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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

USA control the fancial system

Last i check people cry even when imported cheez prices go up
We are getting massive hand outs via IMF AB WB ..
Do you guys read the news?
All pakistan need to do is not to confront USA
If they want leave let them leave
A base for a month isnt a big deal

And we know what they will do and how they will treat us once they leave. So better we dont sell ourselves short and extract maximum benefits. The problem is those who eat that cheese are the decision makers. Most of us are ok with daal saag and salan.
Incorrect. Pakistan is trying hard to get as much benefits as it can in line with its own national interests. 100%.

It not just the U.S multiple countries need out

Multiple E.U countries etc as well.as U.S, Canada etc

So what's happening is Pakistan is main port of call, will liaise with multiple states to safely remove their staff and even allow some staff to their missions in Pakistan

I think everyone is thinking the worse, soldiers blah blah thousand of afghans etc

i believe this could be a diplomatic and intelligence coup if it means that we can counter afghan and Indian desperation to blame Pakistan with good will with multiple states by helping them out of a tight spot
and i thought may be after USa move out of afghnistan we will not hear any f16 rumors well now some "optimist" will come up with this idea again:hitwall:
Afghans, Indians etc are desperate to try and blame Pakistan for 20 years of failure

This could keep everyone at bay

Not everything has to be a physical benefit,.money for example

We are simply showing how hospitable and determined to help everyone from multiple countries we are

It might not be apparent
And it might not necessarily work

But this ploy by Pakistan could be genius as opposed to the needlessly obstructive Pakistan some posters are looking for
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.

Considering our past with this stuff as it has went wrong before. Is this news even confirmed tho?
Afghans, Indians etc are desperate to try and blame Pakistan for 20 years of failure

This could keep everyone at bay

Not everything has to be a physical benefit,.money for example

We are simply showing how hospitable and determined to help everyone from multiple countries we are

It might not be apparent
And it might not necessarily work

But this ploy by Pakistan could be genius as opposed to the needlessly obstructive Pakistan some posters are looking for

Very critical time this is … hospitality is one thing but our collective enemies are shrewd and low life to the core they can stoop to ANY level to create chaos at any opportunity they get and this moment is conducive for subversive activities … I hope the concerned knows the big game plan e.g. any incident happen in next coming days near the accommodation of foreign guests might be blamed on Taliban or ISIS K and then a rally on international media will be run to show that Pakistan is again going to be targeted by Terrorists and is not stable to keep its nuclear weapons safe … a very critical time we are going through indeed …

As per Dr. Shahid Mashood 30000 to 35000 people are coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan …

All these current events tell you how much “*** burning 🔥 “ was going on in enemy quarters across the world to orchestrate a plan to destabilize Pakistan “with the help of Pakistan itself”…

Note: Hello to all the guests on this thread …
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and i thought may be after USa move out of afghnistan we will not hear any f16 rumors well now some "optimist" will come up with this idea again:hitwall:
Until PAF announces the retirement of F-16, there will always be talk of getting F-16s ( new or used, ) upgrade of existing fleet. Usually is the case if you have one of the best platform in your arsenal or can't get or afford the replacement for it.
And we know what they will do and how they will treat us once they leave. So better we dont sell ourselves short and extract maximum benefits. The problem is those who eat that cheese are the decision makers. Most of us are ok with daal saag and salan.
Who asked pakistan to put herself in a situation where it needs to be bailed out by IMF every 3 years from 2008 to 2018

What? Do you think pakistan wont need another bailout soon once maryum nawaz is back
But this ploy by Pakistan could be genius as opposed to the needlessly obstructive Pakistan some posters are looking for
you went from having a heart attack at the prospect of some refugees to quadist in a heartbeat.

hypocrisy only serves as the fuel for fire in the afterlife.
you went from having a heart attack at the prospect of some refugees to quadist in a heartbeat.

hypocrisy only serves as the fuel for fire in the afterlife.

Well the initial news seemed like Pakistan was opening border's for lots of lanati Afghanis to come in and create fassad

But now it seems that is not the case

Pakistan is dealing with multiple states who need to get their people out

And whilst it's still unfortunate for Pakistan this could turn out to be a great PR excercise where we help multiple states for nothing more then good will

The afghans I couldn't give a toss about, but Pakistan has something to gain here if we play our cards right
Are we mad or something can we not close our borders now and be like the Chinese mind our own business.
i believe this could be a diplomatic and intelligence coup if it means that we can counter afghan and Indian desperation to blame Pakistan with good will with multiple states by helping them out of a tight spot

As I said above, rescue a la Blackhawk Down times 10,000 is a good idea.
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.

Shahbaz is an ideal along Peshawar airbases also army Garrisons can host some of security personals shouldn't have problems even Masroor base probably can host 2to3K since it's has huge land and I doubt it would undermine our security I believe troop level at kabul is down to 2or 3 k rest will stay in Pakistan since actual number was 6k so US will do rotation of troops from Pakistan to kabul also Talibans control airport from civilian side as well this process will continue in September as well
For being Pakistan.
I mean sanctions on Pakistan never made any sense, anyway. But I always felt that Pakistan was sanctioned because we were weak.
Sanctions are another way of keeping affairs monopolize in favour of big powers.
So a lot of reasons actually.
Zero chance nobody will sanction Pakistan
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