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Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list till February.

Or it can mean the elites are actually as incompetent as they seem.

I don't think its incompetence, I think its pure and simple greed. It simply means Retarded in higher places don't care what happens to Pakistan as long as they get their dough.
You have a lot of faith in your Ummah brothers.

Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That was clearly sarcasm

UAE is financing our strategic oil reserves

You mean country that sells oil is selling your oil, WOW how did you geniuses do that, how did you manage to buy oil from a nation that sells oil.. It clearly is a Game changer. You guys continue to make miracles happen.
We stop taking this seriously and we might get black-listed like before.

FATF's blacklist will hurt the economy so bad that most of us cannot imagine. With foreign investment already finding it difficult to enter the country, it will be a blow too hard for us to take.

February is the deadline, people should start believing it!

Nothing is going to happen even if we are black listed. You must realise that the biggest money laundering countries are UK, UAE and such. This is just arm twisting zionist tool. Oh and the world cannot risk messing around with pakistan
If we are put on blacklist, then india will suffer the most. Nothing stopping from daily Mumbai like attacks from happening then.
If we are put on blacklist, then india will suffer the most. Nothing stopping from daily Mumbai like attacks from happening then.
If at all Pakistan is black listed it's to stop such attacks.
Don't worry you will have other things to worry about than to plan attacks in India if you go to blacklist.
Media trying to ignore news related to fatf because they don't want panic but panic already started.i think we will be blacklisted and it clearly shows that we were in wrong camp for decades.america is not an ally, it's a super power which uses other countries for it's dirty missions.we must change our policy and we should start behaving like strangers to americans.we should stop helping Americans in afghanistan.india is able to put enormous pressure on pakistan just because of America.

There was nothing after Mumbai blast.americans wanted us in 2008 that's why India was left alone but time is changing fast.now America need India to settle problems with China and pakistan and this is what they are doing.americans can do anything.we can be a full time nato member if they want.imf can lend us huge money if they want but right now,they are trying to put pressure on pakistan.pakistan must show some type of response like walk out from peace talks.tell Americans clearly that Pakistani role in American war in Afghanistan is over and they can no longer assist american forces.i believe we will take all these steps but after blacklist.

Ummah chummah is of no use.they are on indian side.who is on our side? China,turkey and Malaysia.why we send our army to safeguard royal family? We should send our army to turkey to assist Turkish forces in their operation.we should stop relying on others and start good relations with friendly countries.turkey needs more firepower in their operation in syria.send our army.show power of Pakistan army to other countries specially France and India.start exercises with pla in tibet.india should feel the heat.we should behave like a country now.
You mean country that sells oil is selling your oil, WOW how did you geniuses do that, how did you manage to buy oil from a nation that sells oil.. It clearly is a Game changer. You guys continue to make miracles happen.

UAE is not selling the oil. It is storing the oil in India. There is a difference. We can use that oil in case of war. Saudi ARAMCO has also shown interest in having a similar relation with India.
You have a lot of faith in your Ummah brothers.

But you could not even prevent Saudia Arabia throwing out your doctors. They have also not been very helpful in FATF the last couple of times.

UAE is financing our strategic oil reserves. They are basically helping us go to war better. And everyone knows that the country against which we have the highest probability of war is Pakistan.

You are still not in the black list because it takes time for us to convert countries to our side. But we are getting there one by one. Working on Malaysia now.

Dont post half truth. Doctors were expelled by saudi arabia because pakistan asked them to, becaus their degree were not officially recognized by govt of Pakistan.
Pakistan will implement the things it deems advantageous for our economy. FATF issue is political and India is behind it. With afghan peace issue in Pakistan hands, we can twist arms too.
If at all Pakistan is black listed it's to stop such attacks.
Don't worry you will have other things to worry about than to plan attacks in India if you go to blacklist.

If it happens, I will be waiting for you or other gangu members here to comment how one of their loved ones was removed from this planet. Can't wait
Okay. So post a link to evidence which proves it. The Americans also claimed that the Iraqis had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins. Am I suppose to believe that too?

I just answered you - check FATF. the way you're looping I gotta ask you to prove you're not a robot !
You have a lot of faith in your Ummah brothers.

But you could not even prevent Saudia Arabia throwing out your doctors. They have also not been very helpful in FATF the last couple of times.

UAE is financing our strategic oil reserves. They are basically helping us go to war better. And everyone knows that the country against which we have the highest probability of war is Pakistan.

You are still not in the black list because it takes time for us to convert countries to our side. But we are getting there one by one. Working on Malaysia now.

You can get each and everyone of them on your side. It still won't make an iota of difference to Pakistan.

LOL what will be achieved at most by India and its lackeys? Pakistan being blacklisted? That will backfire miserably because under the new government Pakistan has been making huge strides when it comes to repaying outstanding debt/loans. Blacklisting Pakistan will hamper this effort severely and the likes of IMF/WB can kiss goodbye to their money.

Secondly, our relationship with the US and NATO countries will come under severe strain. From the war in Afghanistan to other areas of interest such as diplomacy. Expect a halt in relationship. After all, blacklisting a country i.e. economic boycott is no joke to put it mildly.

Thirdly, our relationship with the likes of China and other friendly nations will skyrocket on steroids. Projects like CPEC and many others will get full and utmost focus. The crying you currently witness on the Indian and Western media is kindergarten stuff. The crying and sobbing that will take place after blacklisting Pakistan is incomparable.

You need to learn one thing very fast. Pakistan cannot be blackmailed nor arm-twisted. We are a country that survived an onslaught during US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan. We survived many sanctions and boycott attempts. Pakistan is resilient and battle-hardended. This blacklisting will only serve as the last nail in the coffin. Our cooperation and commitment will be completely focused towards China and other friendly allies.

Defaulting is the worst thing that could happen to Pakistan. Many countries have defaulted before and some made a stronger comeback. Pakistan has a behemoth ally on its side that has no shortage of cash, technology and manpower. You are stirring up the wrong hornest's nest.
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