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Pakistan to install air defence system at Pak-Afghan border

Pakistan said that any US drone that intrudes its air space will be shot down.

Pakistan will shoot down any US drone that intrudes its air space per new directives, a senior Pakistani official told NBC News on Saturday.

According to the new Pakistani defense policy, "Any object entering into our air space, including US drones, will be treated as hostile and be shot down," a senior Pakistani military official told NBC News.

The policy change comes just weeks after a deadly NATO attack on Pakistani military checkpoints accidentally killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, prompting Pakistani officials to order all US personnel out of a remote airfield in Pakistan.

Pakistan told the US to vacate Shamsi Air Base by December 11.

A senior military official from Quetta, confirmed to NBC News on Saturday that the evacuation of the base, used for staging classified drone flights directed against militants, “will be completed on Sunday.

Pakistan s Frontier Corps security forces took control of the base Saturday evening after most US military personnel left. Civil aviation officials also moved in Saturday.

Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani had issued multiple directives since the Nov. 26 NATO attack, which included orders to shoot down US drones, senior military officials confirmed to NBC News on Saturday.

It was unclear whether orders to fire upon incoming US drones was part of the initial orders.
Dunya News: Pakistan:p:akistan threatens to shot down intruding US drone...

Now we are talking
how on earth can Kiyani order to shot down drones ???

If I am not mistaken then Chief PAF Rao said we can shot drones, if government orders.

can anyone explain when and where did the Government ordered Kiyani to pass this verdict ??

just curious !!

Rao Suleman was just issuing this statement for public consumption to give a perception that the decision is to be made by the Govt. not by the forces, which is not the case. Protecting the borders are in the code of conduct of all forces. They don't wait for the president and PM's approval to shoot down whatever violates the border - they've been equipped and put on the border solemnly for that reason, hence the question of approval is not valid and always lies under the high command of forces - to shoot down whatever comes in.

Kiyani ordered to shoot down the drones is what he has to do - protecting the borders, that's his job and that's what he and other forces has been trained for. And he didn't issued these orders in the past for obvious reasons.

BTW, the Mumbai attack took place on 26/11 and it changed much of the things in the region. Attack on Pakistani force too happened on 26/11, and it's changing much of the affairs of the region. Bush's mission accomplished speech was on 02/05, Obama's speech of Osama's killing was too on 02/05. Are the dates a mere coincidence?
Many unarmed drones have also been used inside Pakistan for surveillance purposes. In terms of shooting/bringing down the drone, it makes little difference whether it is armed or unarmed.

The difference may be in case you try & fail. An unarmed drone cannot retaliate against the attack.

But Pakistan is like a piece of cake for you- Amriki retaliation will be a child play- it inevitable for you indians- thats why i am saying you lot fantasize amriki respond against any thing Pakistani- thats equivalent of thinking with your heart not with head-

Don't generalise my comments, they are solely mine & not representative of Indians in general or even of my fellow countrymen in this forum. I'm not much for thinking with the heart, That is more your line. It (retaliation/attack) may or may not be child's play but evidence suggests that you don't have a leg to stand on until you actually shoot down the drones. I will accept that event occurring as adequate proof & tailor any future comments accordingly. However, till that time is actually upon us, all I have to go is by the evidence thus far & there is nothing to suggest that such threats are anything more than grandstanding for home consumption. No amount of talk (as you keep reminding us w.r.t.2001 & 2008) is any substitute for action. Maybe you should hold yourself to the same standard.
good orders.....if exists.....now every one face the music uncle sam
Really good point. Electronic jamming is where the American's are leaps and bounds better than the rest of the world. Due to the nature of the tech, it is also easier to hide and be secretive about. No nation in the modern world has been able to withstand it so far.

While we may see a massive gap in the capabilities of Pakistan and Iraq & Libya; from the top...where the Americans are looking from, it all looks the same...I know that sounds crude, but the Americans will only find Pakistan a worthy adversary, relative to other third world countries...not in the grand scheme of things. It may take them a few of weeks extra to gain air superiority, but that's hardly the kind of odds you want to play against.

Equally, I have yet to understand what will be gained if we were to shoot down a NATO aircraft...aside from a further deterioration of relations that may lead to a greater conflict Pakistan can't win. Closing off border to NATO supplies is Pakistan's greatest trump card, any military action against a force so powerful is bound to blow up in our face.

If its all for the sake of protecting our dignity...a more fruitful endeavor maybe, to change our pathetic leadership that has allowed us to end up in this situation.

This is a good practice to test Pakistan's true defense along with Chinese help to test any new systems they devise.
The difference may be in case you try & fail. An unarmed drone cannot retaliate against the attack.

