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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

If what we are hearing now is accurate that these people are Afghan evacuees, then this is even more bizarre. The US does not deem these people and their identities and paperwork strong enough to allow them a straight shuttle to the US. As in the case with Qatar they are reaching a logistical choke. The US is housing these people in these countries, and requesting and processing these people, which means more info on them to validate whether they fall into some SIV category.

The irony is the US does not deem these people worthy enough to allow processing within the US, so instead is looking for countries like Pakistan to become a staging ground (why not Saudi Arabia, SK, Japan). What happens to these people if their processing fails? If the US argues that it wont, then why are they not being processed in the hundreds of US bases all over the world or in the US mainland, or some US territory? However you slice it or dice it this will not be to Pakistan's benefit. To curry some fleeting favor from the US, to your own detriment is not good policy.

In the end perhaps 20% will get through. Many will just disappear into Karachi/ISB (as hotels will not be locked down and secured). The ones remaining will become a quandary as Pakistan will find them hard to repatriate. Remember this lot is likely the most rabid anti-Pakistan lot.
I've a question, why they need 1 month stay ?? All of them (4,000) will land here just in a few days but can't leave in a week ? 😂 Why 30 days 🤔

Bro some of them will leave maybe in less than than a week, some will take 2 some 3 weeks. I think their travel to the end destination will depend how fast the arrangements can be made at the end host countries like community housing etc.

What I am sure of everyone arriving here will be on leg to reach any Western country, not one of them wil prefer to settle permanently in Pakistan 🙂
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.


1 - Giving more power to Sindh Rangers ? They are the ultimate power in Sindh already and Karachi would have been stable if Rangers wanted but it seems that the rangers is in no mood to establish peace in the city thanks to unlawful side businesses.

2 - This move will create an altogether new saga of US intelligence involvement in local affairs and weaken the law and order situation.

3 - If I were the government, I wouldn’t welcome them at all and just give them a small area to establish a camp under Pak Army supervision and divide their groups. Strict control on entry and exit.

4 - The intermixing will give US one of the best chance to buy many officers for long term.
Begging your pardon, but last I checked - PDF is not a branch of the Pakistan Air Force. I personally love the F-16's as we've have a remarkable track record with them, but I think i'll take the word of an Air Chief Marshal than that of a 'Senior Member'.

Q. Has Lockheed Martin or someone in The Pentagon/DoD stated that Pakistan has an interest in the F-16's?

Conspiracy theories are like watched kettle that never boils.

I don't know how old you are but the post is rather childish and argumentative and I am not 20 anymore. So please do your own research and then post. If the US provides FMS tomorrow, Pakistan would put money down for either upgradation of the existing block 52 to 70, or would get new ones. It's a known fact and F-16 are the most trusting war machine ever built. Who took out the SU-30 and the Mig-21 a couple of year's ago in that skirmish with India? Let's not troll please and get a grip on Pakistan-USA relations first to know "why's" on this issue. Thanks

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@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.


I think I will absolutely agree with you. While it does present an opportunity for us I will say it may bring in challenges of its own.
If it is the Afg refugees that are being brought in Kci or any other city, I think your point 3 is totally legitimate. I am a witness to the IDP Camp we set up at Bakka khel which had a capacity of 200,000 people and we can surely set up even better facilities in short time and in a better state so even if they bring 2, 3 or even 10,000 Afg refugess we should be accommodating in these temporary places cut off from the rest of Pak populace.

The choice I will agree but not an operational airbase like Shahbaz but probably a less used airstrip like maybe Sukkur airport or even better the Rahim Yar Khan airstrip to bring in people and set up temporary accommodation there. I am in awe why choose Kci. Anybody can slip into the localities even if it is a saboteur and any Europeans / American coming in would be vulnerable to Indian sponsored terror entities.
I would agree to hotels and facilities for people of foreign missions or inter-governmental organisations who will surely be here temporarily but for any refugees I do not agree to accommodate in the cities besides Kci.

Secondly it is my analysis, I may be wrong, there is less chance we will generate any concessions for us be it in terms of military sales or even disbursement for the support we are rendering.
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Secondly it is my analysis, I may be wrong, there is less chance we will generate any concessions for us be it in terms of military sales or even disbursement for the support we are rendering.

In international geopolitics, each side tries to gain the most while giving away the least, as best as it can be done.
If what we are hearing now is accurate that these people are Afghan evacuees, then this is even more bizarre. The US does not deem these people and their identities and paperwork strong enough to allow them a straight shuttle to the US. As in the case with Qatar they are reaching a logistical choke. The US is housing these people in these countries, and requesting and processing these people, which means more info on them to validate whether they fall into some SIV category.

The irony is the US does not deem these people worthy enough to allow processing within the US, so instead is looking for countries like Pakistan to become a staging ground (why not Saudi Arabia, SK, Japan). What happens to these people if their processing fails? If the US argues that it wont, then why are they not being processed in the hundreds of US bases all over the world or in the US mainland, or some US territory? However you slice it or dice it this will not be to Pakistan's benefit. To curry some fleeting favor from the US, to your own detriment is not good policy.

In the end perhaps 20% will get through. Many will just disappear into Karachi/ISB (as hotels will not be locked down and secured). The ones remaining will become a quandary as Pakistan will find them hard to repatriate. Remember this lot is likely the most rabid anti-Pakistan lot.
Filled with Hazaras and their religious hate towards a majority.

They are worst scums, All sorts of illegal activities and they are the root.
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its demise gets postponed and/or it avoids Cambodian treatment at the hands of the US

Foxtrot Alpha is Hazara, lets ask him about them "scums"

thank God for small mercies
Don’t take it off road.

I call Americans as filthy people as well so does that mean all are ?

In Karachi, Hazaras are involved in the worst of things possible. Burglary, Rape, Escort businesses, Drugs, Trafficking and street crimes.
In other words, we have again become party. These American bastards have always had a keen eye on Karachi. I just wish we could tell them to fvck off.

I hope for Bajwa's and Imran Khan's sake this doesn't turn out be another fiasco where the Americans backstab. History doesn't bode well. The Americans always backstab.

Take it easy! Airspace is still open and under contract they can use the ground as well. Pakistan gets paid for it.
... This is also to show the world that Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan and does not support aggression.
This is the time to earn global respect in diplomacy by our actions. ...
It's strange that Iran, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Terkmenistan, Uzbekistan and India are not wanting this global respect but Pakistan must earn it with one-click of Joe Biden's fingers.

Maybe the other countries are more interested in self-respect than global respect?
Not surprising.

The only alliance Pakistan has ever maintained with anyone is, was and will be is the U.S.
Sadly true.

Seems to be the only reason that Pakistani ghairat has been subdued for this long and still going strong.
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As for FMS - we'll go down road or revisit this conversation when it happens. So far there is no indication that it will happen anytime in the near future.

And its a known fact that the F-15 is the most trusting war machine ever built.

- FMS won't be available and thus, no new F-16's will be purchased by Pakistan. That's what I told you in the beginning. Yet we wasted so much time.
- Again, argumentative vs. factful. The -15 has only been sold to a handful of nations and it's total quantity probably sits below 1000 ever built. The Viper on the other hand, is the best multirole jet and serves about 45 air forces of the world as a primary fighter / interceptor and it's quantity is well over 4500 built. So which's one's the most trusting war machine? The one that's trusted by the most customers and produced in larger quantities.
- The -15 is the best fighter / interceptor ever built but it's never sold to more than 15 countries (if that) and has never seen mass scale adoption.
From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021
I think they have done something like they did ro Musharraf and how he wilted in front of gora sb
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