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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

They keep Pakistan in FATF, child soldier recruiter list, ban engine sales, took away FMF funding and yet our moron brown sahabs wearing a shalwar looking pant is bending to the white master. Pakistan said UK requested, the same country that looks down upon Pakistan, bans our flight and are racist towards us. What a stupid weak and mental slave govt and establishment. Sorry to say but we need to rise up as a nation and lynch n kill these brown sahab mental slaves, they r more loyal to west than to Pakistan.
I wonder why people are not coming out on streets and protesting this.
They keep Pakistan in FATF, child soldier recruiter list, ban engine sales, took away FMF funding and yet our moron brown sahabs wearing a shalwar looking pant is bending to the white master. Pakistan said UK requested, the same country that looks down upon Pakistan, bans our flight and are racist towards us. What a stupid weak and mental slave govt and establishment. Sorry to say but we need to rise up as a nation and lynch n kill these brown sahab mental slaves, they r more loyal to west than to Pakistan.
I wonder why people are not coming out on streets and protesting this.
Though I agree with most of what you have written, I will caution against any sort of popular uprising/protests. Our populists are not the types that will give us anything meaningful either. You are likely to degenerate into some crazy religio-facist setup that will in the long run do more harm. (We dont have a strong class of what I would call intellectual nation builders).

Pakistan did not get to this place in a day and it will certainly take the long game to get us out of it. It starts with building some nationalism into the populace. That happens over time and through culture and education. Build nation "ghairat" in people's minds. Build a sense of ownership of Pakistan in her citizens. Only then will things change. I would caution against looking for quick fixes on the backs of some single leader (personality), or some ideology (outside of nationhood). This does not mean our Islamic identity is diluted, but nationhood needs to be primary.

The day people keep their store fronts and streets outside their homes clean (on their own volition), and not look for gov or just complain, then we'll know people have taken ownership of their country.
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.

Agree with you completely on this, even notices have been given to hotels in Peshawar and Islamabad to halt all bookings. Ramada hotel in Karachi was literally filled with Afghans.
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.

Two separate thoughts that come to mind.
First...Pak should use this opportunity to build bridges with US/West. Due to various geopolitical issues and foreign policies of both countries...a lot of damage was done to relations between US and Pak. There is no reason why Pak and US have to be enemies. This is a multipolar world now...let's proceed accordingly. No need to create enemies unnecessarily.

Secondly...the state of affairs in Karachi and Sindh in general has been abysmal...when it comes to development, security, etc...all thanks to PPP...and anything that they didn't loot/destroy was done in by MQM. I say Pak(central government and military) should use this as pretext to sideline PPP and end its choke hold on Sindh in general. Whatever legal methods have to be used...use them to end this 18th amendment BS through which PPP has held Sindh hostage for decades.
You can support a country as per interests and not give place for it's military on your soil based on some mechanism. It's not just about working with or against the American interests.
See if it's only afghan refugees who will take shelter for some days and not some significant military presence as some are saying, then it's not a big deal, keeping the military hosted is the issue.
Focus your own word "Interest". There was a reason why India offered their bases to Yanks back in 2001. You guys are trying really hard to make it look like a capitulation but nothing is really helping you.
@StormBreaker @waz @The Eagle @Cookie Monster @Zaki @Goenitz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @TOPGUN @Patriot forever @spectregunship @mingle @PWFI @Vapnope @truthfollower @Imran Khan @Dalit @jamal18 @PAKISTANFOREVER @ali_raza @Areesh @jus_chillin @Mangus Ortus Novem @TsAr @Counter-Errorist @aliyusuf @Zarvan @LeGenD and others

1) The security situation in Karachi is already precarious at best. This move could possibly destabilize Karachi, Sindh and rest of Pakistan even more, in that particular order. OR it should be used as an opportunity to rectify this chink in the armour, by giving Sindh Rangers more powers, and increasing their presence ?

2) When GoP quietly entered into Quad 2.0, it's focus was on upgrading it's H/w capabilities. I'm sure they were quiet aware that there are no free lunches in this world.

3) There is a substantial presence of US personnel at Shabaz AFB, in some remote corner of Shabaz a tent city would have sufficed, NATO could have brought in their own generators and ac's. This would have been an ideal scenario.

1 - Sindh govt needs to increase the capacity of police to effectively run the capital city, rangers should only be used as a back up if and when need arises.
2 - Pakistan needs to maintain cordial ties with US. The areas of mutual relationship should be preferential trade agreement, capacity building in agriculture, education scholarships and JVs for production of industrial equipment.
3 - American troops should be stationed at the place which is away from local population and their movement should be restricted to that base/staging area to avoid any problem to them as well as to the local population.
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They keep Pakistan in FATF, child soldier recruiter list, ban engine sales, took away FMF funding and yet our moron brown sahabs wearing a shalwar looking pant is bending to the white master. Pakistan said UK requested, the same country that looks down upon Pakistan, bans our flight and are racist towards us. What a stupid weak and mental slave govt and establishment. Sorry to say but we need to rise up as a nation and lynch n kill these brown sahab mental slaves, they r more loyal to west than to Pakistan.
I wonder why people are not coming out on streets and protesting this.
USA control the fancial system

Last i check people cry even when imported cheez prices go up
We are getting massive hand outs via IMF AB WB ..
Do you guys read the news?
All pakistan need to do is not to confront USA
If they want leave let them leave
A base for a month isnt a big deal
Incorrect. Pakistan is trying hard to get as much benefits as it can in line with its own national interests. 100%.

There's no benefit in saying no to an operation of limited scope or to have unrealistic expectations like acquiring military hardware or other material benefits. It's pure goodwill.
Check out theose youtuve videos. Pakistanis are so hospitable. Yeah right. Bending backwards in front of white ppl is not hospitality
Lets see how many CIA agents are dropped in karachi on the way
Thats no problem i think. We can help them evacuate safely
What if they leave ciabor black water agents in karachi????
The headline is exaggeration and so are the comments but this is just a temporary 1 month stationary or transit :lol:

Why? Thry can use Uzbekistan
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