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Pakistan Turkey Defence Production Updates

The Akinci is an interesting proposition for Pakistan, as its modular architecture and systems and bolt-ons allow for extended survellience and monitoring capabiites esp with strap on radar modules and its inbuilt radar and as data relay nodes for datalinks for an integrated battespace. It can take the initial load away from the heavy assets like Erieye and Karakhoruk AEW&Cs which i think is very useful. Additionally, same in the naval space.

Would be interesting to see how PAF use it, but i am not that convinced of its "offensive" capabilities as its large size and slow speed devalues the advantage of having small drones with lower RCS for striking behind enemy lines. eg carrying cruise missiles ...

There maybe a theoretical model of its use for offensive operations with cruise missiles - but it speed and rcs do play against it for some of the roles the proposed weapons load seem to suggest for it(to me..)
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2-stage propulsion
Arm piercing Tandem
Warhead IIR ASELSAN Seeker.
Fired from Arm by TEK-ER.
KARAOK, ala Javelin.
Mass of single-use ATGM [container + 125mm caliber Rocket] 16 kg
Length 1100 mm
Dia 125 mm
Range 2.5 km, F
ire-and-forget mode
' Direct / Overhead 'strike.



Pakistan, Turkiye ink Preferential Trade Agreement

August 12, 2022

Pakistan and Turkiye on Friday inked a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) aimed at boosting trade between the two countries.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif witnessed the signing of the PTA at a ceremony held at the Prime Minister’s Office in Islamabad. Turkish Trade Minister Dr Mehmet Mus and Minister for Commerce Syed Naveed Qamar signed the accord.

Commonly known as Trade in Goods Pact, the PTA includes comprehensive provisions on bilateral safeguards, balance of payment exceptions, dispute settlement, and periodic review of the agreement.

Prime Minister Shehbaz in his remarks termed the agreement “a great moment and a milestone” in the historic relations between Pakistan and Turkiye.

He recalled that following his visit to Turkiye in May, the untiring efforts of both countries’ ministries resulted in the signing of the agreement.

He said immense business opportunities existed between the two countries and expressed confidence that the accord would help further explore trade avenues in diverse sectors.

The prime minister said Pakistan would continue to work with Turkiye on strengthening bilateral ties.

Turkish Trade Minister Dr Mehmet Mus said the occasion marked a significant milestone that would contribute to further strengthening and expanding trade ties.

He said meeting the expectations of all stakeholders was not easy. However, he added that dedication and step-by-step measures led to the conclusion of the accord.

He thanked PM Shehbaz for his leadership that led to the agreement’s finalisation for the betterment of the two countries and for enhancing linkages between their business communities.

Meanwhile, Minister for Commerce Syed Naveed Qamar hoped the PTA between Pakistan and Turkiye would open up new opportunities to boost bilateral trade across various sectors.

He said Pakistan also looked forward to working towards a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Turkiye.

He stressed the need to increase business-to-business interaction for strengthening trade and investment relations between the countries.

The agreement​

Turkiye has offered concessions to Pakistan on 261 tariff lines, which include key items of Pakistan’s export interest in both the agriculture and industrial sectors.

The PTA will help to achieve the strategic goal of bilateral trade of $5 billion in the medium term.

Both sides agree that once the initial agreement creates goodwill and economic gains, both sides can move towards a more comprehensive arrangement.

Under the PTA, Pakistan has got market access to 261 tariff lines. Pakistan’s global exports of these products are $5.1bn. Turkiye’s global imports of these products are $7.6bn.

Pakistan has offered concessions to Turkiye on 130 tariff lines. Turkiye’s global exports in these products are $23bn (12 per cent of Turkiye’s global exports). Pakistan’s global imports of these products are $6bn.

Pakistan has gained market access in traditional sectors such as leather, rice, dates, mangoes, cutlery, and sports goods; and non-traditional sectors including seafood, processed agricultural products, rubber tubes and tyres, plastics, and engineering goods.

