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Pakistan urges India to join Iran gas network

So you clearly admit that you have transgressed against legal right of Pakistan. All the so called innocent and peace-loving chankia nation is behind their government in supporting this terror against Pakistan and its peaceful nation. India has decalred war against Pakistan the very day it constructed the first dam. Bharats (aka India) has been unable to resolve any of her boundary disputes with any of her neighbors. Bharats norhtern border is in a state of constant hot and cold war with China. Her disputes with Bangaldesh pre-date the country. Her issues with Nepal are never ending. The Bharati attempt to bifurcate Sri Lanka were recently defeated when the RAW agent was killed. China, Pakistan and Lanka cooperated to defeat the designs of Delhi.

Bharat also has water disputes with Bangladesh at the Furrakha Barrage which infringes on the rights of the lower reparian (technical term to designate those living on the receiving end of the water).

Bharat after illegally occupying Kashmir using a fake article of accession which it now claims is lost 9as if it ever existed) has now built an illegal dam called Kishanganga dam on the Neelam river which eventually flows down to the Indus in Pakistan.

Now dont cry if we retaliate as its our legal right to do so. India will be the culprit for another conflict in the region and trust me, its gona be last one you will ever think of.

Wassup Doc :bunny:
1. Google for “Oman-India Deep Sea Pipeline”

2. When you lay structures on the Ocean floor at depths of up to 5,000 Metres than it necessarily follows that present day technology ensures that there will be minimal – if any – maintenance required.

To add to it compare a gas pipeline coming from a hostile nation vs maintenance hazards(if any) in repairing a damaged underwater pipeline...What choice are you going to make????

To add to it compare a gas pipeline coming from a hostile nation vs maintenance hazards(if any) in repairing a damaged underwater pipeline...What choice are you going to make????

THE OMAN INDIA underSea pipeline project is shelved long time back...

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

The proposed pipeline project for import of natural gas from Oman to India has been shelved by the government keeping in view the insufficient progress, lack of adequate gas reserves and the technological problems associated with the deep sea pipeline.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) had approved the proposal of the ministry of petroleum and natural gas for setting up the Oman-India pipeline project on September 22, 1994. An agreement for supply of 56.6 million standard cubic metres of natural gas through pipeline was signed between the governments of Oman and India.

Oman Oil Company and Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL) were designated agencies of the two governments to carry out the project.

However, the petroleum ministry and GAIL are now of the view that the project may not be pursued further and may be considered as closed. The Sultanate of Oman’s ministry of commerce and industry has also conveyed its agreement to close the project.

Under the project, it was proposed that deep sea pipelines be laid from Ras’al Jifan in Oman to the landfall point on the Indian side at Rapar Gadhwali up to Bhachau in Gujarat. The pipelines were to be laid at 3,500 metres below sea level.

According to sources, GAIL had approached the Oil Industry Development Board and the scientific advisory committee of the Centre for High Technology for grants. But the proposal was not approved by the committee.

The project lost momentum due to many reasons. Technical feasibility of the project could not be established. Also, contractors were not willing to accept engineering and pre-commissioning risks and were not willing to spend money to demonstrate their proposed methodology. The lack of proven technology to undertake deep sea repair at the intended depth was also a major constraint. Also, Oman Oil Company decided not to take on the responsibility of funding the entire project.

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

the link:
Oman Gas Pipeline Shelved
Its not shelved..
In February 10, 2010 it was reviewed

India revives under-sea pipeline

In talks with the Turkmenistan leadership in Ashkhabad earlier this week, India discussed the prospects of sourcing gas from the central Asian country by an under-sea pipeline project from Iran, a project considered unviable till a few years back.

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline also figured in talks between Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur and her Turkmen interlocutors, said government officials.

While talks on the TAPI pipeline are intended to keep the issue alive, an under-sea pipeline could make the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline irrelevant. The offshore route proposal envisages transporting Turkmen gas to northern Iran and a swap arrangement would bring gas from southern Iran via the proposed “SAGE” (South Asia Gas Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.) pipeline to India.

