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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021
It will then transform into a permanent base as Pakistan will be destabilized to allow for a pretext for a permanent base. Then it will be expanded for Indian, Israeli troops and then NATO troops and become a magnet for regional jihadists. Pakistan should help with the transport to help them move soon as possible to bases elsewhere.
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I think this has China's consent. Pakistan would never take such steps without consultation.
Really doubt China would say yes to this, considering the ramifications (US troops moving freely in their "Iron Brother").
Really doubt China would say yes to this, considering the ramifications (US troops moving freely in their "Iron Brother").
it might. I know of two occassions when china instructed pakistan about what to do.
  • when Gen. Musharraf was being threatened to be bombed to stone-age, Chinese advised to go along with the US demand
  • india conducts a raid on balakote, Pakistan says : we'll retaliate at a time of our choosing, America phones and says oh no you will not retaliate. Pakistan consults China and is told to do it but proportionately (not be excessive)
oh I just realized: 3 birds for three birds or one bird and three trees?
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Chinese investment mostly sits in Baluchistan and the convoys to Gwadar pass through KPK from Khunjerab pass. Punjab was the province of choice then and hopefully Kala shah Kaku doesnt transform into a Black water Ops base.
In return, they should give us Trade preference and a minimum of 36 F-16 Block 72.
We couldn't leverage bringing Taliban to the negotiation table for anything, heck we couldn't even leverage the wholesale surrender of our long standing strategic interests by going along with US in the War of terror, what makes you think we'll try to get anything out of this relatively minor favor...
I think this has China's consent. Pakistan would never take such steps without consultation.
Pakistan doesn't need permission from the Chinese to interact with America, are you trying to imply Pak is subservient to China, the exact same thing people complained about the US relationship?
Pakistan consults China and is told to do it but proportionately
No, actually China said the same thing about not escalating so....
US start hitting ISIS hideouts in 🇦🇫@Blacklight
If Taliban claim that they had reports of an impending attack in Kabul, then NATO's intel would have known too, still the incident occurred. Wouldn't it show that Taliban are unable to control ISIS and that Afghanistan needs USA.
From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021

As much of a good political move this is to keep good relations with the west but I can’t stand us keeping taghut’s army in Pakistan while they illegally keep Aafia Siddiqui kidnapped and torture her.
At least for this we should secure her release. We’re going out of our way to help usa and we’ve helped them so much but we got nothing in return. For all of our sacrifices and all the Pakistanis usa illegally kidnapped even giving us 200+ f-16 block 72 would be peanuts.
Least we can do is demand the release of Aafia Siddiqui.
The assistance is being provided to NATO & US Troops to evacuate from Afghanistan.
It does not have any angle other than this. We are NOT providing any bases for them..!!!

This is also to show the world that Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan and does not support aggression.
This is the time to earn global respect in diplomacy by our actions.

Media will try to give it another angle, but that's what they are paid to do.

What are we getting in return for all this help though? Usa won’t even release our ah-1z helicopters or give Turkey engines for our t-129.
Forget about military stuff they can’t even free the daughter of Pakistan Aafia Siddiqui. We should at least have some ghairat and demand the release of Aafia Siddiqui.
For free? No.

Since us “war on terror” is over in Afghanistan and their leaving and recognizing Taliban aren’t terrorists than shouldn’t we demand us free Aafia Siddiqui too because she was kidnapped by usa in beginning of “war on terror”. US lost it and left Afghanistan and legitimized Taliban so now they should have no problem returning her
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when Gen. Musharraf was being threatened to be bombed to stone-age,

That’s false it’s just a excuse used by him and pro Musharraf people go justify his actions.
Search up what general Hamid Gul or Dr israr have said about Musharraf.
Anyways wasn’t Musharraf ssg? Ssg aren’t supposed to bow down to anyone
Search up what general Hamid Gul or Dr israr have said about Musharraf.
too much time in company of sodomites in afghanistan caused him to lose his mind, became a braggart towards the end. was fantasizing all over the place as if he and the sodomites alone drove out the soviets

who is dr israr? that man should be selling paradise to the gullible instead of talking about Gen. Musharraf and selling lies and misinterpretations of the prophesies about past ghazwaat and those yet to come
Ssg aren’t supposed to bow down to anyone
the dumbest assertion yet on PDF. wrong freaking context
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