The framework agreement between Pakistan and Turkiye was signed in 2016, by the then Turkish minister of economy Mustafa Elitas and Pakistan’s then minister of commerce Khurram Dastagir.

The framework agreement laid the ground for gradual liberalisation in goods, services, and investment by establishing a Free Trade Area.

Under the ambit of the framework agreement, a joint scoping study was conducted to identify the areas in which both sides can make progress in reducing tariff barriers to trade.

The total trade between Pakistan and Turkiye stood at $883 million in the fiscal year 2021-22 with Pakistan’s exports to Turkiye amounting to $366m and Pakistan’s imports from that country amounting to $517m. The balance of trade is in favour of Turkiye with a negative trade balance of $151m in 2021-22.
Turkey has dispatched it's first Airbus A400M Atlas of Turkish Air Force to Pakistan with relief items for the flood affected people of Pakistan ..

A side note information about Turkey...:turkey::turkey::turkey::turkey:

(CNN) — Turkey may be famous for its kebabs, but the popular dish is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Turkish cuisine.

Covering over 300,000 square miles, the European destination's rich and diverse food is largely thanks to its landscape.

Plateaus and plains of fertile soil formed by now extinct volcanoes, snow-covered mountains and fast-flowing rivers lend themselves to a rich and varied table.
This includes olive oil based dishes from the Mediterranean Coast, hearty pastries from central Anatolia, subtle spicy flavors from the east and southeast, and that's just for starters.

Traditional Turkish foods rely less on seasonings and more on tasty fresh ingredients rolled, kneaded, shaped and cooked to perfection with care, dedication and passion.

In fact, the Turks love their food so much they even write songs about it -- "Domates, biber, patlican" by Anatolian rock star Baris Manco translates to "Tomatoes, pepper, eggplant."

Here are 23 of the top Turkish foods beyond the basic kebab:


Antalya's piyaz salad is one of the Turkish city's most famous dishes -- and its secret ingredient is its beans.

They're not just any old butter bean, but a small version known as candir, named after the inland province where they're grown.

Delicate and flavorful, candir are mixed, together with tahini thinned with a little water, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, garlic, flat-leaf parsley and olive oil.
In the very traditional version, a soft boiled egg is roughly chopped up and mixed through just before serving.

Ezogelin corba​

Ezogelin soup was supposedly conjured up by a woman who wanted to impress her husband's mother.'s mother.
Ezogelin soup was supposedly conjured up by a woman who wanted to impress her husband's mother.
According to legend, this dish was dreamed up by an unhappily married woman named Ezo who was trying to win over her mother-in-law via her stomach.
She concocted a zesty soup consisting of red lentils, domato salca (tomato paste -- sweet or hot), grated fresh tomatoes and onions, served with dried mint and pul biber (chili flakes) sprinkled on top.

There's no proof it actually worked, but just in case, ezogelin (which literally translates to bride Ezo), originating from a small village near Gaziantep, is still the food of choice for brides-to-be.


[IMG alt="A traditional Turkish side dish, saksuka consists of eggplant, zucchinis, garlic, tomatoes and chili.
A traditional Turkish side dish, saksuka consists of eggplant, zucchinis, garlic, tomatoes and chili.
Turkish cuisine incorporates a huge range of vegetable dishes known as zeytinyagli yemegi -- foods cooked in olive oil. The majority are vegetable-based and include green beans, artichokes and of course, eggplants.
One of the tastiest eggplant offerings is sasuka. Here silky purple skinned cubes of green flesh are cooked with zucchinis, garlic, tomatoes and chilli -- how much of the latter depending on where in Turkey it's made.
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This simple salad dish is made of fine bulgur wheat, tomatoes, garlic, parsley and mint.
This simple salad dish is made of fine bulgur wheat, tomatoes, garlic, parsley and mint.
Kisir is a salad made from fine bulgur wheat, tomatoes, garlic, parsley and mint.
There are numerous versions from all over Turkey, but the Antakya one includes nar eksisi (sour pomegranate molasses) and pul biber (hot red chili flakes). They like it hot down south.

