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Pakistani cop hacks detainee to death with ax for 'blasphemy’

Pakistan is essentially deobandiistan now. Only deobandis and their like minded wahaabis have rights in Pakistan. The funny part is that deobandis and wahaabis were vehemently anti-Pakistan movement, but now own the country. For the so called Afghan jihad, only deobandi madrassahs were funded and armed by Zia, who was a deobandi himself.

Sectarian deobandis are a growing minority in the country, and predominantly found among the pashtuns, central punjabis and saraikis.
there are not minority any more. anti shia movement has been adopted by many sunni.
people dont use to talk against shia that openly before but now they do..things are changing..
If this were the thinking of the masses, it would not matter as much, but this thinking permeating the elite and the intelligentsia, if this microcosm of Pakistani society called PDF is anything to go by, is the real worry, Sir.

Our attention spans are too less and majority of us are too dumb. All such incidents involving Shahrukh Jatois, Sialkot brothers, Hamzas, pregnant Ahamadis etc bring widespread condemnation, but then everyone gets back to routine and doesn't care anymore. None of the main culprits have ever been punished in such events. Heck, people here forget even mass murdering suicide bombings within the matter of weeks.

In USA, one 9/11 incident was enough to change the peoples' psyche. In Pakistan, the masses still hail Hakimullah Mehsud as a mujahid when most of his victims were Pakistanis.
Our attention spans are too less and majority of us are too dumb. All such incidents involving Shahrukh Jatois, Sialkot brothers, Hamzas, pregnant Ahamadis etc bring widespread condemnation, but then everyone gets back to routine and doesn't care anymore. None of the main culprits have ever been punished in such events. Heck, people here forget even mass murdering suicide bombings within the matter of weeks.

In USA, one 9/11 incident was enough to change the peoples' psyche. In Pakistan, the masses still hail Hakimullah Mehsud as a mujahid when most of his victims were Pakistanis.

That is why I am convinced why this nation is walking right off a precipice right in front of it with its eyes closed, and nobody can stop it from doing so.
there are not minority any more. anti shia movement has been adopted by many sunni.
people dont use to talk against shia that openly before but now they do..things are changing..

Anti-shia propaganda and hatred is almost non-existent in my barelvi-sunni majority homeland(Potohar). In Rawalpindi, it was the Punjabi and Pashtun migrants who were responsible for the riots last year, that's why some mullahs were banned from the Rawalpindi division lately.

PS: The locals have started disliking both these ethnic groups lately. Things might go a bit out of hand in the coming decades if these cross country mass migrations are not controlled.
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But you will see that many people would blame the victim rather than condemn the murderer, yet another sign of a whole society gone mad.
I am glad there are people like you in Pakistan. Although a minority but still encouraging.

Humanity humiliated by Christian couple’s lynching: Vatican – The Express Tribune

Here's my problem, Pakistanis in my opinion are liberal for the most part, the problem is that the extremist minority voices are so loud and so violent that even a generally liberal people are afraid to speak up fearing consequences...hence you have a situation with dissolution of responsibilities....no ones willing to take charge
The ones who step up like the minister in Punjab get gunned down and their families kidnapped or threatened..
The problem is more with the constitution than the people... Unless you think otherwise...I am but an outsider looking in, so my view is obviously limited

But I don't see why overseas Pakistanis don't speak out enmasse (like they do for other Islamic causes as well as J&K just to name an example) since they have nothing to fear outside Pakistan. So this liberal stuff has to be taken with a giant pinch of salt.

Its not just the indians, who exploit such events to score brownie points, as you can clearly witness on this thread, some disoriented wanna-be Gora desis think they must bitch about Pakistan and the religion to find acceptance in a place, where they will always remain third class 'brown people'.

I might get banned (once again!) but somebody has to call a spade a spade so I say that taking another look at the religion is NOT a bad idea at all. Someone has to tell "the emperor has no clothes." Au revoir.

Bill Maher vs. Ben Affleck On Islam: "Mafia That Will Fucking Kill You If You Say The Wrong Thing" | Video | RealClearPolitics
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Hahaha, in the UK they say Pakis bashing. Don't believe me? Here you go:

Pakistanis are known world wide as meek forced convert people who lick the boots of Arabs. In France they stereotype pakistanis as smelly people who sell kebabs on the motorway. In history pakistan couldn't produce a single empire. Very weak and pathetic people you are, that's why you follow a foreign religion.:rofl:

o come on if you dont want to admit dont but indian are called wimps. the never fight back. you go to any white boy and ask him who is the nation of wimps. the answer will be only one india..
lets face it gandhi was a wimps as well..even in his good health he looked like he is suffering from chronic T.B.
great local religion you have which has been made slave by two other religion christian and muslim...i think you should give chance to buddhism and jew too. hack they deserve it...
I might get banned (once again!) but I must say that taking another look at the religion is NOT a bad idea at all. Someone has to tell "the emperor has no clothes." Au revoir
Your negative ratings speak quite well on your behalf.............But just for the sake of clarity, it is a sectarian crime and not religious, because the religion you are so misinformed about doesn't even believe in sects. Arrivederci
normally Indians on Dawn.com are mostly trolling but one post was really good where the poster was surprised that Pakistani police keeps axe in the interrogation room

Gujrat policeman kills man in custody alleging blasphemy - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
View attachment 146894

Maybe a Fire Axe?

Others understood it fine hence I am going to agree with your assumption of low IQ, however you can come to another such thread in the future when the same thing happens and fulfill your duty by saying exactly the same "Hey that isn't the MO of Muslims". No one buys it, because Islam is portrayed by how Muslims practice it, not what is written and not even by your definition of Muslim.

you didnt have to wait longer, here I am again and seriously I have no clue what you talking about. Sometime people think because they know what they are trying to say so other would also, happens to me a lot
Your negative ratings speak quite well on your behalf.............But just for the sake of clarity, it is a sectarian crime and not religious, because the religion you are so misinformed about doesn't even believe in sects. Arrivederci

I am not impressed by this fine distinction without any difference! Hindu religion does not condone casteism but is still tarred by it and rightly so. What matters is the practice by adherents not what is professed. I have heard arguments that the meaning of word Islam is peace. Is that an argument? If Hitler meant Jew/Semite does that mean that holocaust was a hoax?
Religious people are the most intolerant in this world, most time majority religious group dominating a nation will incite religious violent against the minority in the same nation. Unbelievable to hack someone to dead because of bad mouthing Allah, still stuck in the 10 century mindset. No wonder only Muslim give rise to terrorist worldwide.
Religious people are the most intolerant in this world, most time majority religious group dominating a nation will incite religious violent against the minority in the same nation. Unbelievable to hack someone to dead because of bad mouthing Allah, still stuck in the 10 century mindset. No wonder only Muslim give rise to terrorist worldwide.

Spot on.

Steven Weinberg - Wikiquote

> With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.
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Not sure if you are ignorant or being a smart-alec
Similarly not sure if you are Islamophobic or just an atheist bigot. In either case, you should know that your opinion is as effective as a porus umbrella in the rain.

Not sure if you are ignorant or being a smart-alec
Similarly not sure if you are Islamophobic or just an atheist bigot. In either case, you should know that your opinion is as effective as a porus umbrella in the rain.

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