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Actually it wouldn't be too wrong to let them kill each other, maybe i sound too cold.

Indeed and this is not the plan at all but history of MQM that what they are towing from the day one that will do the same again. All I want the safety of innocents though I will not mourn for loss of any of these traitors/terrorists/extortionists/criminals. Even if MQM couldn't succeed in current plans, the masters want her to claim numbers as much as MQM can for the money if they want it. One thing for sure, until & unless AH dies, no one can claim the throne of MQM but will meet the fate of like Azeem Tariq.
Indeed and this is not the plan at all but history of MQM that what they are towing from the day one that will do the same again. All I want the safety of innocents though I will not mourn for loss of any of these traitors/terrorists/extortionists/criminals. Even if MQM couldn't succeed in current plans, the masters want her to claim numbers as much as MQM can for the money if they want it. One thing for sure, until & unless AH dies, no one can claim the throne of MQM but will meet the fate of like Azeem Tariq.
Don't you think AH would want this to happen? he needs bodies to survive and make that sympathy card stronger. I was wrong in my assessment, we should stop this before any of these killings start.
One thing, there is a theory which comes to my mind which is what majority of the MQM voters would want to be true. Farooq Sattar cannot just lead a coup and takeover MQM, which he might be looking to do. So he is slowly and gradually gathering support and will eventually do what is necessary which is to get rid of AH and other stooges in London. This was also the message passed by Rangers to him. Am i correct till now?
Another theory could be, which is what i believe to be true is that: MQM and Farooq Sattar are playing it dumb and are doing damage control while MQM will still be run by AH.
@Pakistani Exile ,@Patriots , thoughts?
First one as minus AH was on top priority from start by establishment and they keep eyes on every single movement by Sattar or MQM Pakistan other wise there were suggestion also to ban MQM which Sattar and party don't want to happen, so the only way out keep distance from AH and UK.
First one as minus AH was on top priority from start by establishment and they keep eyes on every single movement by Sattar or MQM Pakistan other wise there were suggestion also to ban MQM which Sattar and party don't want to happen, so the only way out keep distance from AH and UK.
Will there be any success for Sattar and his efforts? or maybe he is just playing us-Amir Liaquat agrees.
Well some autonomous commission if we can have privatisation commission and lots of other useless commissions why not have this one?

The ones issuing Suomotu should focus more on providing justice to people.
"Committees and then more committees to overlook the performance of that committee" Our answer to almost ANY problem these days! Dont you think?
Anyway, if working properly then yes you are right with the suggestion. However there is that big fat IF to ruin everything.
Don't you think AH would want this to happen? he needs bodies to survive and make that sympathy card stronger. I was wrong in my assessment, we should stop this before any of these killings start

Exactly Bro... Exactly this is what it is designed for..... MQM is exposed badly so now this is AH's last call to do what master want and on other hand try to gain sympathy by fooling the people and so I am afraid of this. Agree with you, that before it is too late and political wing of establishment jumps in to en-cash the opportunity, one must feel the responsibility and stop before it happens. No one should be spared or exempted from justice this time. AH is very well aware of internal factions within MQM and he wants to avail the opportunity as elimination time of such groups is gone and is out of his hand so changed the strategy.

The mindset of few within establishment to not to ban the MQM is going to be disastrous for the Karachi and Pakistan again. Just check the silence and absence of many like Haider Abbasa Rizvi, babar Ghori, Sabzwari etc that are waiting to end the first stage that is No AH then will tow the same line. Farooq Sattar etc were hell bent on no AH or Minus 1 but really happened in the end, we all watched so more would be happening what they are currently saying like No AH because he is everything and no one pays a bit to Farooq Sattar or anyone else.

MQM will be under the same commander however, this drama is played to achieve their goals in Karachi as AH needs bodies which is not possible by any other way under the current situation so people will be fooled with Internal Factions things etc. while peace will be sabotaged yet again the few within establishment will be playing innocent like knew nothing.
Just check the silence and absence of many like Haider Abbasa Rizvi, babar Ghori, Sabzwari etc that are waiting to end the first stage that is No AH then will tow the same line.
Good observation. But then there are those who say nothing has changed. We are going towards a war like situation if we don't act smartly.
Will there be any success for Sattar and his efforts? or maybe he is just playing us-Amir Liaquat agrees.
Amir Liaqat is a drama queen no one take him serious, yes it's all depend on how Sattar play nicely and few things only time will tell.
We are going towards a war like situation if we don't act smartly.

