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Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources

Stop Infiltration and stop giving covering fire to Infiltrators

There will be total peace

But NO ;Pakistan Army wants to keep the pot boiling

This time no infiltration is going on, it is started from Indian side because their pupets are beaten badly even in Baluchistan and Pakistan is getting near to finishing all terrorists and India don't want that.

I think Indians members have forgot what their leaders have said about proxy war in Pakistan. CPEC has become headache for Indian as they can't swallow development in Pakistan.
CPEC has become headache for Indian as they can't swallow development in Pakistan.

Please dont get me started on CPEC
You should read your OWN economists ; what they have to say

This time no infiltration is going on, it is started from Indian side because their pupets are beaten badly even in Baluchistan and Pakistan is getting near to finishing all terrorists and India don't want that.

Infiltration goes on ; infact they are trying for new routes all the time

There are places such as rivers and Nallahs ( rivulets ) where there is no fencing

Similarly on the IB which you call WB ; the force deployed is less than on the LOC

SO terrorists are trying from there

The Gurdaspur and Udhampur attacks recently were nothing but infiltration
Indian Media Propaganda, images are from funeral of Kashmiris victims of Indian state terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir. Indian madness.

They are killing civilians on our side ... In this past week alone almost a dozen civilians .. Mostly women and children were killed .. Just yesterday a 24 year old woman was shot !

After summoning indian high commissioner ... It's time we light indians up... Civ population isn't PAK's target ... It's indian military... And the killing of indian troops in these duels and out civilians proves the point that we don't fire at populated areas unlike indians.
They are killing civilians on our side ... In this past week alone almost a dozen civilians .. Mostly women and children were killed .. Just yesterday a 24 year old woman was shot !

After summoning indian high commissioner ... It's time we light indians up... Civ population isn't PAK's target ... It's indian military... And the killing of indian troops in these duels and out civilians proves the point that we don't fire at populated areas unlike indians.

Civilians don't deserve it, no matter if they are Muslim or non Muslim... Bro
Civilians don't deserve it, no matter if they are Muslim or non Muslim... Bro
We haven't targeted indian civilians ... The killings of indian troops and our civilian casualities pretty much proves that!

I personally don't want any bloodshed... But this is getting FUKED up... Maybe few dead indian civies will make them change their mind? Just saying... Our blood boils too when we see women and children getting killed in indian during and shelling!

Just google the Pak civilian casualities...
How is the outcome 'fixed', unless you believe that the majority of the residents (including displaced Hindu pandits) would vote for Pakistan in a plebiscite?

I said the Pakistani expectation of the "talks" is fixed - not the plebiscite itself. Pakistanis come to the "talks" with India with a "fixed" mindset that India will hand Kashmir on a platter.

Plebiscite, under the current circumstances, can't be implemented - simply because Pakistan and her proxies f*cked up with the original demography of the subject area on both sides of the LOC and hence didn't satisfy the first condition for the plebiscite. It is that simple.

'Ghazwa-e-Hind' is an outdated meme, as is 'Strategic Depth' - they continue to live long past their shelf life because some 'analysts/commentators' find them useful in presenting a simplistic caricature of Pakistan while grappling (and failing) with the complex Pakistani and regional dynamics. Others realize these memes are outdated but use them calculatedly in building up an anti-Pakistan narrative since they are the ideological twins of Pakistan's Ghazwa-e-Hind types.

I couldn't care less if Ghazwa-e-Hind, as an ideology, is true or not!

All I care about is a bunch of high profile idiots on your "national television" debating about it, openly calling upon the 'believers' to follow through with it as a religious duty and an almost limitless supply of 'believers' to do their bidding with glee.

India, as a country, simply can't be expected to have 'faith' in the saner elements of Pakistan (like you) to overcome these 'nutbags'.

Pakistan's territorial disputes with India are well documented, and Pakistan has never seriously pursued policies or strategies (formally or informally) that suggest a desire to grab Indian territory beyond what is already claimed. If Pakistan, or powerful elements in Pakistan, had any intention of using the resolution of the Kashmir dispute as a launch pad for additional territorial gains, you would have seen Pakistan bring up the issue of Junagadh much more forcefully on the international level.

