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Pakistan to supply Super Mushak trainer aircraft to Iraq.

Great news for Iraq and Pakistan. This will foster stronger relations between the two nations and Air Forces. PAF is one of the oldest F-16 users and have employed it in combat. There is plenty we can help the Iraqi AF with.

I also hope that K-8 Trainers, JF-17 jets and Pakistan built weapons znd services to be part of the Iraqi AF's reconstruction effort.
Iraqi Air Force

20 Beechcraft T-6 Texan II
20 Lasta-95
[20?]Super Mushak [probably $10-$12m deal]

Hmm political decision because Lasta-95 fulfills the role for both Basic to and Intermediate and T-6 TII as intermediate to semi advanced.

Well, If i were in charge, I would send Iraqi pilots to Pakistan, and buy the basic trainers for Iraqi pilots to train on in Pakistan. then send them to Iraq when training is complete. now of course advanced training is also needed with other aircrafts. I don't know what the plans are though.

The JF-17 wouldn't be a bad option considering the price for capability comparison. It also means inexpensive guided bombs and missiles. Although it probably wont compete with the advanced jets of our neighbours, its still great for ground attack. It could be used for counter terrorism and a possible large-scale attack of ISIL from eastern syria.
Well, If i were in charge, I would send Iraqi pilots to Pakistan, and buy the basic trainers for Iraqi pilots to train on in Pakistan. then send them to Iraq when training is complete. now of course advanced training is also needed with other aircrafts. I don't know what the plans are though.

The JF-17 wouldn't be a bad option considering the price for capability comparison. It also means inexpensive guided bombs and missiles. Although it probably wont compete with the advanced jets of our neighbours, its still great for ground attack. It could be used for counter terrorism and a possible large-scale attack of ISIL from eastern syria.

Not just that, Iraq can help Pakistan diversify its oil market and Pakistan can help Iraq in selling its oil to China through our Gwadar port. ;)
Not just that, Iraq can help Pakistan diversify its oil market and Pakistan can help Iraq in selling its oil to China through our Gwadar port. ;)

How does Gawadar help China or Iraq with oil transit without all weather transport links or pipelines?
Well, If i were in charge, I would send Iraqi pilots to Pakistan, and buy the basic trainers for Iraqi pilots to train on in Pakistan. then send them to Iraq when training is complete. now of course advanced training is also needed with other aircrafts. I don't know what the plans are though.

Although it probably wont compete with the advanced jets of our neighbours, its still great for ground attack. It could be used for counter terrorism and a possible large-scale attack of ISIL from eastern syria.

Offtopic...which neighbor are you referring to...at this point nobody in the neighbor can compete with highly capable advance fleet of israel air force not even turkey. egypt has no active bvr no AMRAAMs. Syria is nothing, jordan also have F-16s with some 180 AMRAAMs and no BVRs for Iraqi Air Force from US.

What is Iraqi air force looking for with its capable Jets?

All would be available to FC-1/JF-17
BVR Missiles SD-10A/B
WVR Missiles PL-9 varaints/PL-5 variants
AESA [future Blocks]
Anti-radiation Missiles
Anti-shipping cruise missiles
AL Cruise Missiles [+/- 250km]
Targeting pods
Jamming pods
Glide stand off like H-4,H-2/free fall bombs /PGMs
Anti Runway munitions -HAFR-1
Cluster submunitions?
Lets not forget there is a news of AEW&C package for customers...

I'm asking you some info maybe you can post it in Arab Section and let me know as what is coming [weapons etc] with Iraqi F-16s.
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Memeership of the true aircraft manufacturing club needs expertise in engine making. Pakistan cannot even make the piston engine in this aircraft:

Powerplant: 1 × Textron Lycoming IO-540 V4A5 horizontally opposed 6 cylinder.

It certainly should have the expertise to do so but for some reason .......

It is not a matter of having the expertise or not. It is a question of economics. First consider the likely number of engines Pakistan would need. Now consider the number of engines required to be manufactured for breaking even. Also spare a thought for the need to continue manufacturing said hypothetical engines and the necessary marketing efforts involved. A very relevant question would be "How well in Pakistan known for making such products?". To set up a plant for making engines would be folly of highest order as far as I can see. So, it is better to source engines from renowned companies. That gives customers confidence in the delivered product and gives Pakistan recognition that it needs and deserves.

Lycoming is a world class company for making propeller-driven aircraft power plants. Since there is no prospect of sanctions for such engines, consequently there is absolutely no reason for re-inventing the wheel.
Offtopic...which neighbor are you referring to...at this point nobody in the neighbor can compete with highly capable advance fleet of israel air force not even turkey. egypt has no active bvr no AMRAAMs. Syria is nothing, jordan also have F-16s with some 180 AMRAAMs and no BVRs for Iraqi Air Force from US.

What is Iraqi air force looking for with its capable Jets?

All would be available to FC-1/JF-17
BVR Missiles SD-10A/B
WVR Missiles PL-9 varaints/PL-5 variants
AESA [future Blocks]
Anti-radiation Missiles
Anti-shipping cruise missiles
AL Cruise Missiles [+/- 250km]
Targeting pods
Jamming pods
Glide/free fall bombs
Lets not forget there is a news of AEW&C package for customers...

I'm asking you some info maybe you can post it in Arab Section and let me know as what is coming [weapons etc] with Iraqi F-16s.

You forgot stand off missiles like H-4,H-2

Anti Runway munitions -HAFR-1

Sat guided,GPS guided PGMs

Anti Armour Cluster bombs with guided kits etc etc

But anyways great to see Pak-Iraq co-operation ...

Didn't the Iraqi AF already operate these aircraft?

Syria,KSA,Oman,Iran,South Africa,Egypt,Bahrain? etc etc but not Iraq ..
It is not a matter of having the expertise or not. It is a question of economics. First consider the likely number of engines Pakistan would need. Now consider the number of engines required to be manufactured for breaking even. Also spare a thought for the need to continue manufacturing said hypothetical engines and the necessary marketing efforts involved. A very relevant question would be "How well in Pakistan known for making such products?". To set up a plant for making engines would be folly of highest order as far as I can see. So, it is better to source engines from renowned companies. That gives customers confidence in the delivered product and gives Pakistan recognition that it needs and deserves.

Lycoming is a world class company for making propeller-driven aircraft power plants. Since there is no prospect of sanctions for such engines, consequently there is absolutely no reason for re-inventing the wheel.

Sometimes pursuit of national interests supersedes mere economics. What price would you put on the ability to manufacture airframes in-house? Or the expertise to design and build critical componentry? Making such engines would be first step towards more advanced products, don't you think?
Iraq is on of Oil rich country if Pakistan and Iraq work together in Defense industry it will be good for booth of us.......We have talent and AlHumDuLillah excellence in making weapons what we need is funding many time I think If Saudi Arabia or Their Prince invest in our Defense industry it will bring a good Business Why not they Order us what they need we will make that with their name Saudi Arabia can afford aircraft carrier and Pakistan can Build it our engineer and scientist can do this..........How long Muslims are going to depend on non Muslims?
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