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Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

But but indian already moved us on dark grey list new one created by them.
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Government will fix the remaining 4 things/points in the list and will be back on white list by February 2020.
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Remaining on FATF grey list, nice one. Huge diplomatic victory for Pakistan obviously.

Amazing how quickly the goalposts move, I’m old enough to remember the denials that Pakistan has even been put on the grey list at all back in 2018 from the very same people who are cheering today.
Remaining on FATF grey list, nice one. Huge diplomatic victory for Pakistan obviously.

Amazing how quickly the goalposts move, I’m old enough to remember the denials that Pakistan has even been put on the grey list at all back in 2018 from the very same people who are cheering today.
This is a win-win for Pakistan. With each round Pakistan gets more time to work on the next set of things to improve and adjust. Overall a very positive development as nobody with any sense was expecting Pakistan to come off the Grey list just yet. We also knew there was no chance of Pakistan getting into the BL despite tall claims being made by the Indian side (Rajnath et-al).
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Remaining on FATF grey list, nice one. Huge diplomatic victory for Pakistan obviously.

Amazing how quickly the goalposts move, I’m old enough to remember the denials that Pakistan has even been put on the grey list at all back in 2018 from the very same people who are cheering today.

Your memory is equally getting old. Pakistan was officially put into grey list in June 2018 not in Jan 2018 which Indians were cheering just like your idiot defense minister, who just a week back claimed that Pakistan is to get black listed. Similarly your ignorant media yesterday, were also making colorful range of FATF list (for e.g."dark grey list") to fool gullible Indians like you.
full marks to khan on foreign policy but zero marks in economic front as khan govt need to improve itself economically
I don't see any other way out of our economic ills then what exactly is happening right now .
You pretend as though this is the first time we are in imf. This happens every time. Do you forget the last imf or the imf before that or the imf before that.
You have to balance your cm sheets and spend less and then you see some contraction but stability.
The negative sentiment was a myth created by few families as busted by a meeting with army chief .
The traders clearly say we don't pay tax do what you may .
The karkay and tehtehan copper company has resolved their issues and now forgive the fine imposed and work again for Pakistan .
Later they are selling power plants in few months .
Correcting pia.
5 billion work on war oil refinary from uae is in development.
10 billion oil refinary and 4.5 investment in energy in balochistan is in works yesterday it was told by Saudi ambassador.
What more do you expect .
Ml1 would be signed in November.
By opening kartarpur and issuing visas to 1 lakh Sikhs in November you would like earn half to 1 billion.
After that your image against minority has increased hugely
The FATF expresses satisfaction at the measures taken by Pakistan to curb terror financing
Finance Ministry spokesperson says the FATF will announce the final decision on October 18

Published: October 16, 2019 13:54


Dubai: The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has reportedly decided that Pakistan will remain on its grey list till February 2020, according to reports which the Pakistani officials did not confirm.


The spokesperson for the finance ministry, Omar Hameed Khan was approached to verify the news about FATF decision to keep Pakistan on FATF grey list but he said that “it is not true and nothing before October 18”, Dawn news reported.

According to reports, the FATF has directed Islamabad to take ‘extra measures’ for complete elimination of terror financing and money laundering.

An FATF meeting in Paris on Tuesday reviewed the measures that Islamabad has already taken to control money laundering and terror financing. The meeting observed that Islamabad will have to take further steps in these four months until the next review in February 2020.

A tweet by the FATF says: "FATF President Xiangmin Liu opened the FATF Plenary meeting. The key outcomes of the next 3 days of meetings on global action against moneylaundering and terrorist financing, and decisions on Pakistan, Iran and other countries to be announced on Friday (October 18)

A Pakistani delegation led by Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar told the meeting that Islamabad has made positive progress in 20 out of 27 points. The FATF expressed satisfaction on the measures taken by Pakistan and its progress in various areas.

Six days of FATF meetings will focus on disrupting financial flows linked to crimes and terrorism and discuss ways to contribute to global safety and security. China, Turkey and Malaysia appreciated the steps taken by Pakistan.

Meanwhile, representatives from 205 countries and jurisdictions around the world, the IMF, UN, World Bank and other organisations are attending the meeting.

At the Tuesday meeting, India has recommended to blacklist Pakistan on the plea that Islamabad has allowed Hafiz Saeed to withdraw funds from his frozen accounts. Concerns were also raised on the tax amnesty scheme offered in Pakistan.

On the outright support extended by Turkey, China and Malaysia, the FATF decided not to include Pakistan on the blacklist and give it more time to implement the remaining measures.

