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Pakistan tests-fire nuclear-capable SRBM Hatf II (Abdali)

The first abdali is shorter in lenght the second one seems larger-

Looks like Hatf-3 Ghaznavi is based on Hatf-1 with Delta wings mis body..

Hatf-2 Abdali seems to be a new missile.
Looks like the older version is two stage and newer version is single stage...
Also launch platforms changed...Checkout these videos and let me know what you think?

The older 2002 version was a crude form IMO, later modified for optimum performance...The launch platform changed for long inverted rail to non-inverted and then shortened rail,
But no, Abdali was and is single stage.
Looks like Hatf-3 Ghaznavi is based on Hatf-1 with Delta wings mis body..

Hatf-2 Abdali seems to be a new missile.

Hatf-3 is Pakistani made DF-11.

Yeah Hatf-2 is a local SUPARCO product.

so what's the point/observation here?

Nothing much, just posted for comparison. Notice changes in shape of nose cone and tail fins.
Hatf-3 is Pakistani made DF-11.

Yeah Hatf-2 is a local SUPARCO product.

The only reason i can think of for removing mid body fins is an increase in speed..That will cause drag with fins and controlling missile with the fins will be difficult..
They may have developed an internal "shifting of weights" mechanism for Abdali instead of fins...For higher speeds and higher altitudes this is a more efficient system than fins.
We need a multi tube variant of this missile.
The missile is small and roughly the size of Babur cruise missile.
If we can develop a Multi tube platform for babur than for this as well

3 of this on 1 TEL even with conventional warhead and 180km range with our armed forces offensive units.

and Also we can export them.180km range is good for export
Can somebody explain this Blurb From ISPR?

The weapon system with its varied manoeuvrability options provides an operational level capability to Pakistan’s Strategic Forces.
इस्लामाबाद।। पाकिस्तान ने शुक्रवार को हत्फ-2 मिसाइल का कामयाब टेस्ट किया। पिछले चार दिन में इस मिसाइल का यह दूसरा टेस्ट है। 180 किलोमीटर की दूरी तक मार कर सकने वाली हत्फ-2 परमाणु हथियार ले जा सकती है।

पाकिस्तानी सेना ने एक बयान में कहा कि कम दूरी तक जमीन से जमीन पर मार करने वाली हत्फ-2 या अब्दाली मिसाइल का टेस्ट जमीन आधारित बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल प्रणाली जांचने की प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा था।

बयान में टेस्ट को कामयाब करार दिया गया लेकिन यह नहीं बताया कि टेस्ट को कहां अंजाम दिया गया। सेना ने कहा कि मिसाइल बिल्कुल सटीक तरीके से परमाणु या पारंपरिक वॉरहेड ले जा सकता है।

but with no point. we will continue to rise, n u go down into jehadi mentality. donnt invite death In response ;)

There is a point.. Pakistan is expanding the capabilities of existing missiles instead of building new ones...
Hatf-2 Abdali can b seen with three different configurations for different types of warheads and flight paths.....and newer control mechanisms..
All this needs to be tested.
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