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Pakistani fans are moral policing Ertugrul's Esra Bilgic on Instagram

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We were quite ahead in 60s and 70s. Then 80s and Zia happened and we went back 50 years. The stories I hear from my father of the Karachi of the 60s and early 70s are so cool. It was no less than Beirut or Cairo, with drive in cinemas and jazz nights in hotels.
My friend my dad was in Karachi of late 1950s. Karachi was incrediblyu clean, well planned city with only some slums of the recently arrived mohajirs from India. Apparently the military regime of Ayub Khan launched massive housing projects to house them. However you must bear in mind that the British had just left. What you saw then was shadow of the British. In addition massive US aid/grants/loans during Ayub era propped up the Pakistani economy giving rise to a bubble that was artificial and dependant on aid. Pakistan has never recieved that level of financial support since.

Graph below demonstrates my point. Note the aid in mid 1950s through to 1960s. Read this graph with the knowledge that Pakistan's population in 1950s was four times less. So that aid per capita during that period would have been four times more then what we see during 2000s.

I am truly amazed by the reactions, and the impact :rofl:
I am sorry my Turkish friend but sadly most of Pakistan is mentally living somewhere where Turks were in 1880s. I hate to say that but that is reality. They see Islam as just dress code of a woman. As somebody pointed out a real Muslim would not look at a female in wrong way leave alone go swooning to instagram accounts. As Muslim thry would apply on themselves to be better human beings. Not act as moral police for others.

I am sorry my Turkish friend but sadly most of Pakistan is mentally living somewhere where Turks were in 1880s. I hate to say that but that is reality. They see Islam as just dress code of a woman. As somebody pointed out a real Muslim would not look at a female in wrong way leave alone go swooning to instagram accounts. As Muslim thry would apply on themselves to be better human beings. Not act as moral police for others.


Conservative Islamism has creeped into literally every fabric of the society. So much so that everybody believes going back to an idyllic medieval Hejazi Arab way of life is the only way to move forward. Science and innovation is linked to 'westernization' and seen as something evil.
Conservative Islamism has creeped into literally every fabric of the society. So much so that everybody believes going back to an idyllic medieval Hejazi Arab way of life is the only way to move forward. Science and innovation is linked to 'westernization' and seen as something evil.
SAdly that is so true. We moved from folk Islam which itself was full of contradictions like belief in superstition and aspects carried on from the pre-Islamic past. Although far from ideal this form of Islam was not overtly political and not cause of so much grief even if it did militate against scientific thought and reason.

However after 1970s Gulf oil bonanza and huge number of migrant labout to Arab countries we saw the introductiob of what you call "medieval Hejazi" form of Islam take root married to rigid interpretation and overtly political. That has led to us where we are today.Today Pakistani';s wear religion like a uniform. something to show to others. Measure others by. Piety or fake piety is everywhere. Every sentence, every action will make referance to religion. The sad part is despite this huge display of Islam Pakistani society is more corrupt, more lawless, less civic minded then it ever has been. All that Islam has failed to make a more clean , honest and moral country.
Drink less, and control whatever frustrations you have. Your response is uncalled for.
I don't drink. Did I hit a nerve? It is funny because This example I told was the my less violent solution, I went more violent for some other problems in my university years...
You live in Turkey I know, perhaps you experienced a realty check from one of my brothers, who knows...
I don't drink. Did I hit a nerve? It is funny because This example I told was the my less violent solution, I went more violent for some other problems in my university years...
You live in Turkey I know, perhaps you experienced a realty check from one of my brothers, who knows...

Keep it civil instead of passing on threats, or trying to speak down to people. We also know how to reciprocate in kind, specially to racist scumbags.

I am sorry my Turkish friend but sadly most of Pakistan is mentally living somewhere where Turks were in 1880s. I hate to say that but that is reality. They see Islam as just dress code of a woman. As somebody pointed out a real Muslim would not look at a female in wrong way leave alone go swooning to instagram accounts. As Muslim thry would apply on themselves to be better human beings. Not act as moral police for others.


Everyone here said that it's stupid, and wrong. So, apology for what? Specially to this guy.
Don't say sorry to the Turkish version of a neckbeard. The guy is a racist, nothing more.
Thread Concluded!!!
Matter has been discussed at length here, everyone has shared their views.
There are mixed opinions, there are rightists & there are leftists & then comes the extremists. Last few pages are a prime example of where we stand as a society. We could not even discuss a simple matter in a civilized manner without resorting to threats & violence.
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