Yes and one must act timely as well though lesson is well learnt from 1992-94. I am sure, it wouldn't happen because of the firm grip on such matters in Karachi by LEAs but all I expressed, could be new design of MQM that things are leading that way and most of us are ignoring it.

But then there are those who say nothing has changed.

The thing is we all know what is really happening but most on the ground living in MQM influenced area are scared for the life and cannot oppose openly and the few those who participated in chants with Bhai against Pakistan, IMO, does not count as they matter but justice must be served to them.

Nothing is changed as AH will be leading the party behind the curtains, people will be thinking about internal clash among internal groups, there will be bodies on the road from chaos to sectarian killings and unrest and these fools would be still following him blindly without any idea that where it is leading them. Salman Mujahid rightly said, nothing is changed and how even it could be the -1 that MQM has been opposing since start even played it as a victim card and now Farooq Sattar himself is doing so because it is the time to play it differently and lets the people believe that "Hey, look there is no AH" but bodies will be there.
Come on, guy was literally the only one willing to defend MQM-not AH...The rest didn't bother taking a call.

Amir Liaquat finally realized the truth.
His main concern was to make establishment and AH start talks directly and he tried it but nothing come out he was direct in contact with AH and might be wit some his contacts in Est.

@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @Hell hound
One thing, there is a theory which comes to my mind which is what majority of the MQM voters would want to be true. Farooq Sattar cannot just lead a coup and takeover MQM, which he might be looking to do. So he is slowly and gradually gathering support and will eventually do what is necessary which is to get rid of AH and other stooges in London. This was also the message passed by Rangers to him. Am i correct till now?
Another theory could be, which is what i believe to be true is that: MQM and Farooq Sattar are playing it dumb and are doing damage control while MQM will still be run by AH.
@Pakistani Exile ,@Patriots , thoughts?

I can't say for certain, all I know is that my Urdu speaking friends who supported MQM passively or aggressively in the past do not condone A.H and even MQM now. Just my opinion but I think there is a huge vacuum creating in Urban Sindh politics, it just depends on who can capitalise on it, either that or A.H die hards will probably attempt to destabilise Karachi further.
Actually one might not like to hear it but PSP has been made to pretty much save this communities image and as a whole. I think this option should really be looked at.

And this is the level of our stupidity, be apologizes and he is at it again. This time asking Israel for help, WTH.

@Musafir117 ,@Patriots , AH will still be running MQM. Mark my words, MQM cannot exist as a party without him. Farooq Sattar and the company cannot dare make the big decision, they will continue to be dictated by London Rabitta committee. Folks in London are no different than AH himself.

I hope MQM will remain intact without AH ... He will be rot in hell soon .......

One thing, there is a theory which comes to my mind which is what majority of the MQM voters would want to be true. Farooq Sattar cannot just lead a coup and takeover MQM, which he might be looking to do. So he is slowly and gradually gathering support and will eventually do what is necessary which is to get rid of AH and other stooges in London. This was also the message passed by Rangers to him. Am i correct till now?
Another theory could be, which is what i believe to be true is that: MQM and Farooq Sattar are playing it dumb and are doing damage control while MQM will still be run by AH.
@Pakistani Exile ,@Patriots , thoughts?

I have some good expectations from Farooq Sattar & team ... They could not denounce to AH at all ... They need time to brain wash many people ... And I hope in-sha-Allah they will do ... I listened to Shahzaib he said that he phoned to Farooq Sattar just before his arrest to join hi program ... But Sattar had told him that him came to press club to hold press conference ... Then he asked to him that would he defend to AH's speech ... Sattar told him that his stance is different rather than defending ... But rangers had not given him permission .......

I think he assured to DG that he would not go with AH and will get rid of AH gradually ... People can be against him if he eventually turned against AH .........
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