Who said anything about Pakistan wanting to 'grab' the rest of Indian territories even after settling Kashmir? I am only talking about the propensity of 'Islamic' Pakistan to foment trouble in 'Hindu' India even if they can't occupy the territory.

Kashmir has always occupied the collective mindset of the Pakistanis. But that didn't stop them from meddling in Indian Punjab and even far off places like North Eastern areas bordering Bangladesh (in addition to Kashmir itself). Did it?

Who is to say that they won't turn their attention to what is left of India if they are allowed to usurp Kashmir? In fact, if I were you, I would be crazy to let the matter settle at Kashmir itself.

Remember the 'bleeding India with thousand cuts' slogan?

Then why do you ASK for Kashmir

And why do you send infiltrators into Kashmir

Do you really expect India to just GIVE you Kashmir on a platter

They are not war-mongers but don't even mince words saying that they will convert Delhi/Mumbai into Hiroshima/Nagasaki if we don't give them Kashmir!

Obviously India is the warmonger for NOT complying!
You have written that It is TIME to test your New
artillery acquistions

SO my question was ; what have have you been waiting for


The first part of the post was addressed to @Uzair Shafiq [Босс]

IT is self explanatory
Giving Peace a chance?
Giving dialogues a chance?
But you guys aren't interested in that you think you can keep delaying talks well that isn't going to work.
Both sides should stop this outrage madness and hate ... nothing will be gained by this so many lives get taken both need to come to peace ASAP and live in peace and let live I really do pray for this so help us GOD ... AMEEN.
You know, I am not sure if you know the breathe of my knowledge on this subject. So PLEASE, try not to take me as a fool. I've studied your region for 3 decades, I know stuff like you don't know your India's history. I am actually meaning every word I say.

They are not allowing to built a "Pandits" Colony? India didn't allow 91% POPULATION's RIGHT TO VOTE when India overtook Kashmir. Do you think you have have a 1% comparison here to your "not letting them build a Pandits colony" case????

How do you overwrite 91% of a state's population's voting right and call yourself a "democratic India"???? The Kashmir is an issue, and it is where it is today due to India not respecting the 91% populations voting right in the elections before the occupation.

How does ONE King (a Hindu Maharaja), overwrite 91% of his population's right to chose their government, and calls his Hindu affiliated state to take over his state and kill all voting and democracy rights and its been the case since 1948?????? Had you people let the REAL Kashmiri's vote, today, Kashmir would be a bridge between Pakistan and India to establish peace. One of the gorgeous places for both the countries tourists to visit and enjoy, meet each other and have great people to people relationships. And, there wouldn't be these so many wars, terrorism and all the drama going on for 70 years. ALL because the rights of the people weren't respected!!!!

There were no referendums in any princely state in either India or Pakistan except in Junagarh. By that logic Bahawalpur should also be disputed territory - it was a princely state and the process of integration was not democratic?

Also, what happened in Balochistan? Can you enlighten us please, oh fountain of all knowledge about our region?

Yes, you can count this as having accepted your challenge. Let us discuss DEMOCRACY.
Bring It ON ; Let us see what lessons you have learnt from Kargil
Lets see, lessons ... Make sure you have well established logistical lines of support to the front lines and that the opposing side should not be given an excuse to escalate a localized conflict into full war. In India and Pakistan's situation, the trigger would almost always be occupation of territory that is currently administered by the other.

So check, check and check in terms of 'lessons learned'.

You were asking for the removal of Heavy artilerry ; WHY ?
Because we were anticipating your whiny tantrums and media hysteria about 'PAKISTAN USING 120MM MORTARS FOR THE FIRST TIME BLAH BLAH BLAH WA WA WA!'

Under Modi 'winning' is represented by the ability to issue, and amount of, jingoistic statements and threats to double, nay triple, nay quadruple kinetic responses from the Indian military, for Modi fans at least.