Mercimek kofte​

Mercimek kofte is a hugely popular Turkish appetizer or side dish.
Mercimek kofte is a hugely popular Turkish appetizer or side dish.
Known to Diyarbakir locals as belluh, mercimek kofte is a vegetarian delight.
Made from red lentils, fine bulgur, salt, finely chopped onion, scallions, tomato and aci biber salca (hot red pepper paste) and crushed cilantro, they come in handy bite-sized servings.
Just pop one of these nuggets of flavor onto a lettuce leaf, add a squeeze of lemon juice, roll it up and munch away.

Yaprak dolma​

This traditional dish is essentially  vine leaves rolled and filled with either well-seasoned rice or mincemeat.
This traditional dish is essentially vine leaves rolled and filled with either well-seasoned rice or mincemeat.
In the Isparta version of yaprak dolma, rice is cooked with tomatoes, a bunch of parsley, onion, garlic, tomato paste, olive oil, black pepper, salt and water.
A spoonful of this mixture is placed on a vine leaf, folded in and carefully rolled by hand into neat little cylinders.
While leaves are sold at most street markets, the best ones come from a neighbor's tree, usually picked at midnight.
Yaprak dolma are part of Turkish Aegean cuisine and sometimes include a pinch of cinnamon in the mix, a nod to the Rum people, Greeks born in Turkey.

Inegol kofte​

Inegol Kofte --  grilled meatballs made using ground beef or lamb, breadcrumbs and onions.
Inegol Kofte -- grilled meatballs made using ground beef or lamb, breadcrumbs and onions.
Meatballs are so much more than just balls of meat in Turkish cuisine. Each style brings its own unique serve of history.
One of the best known is Inegol kofte, invented by one Mustafa Efendi. Originally from Bulgaria, he migrated to Inegol in northwest Turkey in the 19th century.
Unlike other Turkish kofte his mix uses only ground beef or lamb and breadcrumbs, seasoned with onions.
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Iskender kebab​

Iskender kebab is named after İskender Efendi, the man who invented the dish.
Iskender kebab is named after İskender Efendi, the man who invented the dish.
Located in northwest Turkey, Bursa is famous for three things -- silk, the ski fields of Uludag and a type of kebab called Iskender.
Apparently a gentleman of the same name first cooked this dish for workers in the city's Kayhan Bazaar back in 1867.
Thin slices of doner meat are reverently laid over pieces of plump pide bread, smothered in freshly made tomato sauce, baptized with a dash of sizzling melted butter and served with a portion of tangy yoghurt, grilled tomato and green peppers.

Cag kebab​

To prepare this dish, marinated lamb meat is roasted on a horizontal rotating spit and cooked over a wood fire.
To prepare this dish, marinated lamb meat is roasted on a horizontal rotating spit and cooked over a wood fire.
The people of Erzurum take their meat very seriously. So much so, they're prepared to wait more than 12 hours for a sliver of hot and tasty lamb cag kebab.
First the meat is smeared with a mix of onions, salt and black pepper and left to marinate for half a day. Then it's fed onto a long skewer and cooked horizontally over a wood fire.
Divine on its own, cag kebab is also served wrapped in flat lavas bread with slices of tomato, white onion and long thin green peppers called sivri.

Hamsili pilav​

Hamsili pilav -- an oven baked rice dish with a layer of fresh anchovies on top.
Hamsili pilav -- an oven baked rice dish with a layer of fresh anchovies on top.
Hamsi, aka European anchovy, is a staple in Turkish Black Sea kitchen. In the city of Rize, the slender fishes are prepared with rice to make Hamsili Pilav.
This dish is cooked in a stock made from fried onions, butter, peanuts, Turkish allspice and raisins, which is mixed with fresh parsley and dill. Then filleted anchovies are arranged over the rice and the whole lot is cooked in the oven.

