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Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

Dont post half truth. Doctors were expelled by saudi arabia because pakistan asked them to, becaus their degree were not officially recognized by govt of Pakistan.
The CPSP has rejected that claim. And the government has not taken any action against CPSP. If that was not just rumours, the government would have taken some action.
The CPSP has rejected that claim. And the government has not taken any action against CPSP. If that was not just rumours, the government would have taken some action.

If what you say is true, can you post a link to some credible evidence to support your above claims?
You can get each and everyone of them on your side. It still won't make an iota of difference to Pakistan.

LOL what will be achieved at most by India and its lackeys? Pakistan being blacklisted? That will backfire miserably because under the new government Pakistan has been making huge strides when it comes to repaying outstanding debt/loans. Blacklisting Pakistan will hamper this effort severely and the likes of IMF/WB can kiss goodbye to their money.

Secondly, our relationship with the US and NATO countries will come under severe strain. From the war in Afghanistan to other areas of interest such as diplomacy. Expect a halt in relationship. After all, blacklisting a country i.e. economic boycott is no joke to put it mildly.

Thirdly, our relationship with the likes of China and other friendly nations will skyrocket on steroids. Projects like CPEC and many others will get full and utmost focus. The crying you currently witness on the Indian and Western media is kindergarten stuff. The crying and sobbing that will take place after blacklisting Pakistan is incomparable.

You need to learn one thing very fast. Pakistan cannot be blackmailed nor arm-twisted. We are a country that survived an onslaught during US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan. We survived many sanctions and boycott attempts. Pakistan is resilient and battle-hardended. This blacklisting will only serve as the last nail in the coffin. Our cooperation and commitment will be completely focused towards China and other friendly allies.

Defaulting is the worst thing that could happen to Pakistan. Many countries have defaulted before and some made a stronger comeback. Pakistan has a behemoth ally on its side that has no shortage of cash, technology and manpower. You are stirring up the wrong hornest's nest.

You need to purchase oil. And to do that you need a way to pay for it. The only way to pay for oil or any other import is via systems controlled by the west. Once you are on the blacklist, your oil purchases and all other purchases that do not come from China will be monitored and they will only let bare minimum thru for sustenance.
The CPSP has rejected that claim. And the government has not taken any action against CPSP. If that was not just rumours, the government would have taken some action.

Can u provide any proof where CPSP rejected their claim? This issue between CPSP a proper organization and Ms/MD degrees with no structure or training is very old. CPSP does not recognize that as proper specialisation and govt jobs are not given to them.
If what you say is true, can you post a link to some credible evidence to support your above claims?

How to prove that the Pakistan government has not taken action against CPSP ? By the absence of news about any action taken. With the amount of attention given to the doctors coming back from SA, the media would definitely have covered any action taken against CPSP.
How to prove that the Pakistan government has not taken action against CPSP ? By the absence of news about any action taken. With the amount of attention given to the doctors coming back from SA, the media would definitely have covered any action taken against CPSP.

Definitely not by the Pakistani media but there would have been something released by the Saudi or Gulf Arab media outlets..........if what you say is true.
Can u provide any proof where CPSP rejected their claim?

CPSP has rejected the claim that they are behind the sending back of doctors from Saudi. There were rumors that CPSP had told the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties to derecognize the doctors. The CPSP has rejected that allegation.

"Dean (academics) of the CPSP, Prof Dr Ghulam Mustafa Arain, rejected the allegations levelled by the affected doctors and said the CPSP representatives had been promoting FCPS qualification during visits abroad to create a good image of Pakistan in the field of medical education." https://www.dawn.com/news/1498520
CPSP has rejected the claim that they are behind the sending back of doctors from Saudi. There were rumors that CPSP had told the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties to derecognize the doctors. The CPSP has rejected that allegation.

"Dean (academics) of the CPSP, Prof Dr Ghulam Mustafa Arain, rejected the allegations levelled by the affected doctors and said the CPSP representatives had been promoting FCPS qualification during visits abroad to create a good image of Pakistan in the field of medical education." https://www.dawn.com/news/1498520

CPSP refused to recognize MS/MD and instead only recognize FCPS. This made saudis to remobe MS/MD degree holders. Why should govt take action against CPSP? Its a credible imstitute. Its like HEC not recognising a university, its degree will thus have no value. If u r not aware of this decades old issue then better refrain from commenting.
CPSP refused to recognize MS/MD and instead only recognize FCPS. This made saudis to remobe MS/MD degree holders. Why should govt take action against CPSP? Its a credible imstitute. Its like HEC not recognising a university, its degree will thus have no value. If u r not aware of this decades old issue then better refrain from commenting.

Those MD / MS doctors had been working there for a few years without approval of CPSP. So what changed now that they were removed suddenly.

You think a country will allow doctors qualified in another country to practice without going into the validity and quality of their education.
Those MD / MS doctors had been working there for a few years without approval of CPSP. So what changed now that they were removed suddenly.

You think a country will allow doctors qualified in another country to practice without going into the validity and quality of their education.

Every country validates and qualifies the education of doctors from other countries..
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