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Pakistan tests-fire nuclear-capable SRBM Hatf II (Abdali)

If you already written something about it,post linky here. Pliss.
Haseeb any comment about two different types of Abdali?
One with mid body fins and other without?

They are not different types, rather developmental designs. The one with fins was seen only in a parade, never in a test.
There were two without fins, one a very primitive and Hatf-1 type design, and the other more aerodynamic and enlarged one. Thats the one we have seen in the last 3 tests.

If you already written something about it,post linky here. Pliss.

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (Range 180 km,Warhead Payload 500 kg)

Development History :
This system is advanced,modern and has a new design than the previous missiles in the series (regarding origins).Development was initiated by NDC around 1997-8,and continued by SUPARCO.The system was first tested in 2002.

Origins :
It does not resembles any foreign missile system in dimensions and the technologies used.
The design incorporates technologies from Hatf-1 and Hatf-3 Ghaznavi missiles.It can be termed as the hybrid of the two systems.

What Pakistan did :
Over the decade,it was upgraded again and again.The latest version has a CEP of 25m approx (by using a modern INS which is assisted by satellite guidance),drastically shortened launch rail and probably fold-able tail fins.

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (2007)

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (2011)

So,Hatf-2 Abdali is this much Pakistani :

1. Indigenous airframe design.
2. Locally developed solid-fueled propulsion system.
3. Locally developed shortened launch rail.
4. Local INS,giving a CEP of ~25 m.

Overall,an indigenous missile with technologies incorporated from newer (larger) missile systems.
^^^This is most probably Sonmiani Firing range, which has a view of Arabian Sea. Beside this all Pakistan Missile test are carried out from Tilla Firing range, Jehlum. Many Air Defense Exercises and fire/mobility display of AK and AZ was also carried out at Sonmiani.
Here is a link of ISPR press release, compare the picture of press release with this one. :-)
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when was that???

You should read the history of Iran.Pakistan is one of the provinces of Iran. Whose name was Sagstan.

Pakistan 160 years ago, according to Goldsmith contract was separated from Iran.Now part of the Baluchistan province in Iran,And another part in Pakistan's
That was just a hunch considering one of the test launch site is in the vicinity of Jhelum ....any way, here's a clearer image.


This and the other pictures were taken by two different sources / agencies.

The second image has been edited, whereas the first one is from the personal camera.
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