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Pakistan, Turkey vow to intensify strategic partnership

the US army is present in japan, but to say that US has any influence on Japanese industrial reolution can't be more further from the truth

I doubt Japan could have technologically advanced it self ( by having USA's technology) without the improvement of relations and trade with the USA.

Japanese might be taking USA's technology and improve upon it, but for now, USA is being the most innovative in technology. Take the invention of internet for example or the "IT" sector which came with it. More "gifts" from USA to the world.
I doubt Japan could have technologically advanced it self ( by having USA's technology) without the improvement of relations and trade with the USA.

Japanese might be taking USA's technology and and improve upon it, but for now, USA's is being the most innovative in technology, take the invention of internet for example or the "IT" sector which came with it. More "gifts" from USA to the world.

yaar industries like mistubishi, toyota, suzuki etc were present even before world war 2
I doubt Japan could have technologically advanced it self ( by having USA's technology) without the improvement of relations and trade with the USA.

Japanese might be taking USA's technology and improve upon it, but for now, USA is being the most innovative in technology. Take the invention of internet for example or the "IT" sector which came with it. More "gifts" from USA to the world.
You should check out what the Japanese government did in the 60/70s.
They sent many to the West to learn all kinds of technology and bring it back home.
Japan started with industrial espionage and reverse enginering,not the Chinese.
I think it is quite a natural step for the Turks and Pakistanis to have some sort of an alliance, since Mughal Empire originated from Turks ( If I am not mistaken) Or at least from ME with mixed racial roots that had Turks in them too. Considering that, I think after the fall of Mughal Empire, it would be natural for Pakistan and Turks to revisit our historical connection between these two regions and bring that into modern 21th century.

I don't think we are related with Mughals, we are Oghuz Turks.
I don't think we are related with Mughals, we are Oghuz Turks.


Mughals could surely belong to Oghuz Group or from different Tribes including Oghuz ! Over Centurys Turkic People come to India because of Conquerings and through Trade Routes, like the Silk Road ! Some Turks come also during the Timurid Invasion of India !

Mughals could surely belong to Oghuz Group or from different Tribes including Oghuz ! Over Centurys Turkic People come to India because of Conquerings and through Trade Routes, like the Silk Road ! Some Turks come also during the Timurid Invasion of India !

The early Mughals spoke Chagatai Turkic i.e. a Karluk Turkic language, and Baburs "Baburnama" is also written in that language. Generally speaking most Turkic movement into E. Afghanistan, Pakistan and NW India has been by Karluks. Having said that of course you are right to say that Oghuz Turks will also have moved to the region during this period. Baburs artillery commander at the battle of Khanwa for example was an Ottoman Turk named Ustad Ali Quli. Another Ottoman Turk Mustafa Rumi was in charge of the Matchlockmen.
Mughals could surely belong to Oghuz Group or from different Tribes including Oghuz ! Over Centurys Turkic People come to India because of Conquerings and through Trade Routes, like the Silk Road ! Some Turks come also during the Timurid Invasion of India !

Got any source ?
Rest of bla bla and more of 'action' is needed. No one needs to tell us 'how close' we are to Turks and yada yada, we already 'know that'.

I want to see a 'solid and tangible' strategic partnership between us in following areas.

* Common vision on Afghanistan. Turks fix the north we fix the south. Then we build a transit to Turkey through Afghanistan.

* We need Turkish University campuses in Pakistan. Especially engineering colleges.

* Trade ~ 15-30 Billion/annum by 2020-2025.

* More cultural exchanges, Turkish and Urdu to be offered to students in both nations with semester rotation options.

* A common understanding on 'regional military posture'. A common military hotline, similar training and equipment.

* Cooperation in Space exploration.

* Turkish construction firms should have a priority over infrastructure biddings in Pakistan.

* Gul train.


* An effective channel to discuss and develop a 'unified' diplomatic narrative on international matters.

I just listed a few. Its time we build a 'China like' relationship with our cousins from Bosphorous.....talk is good...but its time for action.
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