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Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

I know that, and that's why India had pushed for Pak to be put into grey list in the first place.

The only thing you are wrong about is grey list not affecting lending institution. The grey list makes it tough for Pakistan to seek loans from EU, World Bank or IMF.

We are serious about terrorism that's why we pushed for Pak to be put in grey list so that if they don't clean their mess on their own, atleast they are forced to do so by FATF.

Name one world body where India has been denounced for use of their land to commit terrorism across borders. It's a lie your government and isi has been feeding you.

The world doesn't buy that bs and has put Pak on notice. You guys can choose to remain in your alternate reality though.

Say that to your foreign minister Qureshi, or is PTi also a party full of liars?
Kulbushon disagrees with u
well i am not from PMLN, but Ishaq Dar Successfully double the tax collection from 1900 billion to 3800 in 5 years without creating any panic among the business community.

The revenue collection increased from Rs 1946 billion in 2013 to Rs 3362 billion in 2017(figures taken from PML_N source) Your numbers and then government numbers don't add up by any imagination.

When the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party swept to power after general elections in 2013, chief among their promises was to turn around an economy in dire straits, revitalizing growth and overcoming a chronic energy shortage that had crippled many industries.

The situation was, by any definition, dire.

Economic growth had dropped to just 3.5 percent, with foreign reserves dropping fast in the face of a huge import bill, and a balance of payments crisis looming.

As the PML-N took office, central bank foreign exchange reserves stood at $6.5bn, their lowest level in 10 years. Facing the possibility of default, by September the government had approached the International Monetary Fund (IMF), seeking a three-year $6.68bn programme to help stabilize the economy and introduce macroeconomic reforms.

It would be Pakistan's 12th IMF programme in almost three decades, and came with conditions enforcing discipline on managing fiscal deficits and privatizing state-owned entities, many of which were not fully met.
Five years on, the PML-N told you, Pakistan's economic situation looks markedly rosier.

A major chunk of Pakistan's economic growth during PML-N, was led by consumption, most of it government spending on development projects was achieved by borrow and spend which is not sustainable in the long-term .
I am sure you are smart enough to understand one can keep buying with credit card to look good, but eventually you have to pay it back with interest.

In mean while PML-N ignored the real problem faced by Pakistan they didn't address constraints to exports' competitiveness, created overvalued exchange rate with borrowed money, created a weak investment environment and a trade policy that at times hurts rather than supports exports, Results were exports drop from $25bn in 2013 to $22bn in 2017(according to central bank data).

Moreover, repeated PML-N government attempts to widen the country's tax base had only limited success, leading to a widening fiscal deficit, as the government continued to pump borrowed money into the economy.

Ishaq dar wouldn't be on the run if he actually achieved anything other then personal finances growth by billions..

Most business community during PML-N and PPP panic they were either shutting down or leaving Pakistan taking billions with them and almost none of the merchants were even registered with FBR or being taxed.. so please check your facts before claiming PML-N were great for Pakistan.

Where as current govt ministers and even PM love to make aggressive statements about business community which created panic and due to which growth rate drastically fallen from 5.8 to 2.4

Real reforms are being introduced Policies being put in place now are sustainable , dollar rate is real and not overvalued by artificial means. Tax collection and number of tax payers continues to show increases. Yes its painful time for all no doubt about it, but without this only other option left was to declare bankruptcy..
I understand India media is mostly BS, but does it mean grey list is new gold standard?
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Friday formally announced that Pakistan will remain on its grey list for the next four months.8

The FATF acknowledged recent improvements but also expressed serious concerns over the lack of progress by Pakistan to address terror financing risks.

The task force directed Islamabad to take more measures for complete elimination of terror financing and money laundering.

“The FATF strongly urges Pakistan to swiftly complete its full action plan by February 2020,” it said in a statement.

“Otherwise, should significant and sustainable progress not be made across the full range of its action plan by the next Plenary, the FATF will take action.

"Since June 2018, when Pakistan made a high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) to strengthen its anti-money laundering (AML) and counter terror financing (CTF) regime and to address its strategic counter-terrorist financing-related deficiencies, Pakistan has made progress towards improving its AML/CFT regime, including the recent development of its money laundering / terror financing risk assessment," read the statement.

At the October 2019 plenary, according to the statement, the country reiterated its political commitment to completing its action plan and implementing AML/CFT reforms.

"Pakistan should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address its strategic deficiencies," it added.

"While noting recent improvements, the FATF again expresses serious concerns with the overall lack of progress by Pakistan to address its TF risks, including remaining deficiencies in demonstrating a sufficient understanding of Pakistan's transnational TF risks, and more broadly, Pakistan's failure to complete its action plan in line with the agreed timelines and in light of the TF risks emanating from the jurisdiction."

