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Pakistani fans are moral policing Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic on Instagram

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So what?
Will they blow themselves up in shock if they learn that it is secular? If not, then it is irrelevant what they think as it has zero bearing on Pakistan's future.

China is commie yet it is our friend and our people know it. Our Sunnis also have mostly positive views about Iran despite it being a Shia theocracy. Same goes for Turkey. Being a friend of another nation doesn't mean you've to import its system.

And what has one TV show and a few twitter comments(similar comments can be seen on Pakistani actresses as well) got to do with the future of Pakistan? Nothing whatsoever... despite butt-hurt of self proclaimed Pakistani liberals who watch GOT, house of cards and movies like Titanic then talk in english language about preserving Pak culture from "Turkish aggression".

You want to build people to people relations. Not kill them. We can't relate with Chinese at all, and most people don't want to.

Relations with Turkey are less grounded in strategic relations and more in religion and history.
We are where Turkey was in 1880s. Our Ataturk will come. In generation or two. The differance between Turkey and Pakistan was/is they were on cusp of Europe and got exposed to modern ideas century before we did/. So we are about 100 years behind Turks. But like virus ideas spread. Turkishness will now make inroads into Pakistan by priming a generation of Pakistani's/ Over time they will follow the path of the Turks.

After all if the successors of the mighty Osmanli that conquered the world and brought Islam to the gates to Vienna can evolve to what they are today ~ modern Turks. Why can't successors of slaves of Sikh rule and British slavery not also rise up and evolve to higher order peoples?


So the discussion has devolved to rounded bums and prounounced cleavage!

We were quite ahead in 60s and 70s. Then 80s and Zia happened and we went back 50 years. The stories I hear from my father of the Karachi of the 60s and early 70s are so cool. It was no less than Beirut or Cairo, with drive in cinemas and jazz nights in hotels.
We were quite ahead in 60s and 70s. Then 80s and Zia happened and we went back 50 years. The stories I hear from my father of the Karachi of the 60s and early 70s are so cool. It was no less than Beirut or Cairo, with drive in cinemas and jazz nights in hotels.
Khair hai bhai. Behayai to hue door.
Behayai just went underground lol. Fake moral superiority ka libaada orh liya society ne aur kuch nahi.
Theek hai but saamne to nahi hai. Aurat March ke baad to lagta hai ke agar Zia na ata to we would be seeing Naked Lesbians making out in streets
buhut he koi chaay qoum hai! zaleel karwanay ka thaika lia hai!
First of all what the hell were they even Doing on Her Instagram To begin with. All they need to do is shut up and Avoid Going on Instagram Accounts of Foreign Models/actresses and Keep this trolling Crusade to your Domestic Feminists Brigade.

Actually Most Pakistanis have no Idea about Turkey all they know about it is a weird Caliphate Fetish that Erdogans and AKPs Propaganda and their supporters here in Pakistan has built over the past 2 Decades. They would be Horrified of Turkey of 80s and 90s when Kamalist went a little too far even by their own standards. Even Some of Erdogans Female Supporters will give them shock.

All this mentality is due to Cultural Norms there is very Little Islam other than Prayers and Hajj that our people actually follow. Had they actually followed Islam these people wouldn't have gone to have a look at her account to begin with. Anyway a big chunk of this Tharki qom is just Muslim in name only and wouldn't hesitate to commit the most Deplorable acts in Islam if they get the chance.
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This comment is an example, So I think I should answer this one, this will also gonna be a general answer from a Turkish Guy.
In University, I was staying in a State Dormitory, there was an afgan in my room. We weren't friends at all, but we were fine. Once this guy wanted to speak about how ''Turkish women wears immoral-unislamic things and what a western garbage Turkey is.'' I still remember what I told him.
''You came from your damn mountain for a better life. Don't try to chance the Turkish Nation and don't try insult our women. Or the Turks you called so western will bury you to a Turkish Mountain.''
Now, I don't know about what kind of life you guys live. Truth is I don't care, but if you cross the line like some of your people did in ''Western haram social media'' this will be the answer you will get in the Real Life.
Hope I was clear enough.

Or, you could just say you drc about the Islamic dress code. That would be more mature as well as more effective at getting your point across.
Or, you could just say you drc about the Islamic dress code. That would be more mature as well as more effective at getting your point across.
For some people Islam begins and ends at a woman’s clothing. Literally that’s all they care about. They will go as far as calling women a Fitna. This is where oppression begins, this is where inequality starts, then things go downhill for a nation.
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Or, you could just say you drc about the Islamic dress code. That would be more mature as well as more effective at getting your point across.
We are a reflection a mirror that you will see yourself, my friend. We must speak accordingly how others treats us. In that case, if you or any other nations - individuals on the earth cross the line, they must get their answer. This is the realty check, maybe you didn't like it, god knows this afghan I speak didn't like it neither but he didn't ever crossed the line on my watch ever again, Turkish Women is sacred in our eyes, don't ever try to insult our sacred values, and you will see your reflection once again.
Or kindness will seen as weakness.
It will be hard on some guys to be proud of those who fought the invaders which have been made into heroes in Pakistan.

Well i belong to the people that you refer to as Invaders and i consider that as a badge of honour.
This comment is an example, So I think I should answer this one, this will also gonna be a general answer from a Turkish Guy.
In University, I was staying in a State Dormitory, there was an afgan in my room. We weren't friends at all, but we were fine. Once this guy wanted to speak about how ''Turkish women wears immoral-unislamic things and what a western garbage Turkey is.'' I still remember what I told him.
''You came from your damn mountain for a better life. Don't try to chance the Turkish Nation and don't try insult our women. Or the Turks you called so western will bury you to a Turkish Mountain.''
Now, I don't know about what kind of life you guys live. Truth is I don't care, but if you cross the line like some of your people did in ''Western haram social media'' this will be the answer you will get in the Real Life.
Hope I was clear enough.

We are a reflection a mirror that you will see yourself, my friend. We must speak accordingly how others treats us. In that case, if you or any other nations - individuals on the earth cross the line, they must get their answer. This is the realty check, maybe you didn't like it, god knows this afghan I speak didn't like it neither but he didn't ever crossed the line on my watch ever again, Turkish Women is sacred in our eyes, don't ever try to insult our sacred values, and you will see your reflection once again.
Or kindness will seen as weakness.

Drink less, and control whatever frustrations you have. Your response is uncalled for.
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Simple minded pakistaniz :P we have those too in pakistan mostly young ones 18-25 years old.
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