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Pakistan wants to rebuild ties with the U.S, says Gilani

Emmie, there has to be a clear difference between Diplomacy and Self Respect... Just because Obama offered condolences, Pakistan now goes ahead to say that they want to re-build relations at only that much isn't good dimplomacy ... 28 families had lost a breadwinner and there is no way, you can color this statement as diplomacy.

If Gilani has said it, it doesn't seem in a good taste to me, because one, the public mood is one of rage against what has happened and two, on human grounds, it was a travesty to kill full uniformed soldiers under the guise that they were hunting millitants. Agreed that attacking Nato is not a solution, but going back to them from your side, when you know their neck is under your knee and offering to 'kiss and make up' is not a great manouvering either...

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

Will such discussions have any meaning if Pakistan is not involved? looks like they thing they can run the play without one of the main protagonist... doesn't make real sense to me
We have been ally of U.S so it will difficult to fully cut our ties with U.S... But top of all statments... We have been continued our stand on Bonn conference...
There is no country with more influence on what happens in Afghanistan(REGARDLESS of what others may try to change) than Pakistan. We still control the gas supply to this pressure cooker...

May be its time for Pakistan to evaluate if this is really a good thing..
Read it carefully.

He said that cooperation with US will be there, but on revised terms, and it will be a two way street.

The sense of some people to come barging in and ridicule everything without grasping it.

New terms of engagement, and cooperation would be brought up, and then it will be done on mutual respect.

NATO supplies still blocked, Shamsi airbase already cleared, cooperation with US lowered.

Although the implementation of those new terms might be a problem, but it is a headway.
Emmie, there has to be a clear difference between Diplomacy and Self Respect... Just because Obama offered condolences, Pakistan now goes ahead to say that they want to re-build relations at only that much isn't good dimplomacy ... 28 families had lost a breadwinner and there is no way, you can color this statement as diplomacy.

Sir, there's no change in Pakistan's stance pertaining Nato attack. We are not attending Bonn talks, supply routes are still closed, not joining the CENTCOM's investigation into the incident.. And kindly keep that in mind we never terminated our relations with US, rebuilding relations here means reviewing previous terms of engagement, we are proceeding diplomatically and politically..

Read the article at first, please..
May be its time for Pakistan to evaluate if this is really a good thing..

We have already put too much food in that pressure cooker, and it might be difficult to take it out, although the evaluation is already done.
Love the way OP has started the thread with a ;). Finally a sign of a bit relief after some "disappointments" :D

Some people's desperation is epic. :lol:
my humble request to rulers is that instead of rebuilding ties with US , build ties with Russia ,

And focus on development of Pakistan and strength its defense , resolve issues with India , and then increase trade.
USA is wolf in the skin of sheep no need for special US relations.

If they will not do it we will surly remove this government.
my humble request to rulers is that instead of rebuilding ties with US , build ties with Russia ,

And focus on development of Pakistan and strength its defense , resolve issues with India , and then increase trade.
USA is wolf in the skin of sheep no need for special US relations.

If they will not do it we will surly remove this government.

welcome friends, we are always here for fruitful and productive talks.
Sir, there's no change in Pakistan's stance pertaining Nato attack. We are not attending Bonn talks, supply routes are still closed, not joining the CENTCOM's investigation into the incident.. And kindly keep that in mind we never terminated our relations with US, rebuilding relations here means reviewing previous terms of engagement, we are proceeding diplomatically and politically..

Read the article at first, please..

Emmie, I did go back and re-read the article and then your post to figure out why I wrote what I wrote.

Honestly, I will stiil say that somewhere I think I did miss the pain and anger in this message (given that this is NDTV, i expected that part to be more highlighted, as press loves war mongering) that I did expect from your PM.

I did not even refer to termination of relationships as I don't believe that it is good international diplomacy and that tooo with a country which did support you in some of your darkest days. But, from the messaging that I see here in Germany, what I see as an outsider, is that NATO (while sorry for the deaths) is still not sorry for the debacle and the way it was written, it just 'seemed like' Pakistan is going back (and thus your comments looked like a justification of the same) to the guys who did it. Again, this is purely my interpretation and I don't have an intention to flame bait or stuff like that, but I intend to understand why this soft sounding statement.

Shouldn't 'an apology is a must' be a base condition and it should be US premier or head of NATO, who should be coming out with an extended hands and a bag of goodies (classical diplomacy theory)? and while Pakistan has not budged a bit (and that stand is like a breath of fresh air), this statement just seemed to be a bit 'dilutive' in nature and that was my only point.

P.S. Given that I am not sitting in the middle of this, my inferences might be completely wrong and thus open to question!
my humble request to rulers is that instead of rebuilding ties with US , build ties with Russia ,

And focus on development of Pakistan and strength its defense , resolve issues with India , and then increase trade.
USA is wolf in the skin of sheep no need for special US relations.

If they will not do it we will surly remove this government.

Well said... When we look around the world for examples if neigbours who have good relations, the only outcome of that is prosperity for both the nations. Our nations also should reap these potential fruits.

However, I do understand that it takes two to tango and both the governments should take this opportunity to strengthen the bonds and have more CBMs... Obviously there will be Naysayers on both sides, but the good guys always win in the end ... Ain't it...

I do hope that one day, i can just take the bus from Jammu and cross over from RS Pura for a vacation in North East Pakistan with a 'Visa on arrival' requirement only...
dont worry, after 2013 pakistan will be a different place which means americans will get hunted down by pakistani citizens on sight

We can keep dreaming about this that for past 50 years all the same............we are shameless Bastard overall.

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 AM ----------

"Chulu bhar pani may doob maro"
Pakistan wants to rebuild ties with US, says Gilani


LAHORE: Pakistan wants to rebuild its ties with the United States despite ongoing retaliation over deadly Nato air strikes on its troops along the Afghan border, the country’s prime minister said on Monday, stressing that he believes “it won’t take long” to achieve a new relationship with its uneasy ally.

The Dawn, Pakistan

Pakistan wants to rebuild ties with US, says Gilani | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
partnership & trust are a 2-way thing

they are built overtime, not overnight. . .

an alliance which served both countries and their national interests since the time of the cold war could easily just come to a sudden end; and that is due to the carelessness and insensitivity of 'allies' who have been using media to scapegoat us for things they themselves are doing

Funny to see the emphasis on word 'error' when discussion of the NATO incident in Mohmand is brought up.

If it would have been committed by Pakistan, the only thing coming out of western media would have been Pakistan army supporting al-qaeda, taliban and haqqani network and all the usual balderdash which we are used to seeing and dismissing. (which actually, they do anyways --- boy who cried wolf)
An overview shows the conference on Afghanistan at the former German parliament in Bonn, December 5, 2011.

Useless discussion without Pakistan participation. :lol:

You can laugh, but Pakistan is a key nation in the future development of Afghanistan, 90 nations attended the Conference so just because it looks busy and crowded doesn't mean anything for the future of Afghanistan. I can say easily the presence of 85 of those 90 nations is insignificant.

In fact many of those people standing around talking probably aren't even talking about Afghanistan, Taliban, administrative rule, NATO involvement, opium crops, feudalism, corruption, education, security, and other factors that have to be resolved in AFG in order to stabilize.

Don't be so impressed by such a photo and draw a false conclusion.
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