So long as Modi or some BJP minister issues random statements, in a thundering, confident and aggressive voice about how 'Pakistan has been taught a lesson it will never forget', the BJP fan-base will be content.

They ignore the obvious issue that this is the umpteenth 'lesson that Pakistan will never forget' statement issued by various BJP ministers since they came into power. I mean, was it meant to be a whole lecture series that is still going on?

There were no referendums in any princely state in either India or Pakistan except in Junagarh. By that logic Bahawalpur should also be disputed territory - it was a princely state and the process of integration was not democratic?

Also, what happened in Balochistan? Can you enlighten us please, oh fountain of all knowledge about our region?

Yes, you can count this as having accepted your challenge. Let us discuss DEMOCRACY.

What happened in Bahawalpur? The ruler was favorably disposed towards Pakistan and acceded to Pakistan. Kalat's ruler took some more convincing but eventually he officially acceded to Pakistan as well, despite Afghanistan's involvement in stoking terrorism/insurgency in Kalat around that time.

Also, the Indian government has made repeated international commitments to hold a referendum in J&K, several as part of her commitment to implement the UNSC Resolutions on J&K, so attempting analogies between Bahawalpur/Kalat and J&K is a flawed exercise from the outset.
That will mean war in which India the oh so powerful shoopa Powah cannot win..
Because we like wars and enjoy a fight.

ohohoho.............. you people only like surrendering in wars and fleeing the fight, this is what the history shows:lol:
Pakistan is responding militarily to unprovoked ceasefire violations by India. The targets are Indian security forces, but the population density and nature of the weapons makes collateral damage hard to avoid.

What's so hard to understand about that? Oh right, I forgot that somehow firing one 120mm mortar is horrible but India firing three 81mm mortars is completely reasonable since somehow those 81mm mortars have special Ancient Indian laws of physics implemented that allow the explosive reaction to weave its way around civilians without harming them.
Ok. let's get two things straight:

1. Indian Villages are 3 to 4 km behind BSF posts. It is therefore obvious that the Rangers/PA are purposely aiming not at the posts but the villages unless their aim is so cockeyed that their rounds fall miles away!

2. Why should the BSF/IA violate the ceasefire? They have NO reason to do so. But the PA/ISI have a reason to do so. They need to provide covering fire to their mercenary terror squads to help them infiltrate into India resulting in ceasefire violations.

Unfortunately, their tactics have mostly failed and thus their frustration also results in them getting so pissed off that they aim their mortars at villages on the Indian side to try and create panic.

Get the point? You should.....unless you are a retard which I guess you ain't!

This is what your kuta bila type game. You know very well that majority of your side of LOC is belongs to "MUSLIM" and "KASHMIRI" if you start violate border in response of Pakistan Army "Muslims" + "Kashmiri" die. In that case you are @ win win situation. First to claim and punch your line in front of kashmiris that look what Pakistani is doing with you.. killing you ... second you achieve another goal is to put down Kashmiri freedom movement on the name of "Pakistani forces killing you on the other side talk about your freedom" kisko kaka chutyaa bana rakha hey ?????

Our forces mostly not respond because they knew kay agay kya hey and you're trying to achieve something what i mentioned above.
You therefore are in a lose lose situation, as always - right since 1947! :P

Killing Muslims and Kasmiris with your 120mm mortars is an epic fail! You need to see how the Muslims on this side of the IB curse you Pakistanis for killing innocents with your mortars and machine guns.

Apne pao par kulhadi maar rahe ho!! If that's not dumb I don't know what else is! :azn:

I just hope there are some sane heads who'd wake the fukk up one day and be like, no more madness. Let's try to build over 1.5 Billion people's better future together through trade, no wars, or anything. Not sure when that day will come.
That needs to be told to the ISI/PA and their 'strategic assets' the LeT and JeM who have been raised, funded, trained and armed to the teeth to wage a proxy war against India and to try and bleed it with a thousand cuts (Zia).
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