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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

see urself,u r beggars with watever u r naming:lol:
atleast u accepted,u r beggars..
and u have remained pawn of americans against india and soviets..still a pawn of china like NK:laugh:

big hearts,, remember ? :laugh:
we always played our games...even with the brits and labhu ram :laugh:
do try to enjoy your new status kan tuta :laugh:
The inherent nature of the indian state is hegemony - that is why Pakistan and the PRC must endeavor to keep the people of the smaller nations of South Asia free.
The truth as told by Pakistan's Dawn about China and Pakistan relations

The odd relationship out among the combination within this nuclear troika is Pakistan and China. Odd not because it is unexpected but because it is inevitable. India has fought wars with both China and Pakistan while Beijing and Islamabad have never. The maxim of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ makes sense to cultivate by these two. However, because of the policies and goals and economic and military capacities, this is not an equal relationship. China gets the satisfaction of strategic policy encirclement of India by being Pakistan’s ‘all-weather friend’. All Pakistan gets is a guarantee of no veto against it in the United Nations. China doesn’t do grants, aid and budgetary support – the three perennial shopping items in Pakistan’s basket. The best it does is investment and that’s purely profit-centric, Beijing managing to recoup any money it ‘gives away’ in this shape to Pakistan. The 50 Thunder jets is the perfect ingredient of this unequal but functional relationship: Pakistan restores some of its India-centric edge in the sky while China actually gets money from Pakistan to install strategic air restraints over India towards the side of India where Beijing is not itself present! Hence the Indian concern at the Thunder deal between Islamabad and Beijing.
the only way pakistanis can remain united as a nation is periodically and methodically propagating anti-india statements like this....as the only thing that unites them is their hatred for india.....
The inherent nature of the indian state is hegemony - that is why Pakistan and the PRC must endeavor to keep the people of the smaller nations of South Asia free.

after all these years, Nehru's dream is coming true to bring hindu hegemony in the region, they have been kan tuta at their own against smaller neighbours, let them now try it on challenging countries :laugh:

this is the example PM Yousuf Raza Gilani was referring to..

a typical indian kan tuta


the proper wording should have been "Kan tuta" to describe the status Amreeka offered to India, :laugh:

Sorry that's reserved for you.. To achieve the same you sold your sovereignty to the country for the sake of some dollars or what exactly will you call a country which lets foreign forces kill it's own people and ask to be paid for the services offered..
the only way pakistanis can remain united as a nation is periodically and methodically propagating anti-india bs like this....as the only thing that unites them is their hatred for india.....

And what unites india, a disparate country of different cultures - it is not even a homogeneous civilization, at least Pakistan is of one religion. It is india like Churchill said that is an artificial state. We have a 5,000 year history, what does india have except talk.
after all these years, Nehru's dream is coming true to bring hindustani hegemony in the region, they have been kan tuta at their own against smaller neighbours, let them now try it on challenging countries :laugh:

Pakistan and our brotherly nation of China stand like a wall of spears to head off indian hegemony, this Jatt and millions of others will ensure that our civilization will flourish in freedom. We will provide enough deterrence for smaller nations like Sri Lanka.
And what unites india, a disparate country of different cultures - it is not even a homogeneous civilization, at least Pakistan is of one religion. It is india like Churchill said that is an artificial state. We have a 5,000 year history, what does india have except talk.

bla bla bal......there is nothing in common within pakistanis except anti-india hatred.......your nation is nothing but not-india....
Though alliances with the Yanks have had very negative connotations - one positive is it allowed our nuclear programme to become weaponised with relative less scrutiny.
Forget it, who cares what Pakistani PM has to say. We will do what ever we have to do you go ahead and match us if you can.. :)
Sorry that's reserved for you.. To achieve the same you sold your sovereignty to the country for the sake of some dollars or what exactly will you call a country which lets foreign forces kill it's own people and ask to be paid for the services offered..

it was never offered to us, but hey congrts for becoming kan tuta :laugh:
bla bla bal......there is nothing in common within pakistanis except anti-india hatred.......your nation is nothing but not-india....

LoL more indian hubris - what makes you think that I hate indians as individuals, in fact my brother is married to a girl who grow up in your side of Punjab and she is loved by my family like one of our own. In fact my mum loves this girl more than her other daughter-in-law, who was born a Muslim Pakistani. We oppose the indian state which is the enemy of ordinary indians too.
the only way pakistanis can remain united as a nation is periodically and methodically propagating anti-india statements like this....as the only thing that unites them is their hatred for india.....

That is why we are on an Indian forum ranting about our enemy? :cheesy: Oh the Irony!
Forget it, who cares what Pakistani PM has to say. We will do what ever we have to do you go ahead and match us if you can.. :)

Our nuclear weapons have check mated anything india can do.
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