The SAGE project envisages a Middle-East natural gas gathering system connecting gas sources to the coast of the Arabian peninsula. From there, the SAGE family of pipelines plan to follow a route surveyed 15 years back and declared unviable at that time as techniques of deepwater pipe-laying and manufacturing had not matured.

“Technology has made this feasible now. This is an idea we will discuss,” said an official. SAGE is understood to have finalised a memorandum of understanding with National Iranian Gas Export Company for developing gas exports through this route, bypassing Pakistan. The Gas Authority of India Limited has also entered into a “principles of cooperation arrangement” for this sea route.

The prospects of another offshore route from Iran to India via Oman are also bright following indications that Muscat could be interested.

Talking to The Hindu, Ambassador of Oman Sheikh Humaid Bin Ali Bin Sultan Al-Mani confirmed that both countries were considering the off-shore pipeline after it had been rejected as too expensive in the 1990s because at a certain point its depth would have been 3,500 meters or four times deeper than any under-sea pipeline laid then. An Indian consortium has already been allocated Block 18 in Oman to prospect for oil and gas.

The Hindu : News / National : India revives under-sea pipeline project
Its not shelved..
In February 10, 2010 it was reviewed

India revives under-sea pipeline

In talks with the Turkmenistan leadership in Ashkhabad earlier this week, India discussed the prospects of sourcing gas from the central Asian country by an under-sea pipeline project from Iran, a project considered unviable till a few years back.

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline also figured in talks between Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur and her Turkmen interlocutors, said government officials.

While talks on the TAPI pipeline are intended to keep the issue alive, an under-sea pipeline could make the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline irrelevant. The offshore route proposal envisages transporting Turkmen gas to northern Iran and a swap arrangement would bring gas from southern Iran via the proposed “SAGE” (South Asia Gas Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.) pipeline to India.

The SAGE project envisages a Middle-East natural gas gathering system connecting gas sources to the coast of the Arabian peninsula. From there, the SAGE family of pipelines plan to follow a route surveyed 15 years back and declared unviable at that time as techniques of deepwater pipe-laying and manufacturing had not matured.

“Technology has made this feasible now. This is an idea we will discuss,” said an official. SAGE is understood to have finalised a memorandum of understanding with National Iranian Gas Export Company for developing gas exports through this route, bypassing Pakistan. The Gas Authority of India Limited has also entered into a “principles of cooperation arrangement” for this sea route.

The prospects of another offshore route from Iran to India via Oman are also bright following indications that Muscat could be interested.

Talking to The Hindu, Ambassador of Oman Sheikh Humaid Bin Ali Bin Sultan Al-Mani confirmed that both countries were considering the off-shore pipeline after it had been rejected as too expensive in the 1990s because at a certain point its depth would have been 3,500 meters or four times deeper than any under-sea pipeline laid then. An Indian consortium has already been allocated Block 18 in Oman to prospect for oil and gas.

The Hindu : News / National : India revives under-sea pipeline project
There u go..u ve answered ur question urself.

I said we dont need the pipeline to do business with Iran.So even if they block the pipelines,we can still go by the traditional container route.
But if we block the water..wat they do..?go for container from other countries or import it thru pipelines..?? -NOTHING - .

Well had Iran our immediate neighbour or pipeline coming from a friendly nation would you have said the same??? Land based pipeline is always a cheaper and best way to trasfer OIL as compared to under water because of obvious reasons....

Now as far as bolded line is concerned then you are right but remember there is a cost involved and that's why India went in with the deal in the first place...Also just for the sake of Argument believe thet deal is not only approved but have been implemented as well...At that point do you honestly feel we will have same liberty??? Whatever means that we use now to import gas from Iran will be replaced with the pipeline...in other words pipeline will be used for its intended purpose...

That's the reason which rightfully explains India's nervousness with the deal...They very well know the risks involved and thus want to ensure that Iran also feels the brunt if so-called State or Non-State actor intervene with pipeline...

My main point is...for oil we not desperately dependent on the pipeline.But Pakistan is dependent on the Indus.Hope u got wat i meant.

And your point being???....So far we have 3 and half wars with them..for almost 3 decades we have fought PAK sponsored insurgency yet we never used water as a mean to threat them.....Mind it i am not saying we cannot but want to stress we could but we refrained...Now you may argue the logistics to block water were/are not in place...but even a report saying India is going to build damns to block water in response to hostile behaviour would have dont the job..

