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Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

No american plane is a match to MKI :eek:
Even the F-15s & F-22s?

pests like these must be reported not responded
please be my guest. However being a really bad gardener. I left my garden to grow . We have a lot of brambles and they took over the whole garden. My son and I then spent a week to clear them all only to find that a week later tbey have regrown.. My friend tells me you need to spray them. with a Herbicide so their roots die otherwise they will keep sprouting back. We need to look for a suitable herbicide to root out the problem permanently. You get my drift!!
Hopefully the J-10 impressed PAF staff enough to give it a serious thought to acquire a later version. It seems the earlier model took part in these exercises.
thanks for coming back to the topic of discussion
regarding your J-10 comment, our decision may change over time. but for now the reasons were valid we have in house JF-17 which is evolving and we got a large fleet of F-16s both MLU and Block 52 so J-10 was just going to be another 4.5 Generation fighter, nothing special as per role, generation and class.

decision to flog leap to fifth generation is valid one and note these words gentlemen, we might eventually see Chinese 5th Generation fighters making a visit out of China on an exercise with us in the coming years.

F-22 exercised with our F-7s yea? so why not Chinese fight generation fighters with our jets.. but lets not get ahead of ourselves for now.

here i came to have a look at some good pics but instead found some indian retards ruining the entire thread with discussion on india vs pakistan.
they are not retards
some of them do it on purpose. obsessive compulsive
Brother ... A little correction !
This image is from Shaheen-1 exercise. JF-17, neither participated in Shaheen - I nor in II .... JF-17 was flying with Flanker just for the sake of ending ceremony formation flypast.

Too bad that Chinese brought their top fighter "Russian originated" in Pakistan while we don't have good relation either with Russia or its top ally.
While being an ally of USA we can't even use our jets on our soil against their potential rival without its permission ..... FRUITS OF BEING AMREEKI PITTHU.

The Su-30MKK and Su-27 are actually their lower-tier heavy aircraft, not top; the J-15, J-11B, and J-1 6 are replacing them..

@DANGER-ZONE, I am not sure dear as several sources indicated to the participation of JF-17 in the first series of Shaheen, even a Chinese site went on to say that the JF-17 faired quite well when pitted against the J-11.

Which site? The Chinese never evaluated the JF-17 in mock combat situations, at least not publicly.

its a shame that we cant train our American jets against the Russian Sukhoi's although they form the frontline of Indian air force which we need to train against. training JF-17s and mirages is not enough.

F-16 pilots must be feeling left out and raging on the side benches

Even if the F-16s did train against Su-27UBKs, the experience they are going to get will be nothing indicative of the Su-30MKI's capabilities, especially when both sides will almost restrict everything from tactics to weaponry.

I wonder why they never use homegrown jets like J-10.its always F-7 or similar older jets.for the first time probably China is using its Su-30 for exercise in another country.

Simple answer. J-10 is a multirole fighter, which means that the pilots operating them are not honed for air-to-air combat as well as would Russian or Chinese Flankers. China takes opportunities like these to compare air to air tactics. The J-11B is probably restricted due to its powerful ECM/radar systems and the secretive WS-10 engine. The J-15 and J-16 are just hitting the production line, and since they are too fitted with powerful systems it is doubtful the Chinese would want to expose them so quickly.
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It is Immaterial how much exercise they do, MKIs are invincible. There is only one way to deal with MKI. As soon as you see that, turn back and put the engine on full throttle and pray god.

Didn't the IAF do exactly that when pitting against F-15Cs during Red Flag?

Pl let me know any better fighter in Asia compare to MKIs.

HariPrasad's ego?

Search google. 10 most powerful air force, Army etc. You will find many experts ranking the airforce and army after consideration of quality and quantity. You can believe that if you want.

Search Google: "Santa Claus" and you'll find a comparable number of experts who claim to have seen the fellow.
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Hopefully the J-10 impressed PAF staff enough to give it a serious thought to acquire a later version. It seems the earlier model took part in these exercises.
J-10 is definitely a great Fighter Jet but they already announced that they will not go for it because they rather spend that money on JF-17's Block 2&3 productions and wait for a 5th generation Plane like the J-31 which I believe is a single Engine plane which suits PAF's requirements

The Su-30MKK and Su-27 are actually their lower-tier heavy aircraft, not top; the J-15, J-11B, and J-1 6 are replacing them..

Which site? The Chinese never evaluated the JF-17 in mock combat situations, at least not publicly.

Even if the F-16s did train against Su-27UBKs, the experience they are going to get will be nothing indicative of the Su-30MKI's capabilities, especially when both sides will almost restrict everything from tactics to weaponry.

Simple answer. J-10 is a multirole fighter, which means that the pilots operating them are not honed for air-to-air combat as well as would Russian or Chinese Flankers. China takes opportunities like these to compare air to air tactics. The J-11B is probably restricted due to its powerful ECM/radar systems and the secretive WS-10 engine. The J-15 and J-16 are just hitting the production line, and since they are too fitted with powerful systems it is doubtful the Chinese would want to expose them so quickly.
hey do you have any pics for the J-16, I haven't seen it yet
J-10 is definitely a great Fighter Jet but they already announced that they will not go for it because they rather spend that money on JF-17's Block 2&3 productions and wait for a 5th generation Plane like the J-31 which I believe is a single Engine plane which suits PAF's requirements

hey do you have any pics for the J-16, I haven't seen it yet

No American plane is a match to MKI LMAO!
According to hari's logic Pilot skills don't matter o_O
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