"To date, Pakistan has only largely addressed five of 27 action items, with varying levels of progress made on the rest of the action plan.

"The FATF strongly urges Pakistan to swiftly complete its full action plan by February 2020."
Pakistan should have been out of the list as it hurts like a hanging sword though, till February means Pakistan has a lot of time to do the needful whatever is being left in list that mostly targets are achieved. But what is more interesting as how Indian Media will explain the lies of so-called dark grey list or that Indian DM claiming Pakistan to be put in blacklist.
Pakistan should have been out of the list as it hurts like a hanging sword though, till February means Pakistan has a lot of time to do the needful whatever is being left in list that mostly targets are achieved. But what is more interesting as how Indian Media will explain the lies of so-called dark grey list or that Indian DM claiming Pakistan to be put in blacklist.
Brother if pakistan really takes action on teeror funding ,indians will be the first ones to be happy as we are the victims of the terrorism that is originating from pakistan...a complete shut down on terrorists and their funding is good for both countries..of course you may call them mujahids or freedom fighters or whatever but for world they are terrorists..
Pakistan should have been out of the list as it hurts like a hanging sword though, till February means Pakistan has a lot of time to do the needful whatever is being left in list that mostly targets are achieved. But what is more interesting as how Indian Media will explain the lies of so-called dark grey list or that Indian DM claiming Pakistan to be put in blacklist.
I predicted this as much. The fact is Pakistan has not been blacklisted, which is what India has been pushing for. This extention [this is what it is] gives us more time and fact is Pakistan has to do this as we have issues around terrorism financing. Way too many dodgy groups in Pakistan have leaders living in style without accounting for where the money is coming from.
Look on the bright sign, thise FATF issue gives us perfect cover to look into the finances of anti statement elements. The only negative is the threat of sanctions that comes with it, which then impacts consumer confidence.
Brother if pakistan really takes action on teeror funding ,indians will be the first ones to be happy as we are the victims of the terrorism that is originating from pakistan...a complete shut down on terrorists and their funding is good for both countries..of course you may call them mujahids or freedom fighters or whatever but for world they are terrorists..

I am really sorry but you are quoting a person that doesn't appreciate the sugar coated tantrums. Had it been the merit by FATF; I am sure you have lot of skeletons to ditch and India would have been in the same list like Pakistan but just because, this side is not a huge market nor can afford a lot of lobbies as well as conspiracy spending; Pakistan is being hammered having a political tool called FATF. If Indian case was that much stronger; we have more enemies than friends and Pakistan would have been long into blacklist. This terror originating tantrum is too old and just think and read KJ that in-fact, those terrorists are Indian heroes as long as they harm Pakistan. Aslam Achoo, the main culprit of Chinese Consulate attack in Karachi was having a nice candid camera sessions inside an Indian Hospital.... I mean, the series is unlimited but only Pakistan is being hammered due to our own mishandling but that doesn't make you so innocent.... Samjhota Express, Melagaon Blasts and many more are your own haunting but doesn't seems to be evil because it was India who did it.... Isn't that a shameless act to blame others and pretend to be so innocent.

Stay out of the topic..
indians will be the first ones to be happy as we are the victims of the terrorism that is originating from pakistan...a complete shut down on terrorists and their funding is good for both countries..of course you may call them mujahids or freedom fighters or whatever but for world they are terrorists..

Secular India and the current extremist Hindutva parties are not the same thing, these saffron parties like RSS/VHP/Bajrang dal/BJP(as of now), others need a constant terror threat from Pakistan, the Muslim invaders mantra, Hinduism in danger due to rising population of Muslims narrative to win electorates...terror from Pakistan was/is a bogey man, a hoodwinking gimmick to create the fear factor and get the polarization and win the majority Hindu votes.
I predicted this as much. The fact is Pakistan has not been blacklisted, which is what India has been pushing for. This extention [this is what it is] gives us more time and fact is Pakistan has to do this as we have issues around terrorism financing. Way too many dodgy groups in Pakistan have leaders living in style without accounting for where the money is coming from.

I do agree on the point that FATF is not all bad for us but in-fact gave a wake up call and that too due to our own incompetence from the past. Interestingly, FATF is a strategical influencing tool by the people that their own cupboards are full of skeletons as such but then again, this is all about bragging and lobbying that on one side, the most evil can sit on the saint chair and blame others. I am happy with progress in this regard as long as it serves the National Interests and we are tights the noose around culprits/corrupt lot. Terrorism Financing is being misinterpreted in account of Pakistan especially when it was Nawaz Sharif being involved in money laundering to his personal accounts and Habib Bank had to take the hit.

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