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Pakistan - The Pathans

No sir the claim that he demolished temples isnt entirely true, to accoputn for war expenses must be fullfilled the hindus stockpiled theer wealth in the temples, hence just likr any invading army his also took booty, it quite diffrent to demolishing masjids like the indians dont in india due to pure hatred. He never stayed anywhere for long due to internal strife in ghazni etc , he wanst defaeted he conquered province by province and then returned the 17th time he stayed thats what you should actually say.

Following the defeat of the Rajput Confederacy, after deciding to retaliate for their combined resistance, Mahmud then set out on regular expeditions against them, leaving the conquered kingdoms in the hands of Hindu vassals annexing only the Punjab region. He also vowed to raid India every year. Thats why you say he failed sixteen tiem he didnt he just gave a few blows went back returned and kicked some more, simple as that .

refer tohttp://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/History/Mughals/mahmud_mughals.html " He launched aggressive expansionist campaigns, and is said to have invaded India no less than 17 times between 1000 and 1025 AD. His campaigns invariably took place during the hot summer season, and on each occasion Mahmud left India before the onset of the monsoons, which would have flooded the rivers of the Punjab and possibly trapped his troops."

so you see it was a military strategy not overrall withdrawal as you claim, as for the 800 claim, captain sher faced the 8 sikh regiment numbering between 450 to soem 1000 mena acordign to diffrent accounts since then the number 800 became commonly used to decsribe teh regiment hence i said 800 sikh regiment, il post the account as decribed by statemaster StateMaster - Encyclopedia: Karnal Sher Khan

Bhai...ur entitlled to ur opinions but not ur facts.
I stand by my statement he was defeated 16 times before defeating the Hindu king the 17 th time.
And saying he destroyed temples only because he wanted the booty and not because of religious reasons reeks of ignorance.
Didn the temple have a main gate..?if all he had wanted was the booty he could ve just entered the temple,plundered the wealth and could ve gone...
Y did he chose to destroy the temples and raze them to the ground.?
Please dont say he wasnt a religious fanatic.It hurts

As regards Sher Khan....excellent soldier...But bravery is not patented by any one side.there has been many accounts of exceptional bravery by soldiers from both sides.And they deserve to be respected.
brother Pakistani nationalist , yes ranjeet singh did get a whoopign what are talkign about do you not knwo how swat was conquered , brother i can name a hundred such sources a,d even westerners have acknowldged it , ranjeet singh and co fought a divided few people and when the khans entered the battlefeild They showed that knowbody does it quite like them , do you think its any wonder the indians stopped replying?. As for your claim on the 1200 rajput again its all bogus give me ahistorical refernce then Il give you a academic answer , the hindu rajputs were almost wiped out or you going to deny that also, i very much doubt your nationalism you broadcast
he did not personally breake the temple, do not forget an army of thousands will have a few enthusisatic people just as i dont blame all of hinduism for the destruction of barbari masjid, in this so called modern age
he did not personally breake the temple, do not forget an army of thousands will have a few enthusisatic people just as i dont blame all of hinduism for the destruction of barbari masjid, in this so called modern age

Ohhh cmon we both know much more than that.
Im not faulting them...Wat more can u expect from invaders/plunderes..but dont deny these things happened..
brother Pakistani nationalist , yes ranjeet singh did get a whoopign what are talkign about do you not knwo how swat was conquered , brother i can name a hundred such sources a,d even westerners have acknowldged it , ranjeet singh and co fought a divided few people and when the khans entered the battlefeild They showed that knowbody does it quite like them , do you think its any wonder the indians stopped replying?. As for your claim on the 1200 rajput again its all bogus give me ahistorical refernce then Il give you a academic answer , the hindu rajputs were almost wiped out or you going to deny that also, i very much doubt your nationalism you broadcast

Watever brother.im not a indi.nor a historian i just read it on a neutral source.......do u also doubt 21 sikhs against afghans?
Yes maybe 1200 were almost wiped out but its the guts tht matter standing hours against numerically superior army.........im i wrong?

About ur last sentence.....dude ur here since half an hour im here since long...ask the Pakistani people or even the chinese...
I dont support ranjit Singh but he was a good administrator and nalwa was a good general......
We should accept reality....the only man is the one who acknowledges his faults and improves them.

n the whole world wont able to stop it!!!!!!

n the whole world wont able to stop it!!!!!!

take a chill pill. relax.
We are all humans. Admit it.
Brother i dont care how long youve been here for , etc etc , all i know is whatever i say is well researched and the few minutes i have been here the indians have learnt the hard way, secodnly on the issue of teh 21 sikhs i clarified it with historical refs read my earlier posts they were attacked by 75-100 men they were in a post and they were finished within a few hours , ok i praise bravery wherever it maybe but the special effects added on by the indians thats what im against. and the 1200 i doubted the inicident i didnt praise it i said give me that so called neutral source
Who are the Pathans?