The decision to stay on grey list is still considered a success of the Pakistan government. Moreover, the FATF also acknowledged the steps already taken by Pakistan to prevent money laundering and terrorists’ access to financial sources. The FATF stressed the need for further implementation of the action plan by Pakistan.

According to the FATF charter comprising 36 countries, the support of at least three countries is required to not blacklist any country.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has expressed satisfaction at the measures taken by Pakistan and its progress in various areas.

A Pakistani delegation led by Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar told the FATF meeting that Pakistan has made positive progress in 20 out of 27 points, Radio Pakistan reported on Monday.

What is FATF
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by the Ministers of its Member jurisdictions. The objectives of the FATF are to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. The FATF is therefore a “policy-making body” which works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas.

At the Tuesday meeting, India has recommended to blacklist Pakistan on the plea that Islamabad has allowed Hafiz Saeed to withdraw funds from his frozen accounts. Concerns were also raised on the tax amnesty scheme offered in Pakistan.

India has no right to speak when it has terrorists like Modi, Yogi Adityanath, Pragya Thakur, etc. sitting in its government. In fact, 543 elected members of Indian parliment, a full 34% of the parliment, face criminal charges.
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At the Tuesday meeting, India has recommended to blacklist Pakistan on the plea that Islamabad has allowed Hafiz Saeed to withdraw funds from his frozen accounts. Concerns were also raised on the tax amnesty scheme offered in Pakistan.

UN sanction committee allowed it. very weak propaganda by sanghi swines..
The FATF expresses satisfaction at the measures taken by Pakistan to curb terror financing
Finance Ministry spokesperson says the FATF will announce the final decision on October 18

Published: October 16, 2019 13:54


Dubai: The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has reportedly decided that Pakistan will remain on its grey list till February 2020, according to reports which the Pakistani officials did not confirm.

At the Tuesday meeting, India has recommended to blacklist Pakistan on the plea that Islamabad has allowed Hafiz Saeed to withdraw funds from his frozen accounts. Concerns were also raised on the tax amnesty scheme offered in Pakistan.

From above quote, it is clear why Madhia Lodhi was sacked by Imran earlier this month.
She made a very timely disclosure of the letter/correspondence with UN to allow Hafiz Saeed funds for his personal/family expenses.
Even though it is UN permissible expenditure and authorised by the UN, supported by even USA, India still made use of leak information from one of their placed spy in Pakistani establishment.

Shame on you Madhia Lodhi, if Pakistanis have any shame, they should never appoint this traitor to any post.
Not gonna lie, I stopped reading after the first sentence.

Fatso has been in government on and off since the 80s. What has he ever achieved?
Only billions for himself and destruction of the economy.
Why was Pakistan not going to take off I'm the 80s? 90s? Punjab in 2008?
There were no dharnas or anything then?

Reports are now coming out of how complete sharif, with his hitman Dhar, had destroyed the economy.

But here you are throwing a temper tantrum because you no longer get any qeema naan

Just when I though you would actually engage, perhaps in some specific thread, in a mature manner, you start posting insults and hearsay nonsense about fictional reports of economy. How can you be so blind to see where we have landed in the past 2 years alone; if we were indeed in such a shithole, how were our individual lives, the lives of common Pakistanis, was so much better off just 2 years ago?

But sadly, you are incapable of reasoning on this matter just because you will not be able to save face or continue to defend PTI, makes me wonder where your loyalties are and who you worship!
I know that, and that's why India had pushed for Pak to be put into grey list in the first place.

The only thing you are wrong about is grey list not affecting lending institution. The grey list makes it tough for Pakistan to seek loans from EU, World Bank or IMF.

We are serious about terrorism that's why we pushed for Pak to be put in grey list so that if they don't clean their mess on their own, atleast they are forced to do so by FATF.

Name one world body where India has been denounced for use of their land to commit terrorism across borders. It's a lie your government and isi has been feeding you.

The world doesn't buy that bs and has put Pak on notice. You guys can choose to remain in your alternate reality though.

Say that to your foreign minister Qureshi, or is PTi also a party full of liars?

you are serious ?.. what a joke.

You hateful policies are driving people to radicalism

and yes does india fund terrorism we have caught you red handed... your denials are convincing your self

The world isnt buying your BS.. see the international press it isnt pretty for india..

name one country?. I will give you two.

sri Lanka: Did you not arm and train LTTE?

USA : US classified BLA as a terrorist organistation. India refuses to do so and continues to arm and train them.

want more for your education???
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