Perde pilav​

Perde pilav -- a buttery dough  filled with rice, chicken, currants, almonds, pine nuts and butter.
Perde pilav -- a buttery dough filled with rice, chicken, currants, almonds, pine nuts and butter.
The town of Siirt is home to perde pilav, or curtain rice, a rice-based dish wrapped in a lush buttery dough, baked in an oven and served up hot.
Usually served at weddings, perde pilav is cooked with chicken, currants, almonds, pine nuts and butter, and seasoned with salt, oregano and pepper.
The shape of the dish is thought to represent the creation of a new home -- the rice symbolizes fertility and the currants are for future children.


The most coveted version of these tasty Turkish dumplings are made in Kayseri, Central Anatolia.
The most coveted version of these tasty Turkish dumplings are made in Kayseri, Central Anatolia.
The most popular type of manti, small squares of dough with various fillings, are those made in Kayseri.
This central Anatolian version contains a spoonful of mince sealed into a small parcel, but they use cheese elsewhere. The manti are dropped into boiling water and topped with yoghurt and pul biber (chili flakes).
Legend has it, a good Turkish housewife can make them so small that 40 fit onto one spoon.
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Testi kebab​

Testi kebab -- a meat and vegetable dish that needs to be broken open before it's eaten.'s eaten.
Testi kebab -- a meat and vegetable dish that needs to be broken open before it's eaten.
This specialty of the Nevsehir region features pottery made in Avanos, using red clay from the famous Kizilirmak River.
First the clay jug is filled with beef, tomatoes, bell pepper, garlic and a knob of butter. Its opening is then sealed with a peeled slice of potato and covered in alfoil, before the jug is placed in a wood-burning oven.
Once the contents are ready, the cook must hold the alfoil covered top in one hand and a small hammer in the other to break open the meal.
The trick is to aim for the thin line circling the body of the vessel three quarters of the way up.


This traditional Turkish pastry is often stuffed with salty white cheese, minced beef or spinach.
This traditional Turkish pastry is often stuffed with salty white cheese, minced beef or spinach.
Alternatively known as sac boregi, pastry cooked on a sac, a hot convex metal plate, gozleme are flat savory pockets usually filled with salty white cheese, spinach or minced beef.
Although often considered village food, it takes expert handling to roll out the paper-thin dough without tearing it.
The word goz means "eye", and the name gozleme is believed to come from the dark spots that form as the pastry cooks and absorbs the oil on the sac, forming "eyes."


A type of flatbread made from stretched out dough balls stretched and inserted with a range of fillings.
A type of flatbread made from stretched out dough balls stretched and inserted with a range of fillings.
Pide are a firm favorite among Turks, with some of the tastiest originating in the Black Sea region. Here dough balls are stretched out into an elongated base and loaded with a choice of fillings.
The most popular is sucuklu yumurta, spicy Turkish sausage and egg mixed with kasar (yellow sheep cheese) but ispanakli kasar, spinach with cheese, is equally good.
It's the crust that makes pide a winner. Cooked in a wood-fired oven, the high temperature produces a crisp crunchy base ideal for all types of ingredients.

Su boregi​

This savory pastry is made by layering sheets of a dough named yufka and adding a filling of white cheese.
This savory pastry is made by layering sheets of a dough named "yufka" and adding a filling of white cheese.
Borek, a savory pastry made from layering sheets of a fine filo-like dough called yufka, is a staple of the high plateaus of central Anatolia.
It was brought to Turkey by nomadic herders hundreds of years ago, and different varieties can be found all over the country and throughout Central and Eastern Europe.
Su boregi, meaning "water borek" is the most commonly available, relying on white cheese, butter, olive oil and salt for flavor.
I visited Turkey a month ago, I enjoyed many of these foods!
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