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Pakistan to give access to Russia to warm Water

UNSC is the one that gets to represent the world, unfortunately not a lot of positive things gets done or come out from it. It is merely a political tool used to determine the fate of a nation. Libya is one example.

Personally I will see India wanting in eventually. As said before, India is simply sitting on the fence and benefit from both, but in the long run, that will not work and when it see greater benefits of joining the SCO it will.

Yes it is fate that the leaders of the SCO are also the most powerful ones in Asia and gets to influence in a global scale too, shame India isn't a part of it. Not sure if we can call that fate too?

well i think u shud wait for atleast 5 yrs to throw this love stories and kisses:azn:..i think u can understand wat i m saying:D:D
Why do Pakistan think they location is such a big argument?

Its just a location, we dont live 1000 years ago, where only donkeys were mode of transport.

You obviously know nothing of modern day geopolitics. It seems nothing about India/Pakistan either.

The location of Pakistan is important even today.

And stupid to think Pakistan can give they location to the world and money in return for goodies lol. They are 100 ways into central asia, and I assure you Pakistan dont have all 100 of them.

Plus Russia is maybe 20 times bigger then Pakistan and have better location to central Asia.

Look at a map. Tell me all the ways possible for Russia to get to warm seas if you can (from around the Caspian).
Look at a map. Tell me all the ways possible for Russia to get to warm seas if you can (from around the Caspian).

Same for China.

Gwadar is the only way for China to completely bypass the Indian Ocean, and connect straight to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Same for China.

Gwadar is the only way for China to completely bypass the Indian Ocean, and connect straight to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

damn trollllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:angry:
how can u say this in public????????
now u know wat will happen???USA will know this and they will try everything to get it away from u.........
You seem to have read my post but not understood it completely. So read it again and digest it. As I said, the clock has turned, and the relationship has evolved accordingly. The Soviet times were different. Today Russia needs hard cash, which India gives. Boots and Bananas are not required, or rather can only be bought with dollars. But the relationship has encompassed that too. Why don't you ask Putin about it. He'll also attest to that.

However you may want to believe; the relationship is not unilateral; it is still transactional in its basis. The nature of the transaction have changed. You don't get to see or hear the Russian POV, simply because there are not many Russians here. But travel to Russia and find out for yourself. I do and I know.

I am glad you mentioned the fact that 'the clock has turned' and 'the relationship has evolved accordingly'. Shame not many of your Indian counterparts share the same level of thinking when they see that the same thing happened to Pakistan too. Instead they chose to act like utter snobs over it and making retarded statements and poking fun at the developments. I think people really need to catch up with the time and accept the fact that times have changed and Pakistan is going to be a member of Asia most prominent alliance - which means they are going to be allies with everyone within the SCO. I am glad some are finally getting over it and are ok with it, I feel sorry for those who is still hurt by it. The poor quality response says it all.

BTW, judging from the "highly enthusiastic responses" from your friends (and our neighbors) on this forum; can one deduce that there is a "unilateral relationship" existent too? :azn:

My friends and neighbours? are we not all neighbours here? :rolleyes:

BTW, one cannot deduce that the relationship is 'unilateral' if you are talking about China and Pakistan. I am sure any fellow Chinese members here will look at Pakistanis eye to eye and stand shoulder to shoulder. We despite being the fortunate ones and also a power in Asia has never looked down on them. We consider them our brothers and sisters and always will be. We have even supported them in whatever way we could. They despite their present condition did the same for us. Too bad jealous democratic creatures next door gets to freely speak foul of its neighbour, taking matters out of context. Accusations of them selling their soul, accepting handouts and letting themselves be invaded etc to list a few. If we go by your logic then the relationship surely cannot be described as unilateral one nor is it transactional.

And if you (in your wisdom) have decided that the relationship has deteriorated, so be it. I know what level it operates at. India does not have to live on hand-outs anymore so the nature of the transactions have changed. Can one say the same about other countries in the neighborhood? :)

One must remember when trying to compare oneself with pakistan. Pakistan is a country that is still suffering from the effects of war and terrorism. If you are implying that pakistan needs handouts to survive then I think you missed the points. Those handouts does nothing for Pakistan, it nowhere near enough to pay for the damage caused and the sacrifices Pakistanis has made. What disgust me is the fact that some Indians think it is a laughing matter, when they see its neighbour suffer. Obviously the abuse and suffering recieved from the past did not reflect on them enough and lessons aren't being learnt.

In my opinion, Pakistan will become a major player in Asia. Afterall they don't have common issues that we have. They have a much more manageable population, good strategical region and investments are being pumped in from China and Russia. When the port and network of roads into the ME becomes available and actively used, then things for them will change dramatically. :)
damn trollllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:angry:
how can u say this in public????????
now u know wat will happen???USA will know this and they will try everything to get it away from u.........

away from china, brother, its pakistan's property and not americans that they come and get it away from some one
damn trollllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:angry:
how can u say this in public????????
now u know wat will happen???USA will know this and they will try everything to get it away from u.........

