently hit the proxies really hard , the Taliban chatter has proven that and their recent division as well where mehsoods are now blaming the Kunar guests of taking foreign support.
agreed ...he don't deserve to be COAS..

Lol what?? He is doing an excellent job as COAS. Why he doesn't deserve to be COAS?

What if ANA instead insists on joint operation in NW and other pakistani terretories?
I would like to quote spider man "with power comes the great responsibility". Pakistan army, under leadership of raheel, acted like a bull raging after a red flag.

Well then they can act their on own, if they have issues with Pakistan conducting operations on their soil. But they would have to take action. They have no other choice.
These kind of strikes should be continued.because they are exporting terrorism in Pakistan ..
the taliban chatter is confirming their losses that has suddenly magnified recently and they are appealing for help.

I'm eagerly expecting our armed drones to go operational any day now. Then the war will be ours for the taking. No more assaults on our posts, no more free movement of terrorists, no more gatherings and no more storage areas.
Enough with Afghan shenanigans.

They dont take action on terrorists crossing the border despite warnings. When we do act, which is not often, they cry fowl.
Gunship shelling is first step which have to be followed up with air strikes
Kunar and Nuristan , hiding places of mullah fazlullah have to be carpet bombed
I'm eagerly expecting our armed drones to go operational any day now. Then the war will be ours for the taking. No more assaults on our posts, no more free movement of terrorists, no more gatherings and no more storage areas.
according to Russian news sources, we are already doing that but its not officially acknowledged if we are using armed drones or not. you have seen enough real and photoshopped images of armed drones to know that UCAV is already on cards.
a simplified armed drone is all that needed which doesnt need to be as complicated as the Predator drones.

if the main chassis of the drone can support but the weapons and the targeting & fire control system (miniaturized and light) then it will do the trick. missing that, a real time visual and a launch tube will do for a starter where the operator will have to put the cross hairs on the target and shoot the rocket .
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