The Pathans live in Northern Pakistan and Afghanistan. The group is made up of some 60 Pushto-speaking tribes. The Pathans, also known as Pakhtuns, Pashtuns, Pushtuns, and Pakhtoons, number some 10 million in Pakistan and some 8 million in Afghanistan. They make up the largest ethnocultural group in Afghanistan.

The Pathans comprise distinct groups. Some live as nomads in the high mountains with herds of goats and camels; others, such as those living in the Swat Valley, are farmers; and still others are traders or seasonal laborers. However, this ethnographic description defies the fact that they constitute more than 20% of Pakistan's armed forces and dominate Pakistan's transportation industry and have provided the most popular Pakistani president Ayub Khan who lead the major industrialization movement which Pakistan has seen in the last 54 years.

The British attacked the Pathans in the late 19th and early 20th century. They were finally forced to offer the Pathans a semiautonomous area between the border of British India and Afghanistan. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the new nation annexed the Pathan border regions.

In the early 1950s, the Soviet Union through Afghanistan supported Pathan ambitions for the creation of an independent Pushtunistan (also called Pakhtunistan) in the border areas of West Pakistan. Several border clashes and ruptures of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan ensued. The movement was never able to gain popular support considering that Pathans in Pakistan were always better off than Pathans in Afghanistan.

Pathans also helped liberate the part of Kashmir which is now under Pakistan's control. Their support and hospitality to more than four million Afghan refugees was crucial in Afghan's liberation from the Soviet Union.

The Pathans are known as people who are brave, simple, and sincere in their dealings with others. They are noted as fierce fighters, and throughout history they have offered strong resistance to invaders. They staunchly hold on to their cultural traditions and connect with one another in a visceral way.

Most are guided by a tribal code of ethics, Pakhtunwali, or "way of the Pakhtun (Pathan)." Tribal customs and traditions make up the biggest part of the Pathan society. The tenets of Pakhtunwali show the true essence of Pathan culture and these rules are followed religiously. It incorporates the following major practices: "melmastia" (hospitality and protection to every guest); "nanawati" (the right of a fugitive to seek a place of refuge, and acceptance of his bona fide offer of peace); "badal" (the right of blood feuds or revenge); "tureh" (bravery); "sabar" (steadfastness); "imandari" (righteousness); "'isteqamat" (persistence); "ghayrat" (defense of property and honor); and "mamus" (defense of one's women).
Zillay type 1200 rajputs against 8000 afghans..u will get the answer brother.
Bhai I wnat refernce from hsitorical material on the net even i can post anything and make a;ll sorts of claims and easily disguise it under fancy jargon, and i searched it its alll mainly facebook posts and ****** lies.
Zillay brother ...im not indian but i respect brave people nd so should u....irespective of there country or religion.... its not false...u can see the statements,wiki etc etc.
Nobody is making stories past doesnnt lie.
Even now 5 Nishan e haider r rajputs.
Bro i have told you its crap and never occured its complete over exageration, you are mentioning hindus , the mention you made of nishan e haider is of our jawans our shuhadah and muslim rajputs are our brothers , bahadury is a part of iman for us
I am a pashtun from a marwat tribe and i would say sikhs were the first indics to cross indus and capture plain afghan/pashtun lands though they failed to occupy any of mountainious pashtun regions. Sikh forces were organized, disciplined and led by brilliant leader like ranjeet singh while pashtuns were divided into tribes which were enemies of each other so each tribe faced sikh forces on their own and got crushed.
Syed ahmad shaheed came from hindostan along with his followers to peshawer valley and organized a pashtun force with the help of which he defeated sikhs in two wars. Sikhs did'nt dare to attack again when syed ahmad bareilvi was incharge of pashtun forces.
Syed ahmad proclaimed himself ameer ul momineen and enforced sharia law in pashtun areas. Things turned ugly for him when he ordered yousafzais to marry their daughters to his indian companions. Pashtuns were already enraged by his attempt to finish jirga system so syed ahmad and co and pashtuns started infights, of which sikhs took advantagae and first they martyred syed ahmad in balakot and then defeated yousafazais.
I was reading history of bannu whose british writer said that bannu had 480 villages all of which were castles so no neighbour pashtun tribe was ever able to conquour bannu. Sikhs made several attempts on bannu but they were never able to capture bannu.
Marwats in that time were nomadic people , their area was under nawab of bhakar at that time. When sikhs arrived at marwat region then forces of nawab of mankera ran away before numerous sikhs without fight and lakki marwat came under sikhs. Sikhs built lakki fort near river gambila in marwat. Marwat people today remember sikhs as very cruel people , they welcomed british who took lakki from sikhs in 1840s. Hamaray ilakay main kisi zalim sakhs ko sikh se tashbeeh di jati he aur angraizo ko ache alfaaz k saat yaad kia jata he.
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