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Pakistani gunship helicopters attack Dandam district in Kunar

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according to Russian news sources, we are already doing that but its not officially acknowledged if we are using armed drones or not. you have seen enough real and photoshopped images of armed drones to know that UCAV is already on cards.
a simplified armed drone is all that needed which doesnt need to be as complicated as the Predator drones.

if the main chassis of the drone can support but the weapons and the targeting & fire control system (miniaturized and light) then it will do the trick. missing that, a real time visual and a launch tube will do for a starter where the operator will have to put the cross hairs on the target and shoot the rocket .

Absolutely, a basic platform will suffice for now. It's natural as with any technological progression we will build upon it and have something that works as well as the Predator.

The official confirmation of armed drone use should also be backed up by video footage. It's time to put the fear of God into thes savages.
What if ANA instead insists on joint operation in NW and other pakistani terretories?
I would like to quote spider man "with power comes the great responsibility". Pakistan army, under leadership of raheel, acted like a bull raging after a red flag.

Does ANA have the capability to rid its nation of insurgents? - No
Does Pakistan has the capability to rid its nation of insurgents - Yes

IMO - Both nations ought to work and operate together on both sides of the D-Line. That is the only solution. ANA doesn't trust Pakistan because its just a uniformed N.Alliance outfit!
We need $16 billion dollars so we can build a cement wall across Afgan-Pak border.
Does ANA have the capability to rid its nation of insurgents? - No
Does Pakistan has the capability to rid its nation of insurgents - Yes

IMO - Both nations ought to work and operate together on both sides of the D-Line. That is the only solution. ANA doesn't trust Pakistan because its just a uniformed N.Alliance outfit!
done it in Sawat and done it many times in Mehmand and South Waziristan. the only issue with total eradication was that the TTP found sanctuaries in Kunar and Nooristan
Those sanctuaries were provided by Afghan taliban
yet the Americans snatched Latif Mehsood from Afghan Khad agency

didnt know if khad was working for Afghan Taliban
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Why are Indian members jumping up and down?
yet the Americans snatched Latif Mehsood from Afghan Khad agency

didnt know if khad was working for Afghan Taliban
Yea from kunar and nuristan, you can make contacts with kabul government. kunar and nuristan , are in control of by Afghan taliban, the prsence of afghan governament is nominal . Afghan Taliban didnt acquire those areas so easily,. They had to continuously fight with American forces for it. It is only the pakistani mind that thinks TTP are rulers of kunar and nuristan, they are guests there , of Afghan taliban.
U.S. retreat from Afghan valley marks recognition of blunder

Afghan Taliban know that their TTP guests have made contacts with Kabul and TTP knows that Quetta shura and miranshah shura has contacts with GHQ , pindi........both understand each other "majborian"
done it in Sawat and done it many times in Mehmand and South Waziristan. the only issue with total eradication was that the TTP found sanctuaries in Kunar and Nooristan

There is even a bigger problem than the sanctuaries, and that is Pakistanis themselves. There are still some Pakistanis who think that TTP are 'Soldiers of Allah' and fighting in the name of Islam. There are political parties whom are hell bent on carrying out 'Muzakrat' with the TTP despite them butchering 50 000 Pakistanis. For peace to be achieved, every inch of Pakistan has to be eliminated of TTP and that can only be done when NW is liberated from these animals.
Send some JDAMs over there.

For now Hellfires are enough, JDAMs are expensive it is for the use on their friendly Neighborh to the East whom did not help them in 79-2003.
Those sanctuaries were provided by Afghan taliban
Kunar and nuristan are areas of appr 99% pakthun population and mostly controlled by afghan taliban.Most pakistanis intentionally ignore this fact because they want to live in a world where afghan taliban are good guys and TTP is allied to and protected by karzai govt.Any link of contact between afghan govt and TTP is exaggerated while blatantly obvious cooperation between afghan taliban and TTP is ignored.
Why are Indian members jumping up and down?

Because in a way we are pounding them :D Because they fund these outfits and when we send these ***** to Hell, Indians see their investment going in drain :d quite obvious though. Plus their dream to influence Afghanistan also starts shattering with news like this :D
There is even a bigger problem than the sanctuaries, and that is Pakistanis themselves. There are still some Pakistanis who think that TTP are 'Soldiers of Allah' and fighting in the name of Islam. There are political parties whom are hell bent on carrying out 'Muzakrat' with the TTP despite them butchering 50 000 Pakistanis. For peace to be achieved, every inch of Pakistan has to be eliminated of TTP and that can only be done when NW is liberated from these animals.
which is true but that doesnt give any foreign nation or foreign proxy the right to use as a justification to cause chaos in our country.
yes their black ops dont ask for UN resolutions or moral codes but then those nations should be prepared that their interests will be hurt in the same spirit.

until someone convince me that a diplomatic/ cultural center set up next to the Pakistani border in the wilderness where there is no major road, no major native Afghan settlement, no cultural, social or historical site ... is meant to educate the nomadic Afghan families of few hundred who normally get mowed down through NATO air strikes while picking up fire wood or bringing water from 15 to 20 miles.. I see all these places as justifiable targets by our forces and our allies who dont approve their presence there.
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