Point is breaking treaties signed in front of international agencies is not a joke and is detrimental to your repute in international forums..In other words India will end up hurting her own interests if she choose to meddle with pakistani waters......Having said it i support GOI for not signing this deal untill and unless

- Iran takes the responsibility of delivering gas at Indo-Pak border
- Iran agrees to the closed rates
Its not shelved..
In February 10, 2010 it was reviewed

India revives under-sea pipeline

In talks with the Turkmenistan leadership in Ashkhabad earlier this week, India discussed the prospects of sourcing gas from the central Asian country by an under-sea pipeline project from Iran, a project considered unviable till a few years back.

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline also figured in talks between Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur and her Turkmen interlocutors, said government officials.

While talks on the TAPI pipeline are intended to keep the issue alive, an under-sea pipeline could make the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline irrelevant. The offshore route proposal envisages transporting Turkmen gas to northern Iran and a swap arrangement would bring gas from southern Iran via the proposed “SAGE” (South Asia Gas Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.) pipeline to India.

The SAGE project envisages a Middle-East natural gas gathering system connecting gas sources to the coast of the Arabian peninsula. From there, the SAGE family of pipelines plan to follow a route surveyed 15 years back and declared unviable at that time as techniques of deepwater pipe-laying and manufacturing had not matured.

“Technology has made this feasible now. This is an idea we will discuss,” said an official. SAGE is understood to have finalised a memorandum of understanding with National Iranian Gas Export Company for developing gas exports through this route, bypassing Pakistan. The Gas Authority of India Limited has also entered into a “principles of cooperation arrangement” for this sea route.

The prospects of another offshore route from Iran to India via Oman are also bright following indications that Muscat could be interested.

Talking to The Hindu, Ambassador of Oman Sheikh Humaid Bin Ali Bin Sultan Al-Mani confirmed that both countries were considering the off-shore pipeline after it had been rejected as too expensive in the 1990s because at a certain point its depth would have been 3,500 meters or four times deeper than any under-sea pipeline laid then. An Indian consortium has already been allocated Block 18 in Oman to prospect for oil and gas.

The Hindu : News / National : India revives under-sea pipeline project

Blue Stream Natural Gas Pipeline, Russia/Turkey

Pipeline across the Black Sea

The shallow water sections of up to 380m were installed by the Castoro Otto. The deep water sections of up to 2,150m were installed using the J-lay method by the crane vessel Saipem 7000. The offshore work began at the end of mid-2001. Saipem 7000 crossed the Bosphorus Strait in August 2001 and began the deepwater laying work in October 2001.

To add to it compare a gas pipeline coming from a hostile nation vs maintenance hazards(if any) in repairing a damaged underwater pipeline...What choice are you going to make????

Keep an eye on the Blue Stream Pipeline - It has been operating since November 2005.

I am sure that that the underwater stretch will be maintenance free for the "Life" of the pipeline as it would be naïve to build a structure in say 4000 Metres Depths which will then require maintenance - be it annually, 10 yearly, 20 yearly or whatever.
indian or infact the iranian political establishment do not exactly see eye to eye with pakistan on many things.

the iranians are itching to get india on board so they can have a big market to lift their economy up and india would quite like the idea of having more access to energy.

i personally think we should play hard ball.

the benefits for iran and india to get into the ipi outweigh the benefits pakistan gets - transit fees or not, these things normally end up lining the pockets of a few

the iranian establishment are sneaky little f****** and i think there is a great deal of value to send a message out to them that this is not coming easy.
The IPI pipeline has been in discussion for years and nothing has happened.

Constuction on the recently inked Iran- Pakistan pipeline will not move until Pakistan figures how to fund there share. Neither Iran or Pakistan has the hard currency to build this pipeline.

The pipeline will be going through Balochistan with a high probability of attacks on it. The chances of the pipeline being blown up are high.