Don't generalise my comments, they are solely mine & not representative of Indians in general or even of my fellow countrymen in this forum. I'm not much for thinking with the heart, That is more your line. It (retaliation/attack) may or may not be child's play but evidence suggests that you don't have a leg to stand on until you actually shoot down the drones. I will accept that even occurring as adequate proof & tailor any future comments accordingly. However, till that time is actually upon us, all I have to go is by the evidence thus far & there is nothing to suggest that such threats are anything more than grandstanding for home consumption. No amount of talk (as you keep reminding us w.r.t.2001 & 2008) is any substitute for action. Maybe you should hold yourself to the same standard.

there recently were some new developments- i think every body knows- i am sure that includes you aswell-

1. commanders & were given the right to shoot back at any thing amrikan-
2. Shamsi being asked to be vacated
3. Air defence system being installed along Afghan border-
4. Now- Drones to be shot down

excluding NATO supply lines- that will re open- for sure-

If these recent events does not help you to snap back to the new reality- the intentions of Pak- then nothing will-
You can base your decisions from the observations of the past- but now you cannot carry on basing them on past evidences- because of the new mentioned developments- The game is changing- Its foolish tbh- or stubborn- to remain there-

the talk was never hyped this much as it is now- the rules of engagement has been changed- that certainly deserves a second thought from you aswell- unless- i can understand why not-

till then lets wait for the drones and some intentional attack on our check posts-
Except that it quite clearly wasn't shot down in Iran. It is almost completely intact from whatever evidence we have with videos. Whether it came down because of some failure or whether the Iranians, as they claim took control of it electronically, it quite clearly wasn't brought down using conventional weapons. We can reasonably assume that the technology to take control of drones electronically is not widely available (even in the unlikely probability that the Iranians did it that way), so Pakistan would still have a problem. Attempting to shoot down armed drones (unlike that in Iran) is likely to beget an immediate response. Not an easy choice.

I'm not the one doing the fantasising here. The nature of the drone over Iran was different than what has been so far been used over Pakistan. That one was unarmed, the ones over Pakistan aren't. The Americans have so far only threatened Iran with violence, they have gone a bit further than that in Pakistan, haven't they? If u can, shoot them down. Talking about giving orders to do this or that is never going to impress anybody but you chaps.

The situations in Iran and Pakistan have both been different. One needs only logic to see that clearly. Comparing them and then claiming them to be analogous is juvenile.

Firstly the Iranians have always been in opposition to the US. No guesses on what their response would be in case of an incursion by the US into their air space. The Pakistanis on the other hand have been "allied" with the US, which in turn meant approval for the strikes (quite evident since the armed drones were actually stationed within Pakistani borders) or at least a mum stance. However these latest orders change exactly that. The whole Pakistani stance is, apparently, shifting from quiet approval and sanctioning to overt disapproval and opposition. And this alone is by no means a small matter. This is the main means by which to stop the drone strikes. If you think that the Iranians are more capable of downing US drones then you are delusional. If you think that the US would restrain itself from attacking Iran before restraining itself in case of Pakistan then you are direly mistaken. If you think that the drones cannot be shot down then you, my dear friend, are deliberately and desperately trying to play everything down and are in effect trolling (You can find camera footage from a predator being effectively downed by a Stinger missile launched by a Talib and another by an Iraqi jet. There have been others shot down by light AAA as well. Please be a dear and search for them yourself).

The nature of the drone captured by the Iranis (RQ-170) is indeed different than the ones flying over Pakistan (Predator and/or Reaper) in the sense that the RQ-170 is a lot more sensitive. Its a program still denied by the Americans. The RQ-170 employs technology far superior and sensitive than anything on the Predator or the Reaper. The mere notion that "the nature of the drones flying over Pakistan would warrant a response by the Americans" is, again, ill conceived.

Now for the bold part. Where the Americans have threatened the Iranians they have still not so much as squeaked against Pakistan, at least not officially. Where they openly accuse Pakistan of being in cahoots with the Taliban through every unofficial channel their President has kept on repeating "Pakistan is our foremost ally in the WoT" like a broken 12-inch vinyl. Furthermore your reference to the recent attack on the PA check post also does not hold ground. Its easier to punch a friend and claim an honest mistake than to hit an enemy. The enemy will not cater any "mistakes". Show me one statement where the Yanks have accepted any malicious intent behind the attack. "Its all an unfortunate mistake" isnt it?

Now what these orders do is change the playing the field and the situation itself. Where before the Pakistani authorities including the military claimed inability or complacency now they are openly proposing opposition followed by action (if you cant see the seriousness in that then no one can help you). This puts us in the same set as the Iranians, only with some stronger muscle to back up our position. One thing the Americans can no longer claim is an unfortunate mistake or collaboration by the Pakistani authorities. So unless the Americans desire another confrontation, against someone a lot more powerful than anyone they have faced openly for ages, they would be well advised not to misbehave from now onwards. Keep in mind that their forces are already standing a foot away from the gallows in Afghanistan and their main life source is in our hands.

In conclusion, unless the Americans are complete imbeciles this "Talking about giving orders to do this or that should definitely impress them". It would be wise for them to not disregard it as just a fantasy. As for the rest, their opinions and claims hardly matter.

ps: The Pakistani military is not the Pakistani government or the IA. They tip toe around statements quietly regarding actions which they have no intentions to fulfill rather than shouting haughty claims and empty promises. They've mastered the art of plausible deniability quite well.
Is not the drones but what will follow when once one is shot down

What is your true nationality? You sound like a true american patriot with an uncanny ability to sell yourself as a well-wisher of Pakistan.
What is your true nationality? You sound like a true american patriot with an uncanny ability to sell yourself as a well-wisher of Pakistan.

Whats yours :) ???

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ----------

Pakistan says U.S. drones in its air space will be shot down!!

Slap on your face Stupid!

idiot sitting on the internet telling the world that who is stupid! as usual immature Indian!

Too much of a difference in beating drums and taking an action.. Looks like its just a slap in thin air..

btw, personal insults, incompetent etc etc...;)
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