LOL buddy, everyone already knows. :P

i was saying abt love stories of extending SCO upto arabian sea...let the usa exit from afgh..then it will be possible..if not...then it will remain in pipeline.

Pakistan is already in the Arabian sea.

Afghanistan on the other hand, is completely land-locked.
To be honest, dont like the name, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation , when people first hear this, they think its a treaty owned and run by boss China.

Maybe India and China should join Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTC) have all the members as SCO, excluding China, what do you say?

To be honest. Name to me means nothing. I am all for the better of Asia. We are all brothers and sisters of Asia and if Asia is healthy then so are we.
Sadly the CSTC doesn't have the advantage of the SCO which covers most parts of Asia and is spreading across into the ME.
good morning bambam..

i was saying abt love stories of extending SCO upto arabian sea...let the usa exit from afgh..then it will be possible..if not...then it will remain in pipeline.

America's economy cannot sustain on going wars. Our ever expanding economy means we will continue to reach outwards and establish partners globally. If they really want to stifle our growth, the it will hurt them a lot more. Just how many wars can they sustain? ;)
They will always have to pull out somewhere to free itself for other operations, leaving areas open for business again. It's just hassle for nothing and at the cost of its own economy. Then sooner or later their people will wake up and lay waste to their government. Them being in Afghanistan now isn't a big issue for us. It's just a money sink for America and sooner or later they will have to pull out of there. It could be Obama's next move to try and secure his next presidential election. I believe the annoucement of OBL's killing was only the installation for such maneuver.
Come on, what the heck does "warn waters" mean to Russia? I mean this is Russia, not the Soviet union, it's the Russian navy, not the Soviet navy -- Think "Bijnis" that's where it's at -- all this "warm waters stuff, it's so cold war
America's economy cannot sustain on going wars. Our ever expanding economy means we will continue to reach outwards and establish partners globally. If they really want to stifle our growth, the it will hurt them a lot more. Just how many wars can they sustain? ;)
They will always have to pull out somewhere to free itself for other operations, leaving areas open for business again. It's just hassle for nothing and at the cost of its own economy. Then sooner or later their people will wake up and lay waste to their government. Them being in Afghanistan now isn't a big issue for us. It's just a money sink for America and sooner or later they will have to pull out of there. It could be Obama's next move to try and secure his next presidential election. I believe the annoucement of OBL's killing was only the installation for such maneuver.

I am sorry i dont think US is gonna leave this region anytime soon. They turn wars into profit making avenues. They create myths of their economy bursting but still their economies grow. They have explored Iraq's oil fields and will surely start their operations in the mineral rich Afghanistan. A power of US size backed by the West can easily sustain in Afghanistan and Iraq for 50 more years. They are not the Soviets.
Even after spending trillions of dollars and going through a terrible recession, it is still assumed if current rates are sustained China will still take 16 years to overtake USA economically. That might still be possible but i dont see any other country challenging US in terms of technology and innovation for another 50 years.
I am sorry i dont think US is gonna leave this region anytime soon. They turn wars into profit making avenues. They create myths of their economy bursting but still their economies grow. They have explored Iraq's oil fields and will surely start their operations in the mineral rich Afghanistan. A power of US size backed by the West can easily sustain in Afghanistan and Iraq for 50 more years. They are not the Soviets.
Even after spending trillions of dollars and going through a terrible recession, it is still assumed if current rates are sustained China will still take 16 years to overtake USA economically. That might still be possible but i dont see any other country challenging US in terms of technology and innovation for another 50 years.

You cannot compare them with the Soviets like that. Soviets suffered greatly in WWII with the Germans attacking them on their home land. They then had to rebuild itself, only to engage in an arms race with the Americans and then they screwed up on the Afghan war. It never happened to the Americans. They've always fought on other's territories.

The west is in decline and they are still struggling to cope with the recession. It is false imagination to think that they can sustain wars like that.
Needless to say, would its society allow for more wars when they see nothing but doom and gloom on a daily basis everytime they switch on their television? Vietnam was a good example of what people can do to its government. War money only ends up in the pockets of the government, greedy bankers and military. It will do nothing for its overall economy.

As of now, we are anticipating them to leave, but I didn't say it will be soon. It was a calculated guess. There quick withdrawal will bring instability to the region. Therefore it is good to have them there. They will keep secure the region to a degree, it will continue to be a money sink and for the meantime it works in favour of the Russians and the Chinese. I am pretty sure the Russians are relishing this moment as it reminds them of the Afghan war and how it sucked them dry.
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