India should propose a plan where the pipeline would go south from Iranshahr to Charbor (Iran's responsibility). From Charbor go for an under water line into Gujrat. From there it can be split towards Delhi and even Karachi (India can then get the transit fees).
Well had Iran our immediate neighbour or pipeline coming from a friendly nation would you have said the same??? Land based pipeline is always a cheaper and best way to trasfer OIL as compared to under water because of obvious reasons....

Yes definitely cheaper..But as u said if it is coming directly from Iran or thru a friendly country,,not thru a hostile country and that too thru some of the most insurgency prone area in the region.

Now as far as bolded line is concerned then you are right but remember there is a cost involved and that's why India went in with the deal in the first place...Also just for the sake of Argument believe thet deal is not only approved but have been implemented as well...At that point do you honestly feel we will have same liberty??? Whatever means that we use now to import gas from Iran will be replaced with the pipeline...in other words pipeline will be used for its intended purpose...

Sorry...but ur point is..?:blink::blink:

That's the reason which rightfully explains India's nervousness with the deal...They very well know the risks involved and thus want to ensure that Iran also feels the brunt if so-called State or Non-State actor intervene with pipeline...

Definitely... Indias argument is we ll pay the gas that reaches our borders...not the Iranian claim of payement for the the gas that leaves their borders.
The Iranians have to ensure that gas reaches our borders.

And your point being???....So far we have 3 and half wars with them..for almost 3 decades we have fought PAK sponsored insurgency yet we never used water as a mean to threat them.....Mind it i am not saying we cannot but want to stress we could but we refrained...Now you may argue the logistics to block water were/are not in place...but even a report saying India is going to build damns to block water in response to hostile behaviour would have dont the job..

Point is breaking treaties signed in front of international agencies is not a joke and is detrimental to your repute in international forums..In other words India will end up hurting her own interests if she choose to meddle with pakistani waters......Having said it i support GOI for not signing this deal untill and unless

The fact that we have fought 3.5 wars with them and we have not blocked the water is not a good analogy according to me.

Even during the wars both (INdo-Pak) didn deliberately target civilians..but didn they change the policy after that and start supporting terrorists killing civilians.?
Yes.U cant break international treaties at will,.
But if one side has already done that (read Pakistan blocking the oil) then we India are very well within our rights to block the water as a retaliatory measure.
Note im not saying a pre-emptive measure.

- Iran takes the responsibility of delivering gas at Indo-Pak border
- Iran agrees to the closed rates

1 st point totally agreed..Why im saying this is even if the Pakistan govt doesnt do the dirty job of blocking the pipelines itself,it has plenty of NON STATE ACTORS to do the job on it's behalf.
So Iranians should take some responsibilty for delivering the oil/gas on our borders.

Close rates..??? please explain..?
Hey Kid....that action of Pakistan will only give validity for India to block ur waters.Remeber we have the mechanisms in place..All we need is a good reason to do it.

We have other sources for oil.Do u have other sources for ur water..?

Think and u ll get the answer.

Our missile r our best resources, YOU want to try:azn:
The IPI pipeline has been in discussion for years and nothing has happened.

Constuction on the recently inked Iran- Pakistan pipeline will not move until Pakistan figures how to fund there share. Neither Iran or Pakistan has the hard currency to build this pipeline.

The pipeline will be going through Balochistan with a high probability of attacks on it. The chances of the pipeline being blown up are high.


India should propose a plan where the pipeline would go south from Iranshahr to Charbor (Iran's responsibility). From Charbor go for an under water line into Gujrat. From there it can be split towards Delhi and even Karachi (India can then get the transit fees).

What about underground Pakistani sea area transit fee and cost will be double:azn:
India should propose a plan where the pipeline would go south from Iranshahr to Charbor (Iran's responsibility). From Charbor go for an under water line into Gujrat. From there it can be split towards Delhi and even Karachi (India can then get the transit fees).

but that is not possible because even with that way India will be using Pakistani Sea :) - so she will still have to pay transit fee to Pakistan and secondly its difficuilt to lay a pipeline in Sea than comparing to Land and if there is any technical faults its always difficuilt to sort these problems out. There is no way where India can bypass Pakistan if she wants to bring this gas pipeline to India meaning the idea of first taking this pipeline to Gujarat and then diverting to Karachi makes no sense to all three parties.

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