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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

Russia lost to Pakistan in Afghanistan. They will think 10 times before picking a fight with Pakistan.

Lol thats why pak army is negotiating with TTP? They wont fight themselves, don't consider yourself that important, there are many sellers in terror market who will give services to them.
Rogue generals.

Rogue is very mild. This man is by design a mole. Bajwa is a Trojan horse. An American slave. This man was nurtured by the Americans for this very day. I wonder how many more such top ranking generals serve in Pakistani army.
Don’t be an idiot. Niazi said we have no dog in the fight, and both nations should talk it out. (Neutral Stance)

Your Khuda Bajwa needed dollars and was willing to sell out Pakistan Army which really should be renamed to International Mercenary Army.
Humble request to you and others, lets keep it civil and clean, no name calling or insults…. I want to keep this thread open….. feel free to troll in a civilized manner
They sell you heli and jet engines as well.

Have u sold anything to ukraine historically as well? Its business when u sell it in peacetime, its taking sides when u sell it in wartime.

Yes its business that deals in blood, which will come to haunt u again. I am not shitting as it wont effect me, but it will pakistan in long run. Don't shout next time that we are an independent country. When Ruskies and chinese treat u like beggars.

Does parliament even matter in pakistan, the men in khaki makes the decision for you and pakistan and its countrymen pays the price. It has, It is, and it will be like this for foreseeable future.

Ukerine has been providing Al Khalid engines when Russia refused due to indian pressure

Pakistan never procured any thing directly from Russia apart from recent mi 35 helis. Jf engines are procured by china who owns 50 percent partnership in project
Well done, Pak :cheers:
Humble request to you and others, lets keep it civil and clean, no name calling or insults…. I want to keep this thread open….. feel free to troll in a civilized manner

There is no trolling involved. My points stand.

IK never took an anti US stance. He had a pro Pakistan stance where Pakistan would remain neutral.

And who was it that could not tolerate this foreign policy stance under the orders of Donald Lun?


The reason I got personal with that member is because he is propagating obvious lies.

I despise liars.
Well not to make it political but what i find amusing is that while cutting these under the table deals with West, leader of the armed forces and the leaders of a nuclear powered country had a begging bowl in left hand for flood victims …..


It is so clear. We weren't crazy when we pointed fingers at Bajwa soon after Imran Khan got ousted. Imran Khan was 100% correct with his accusations. America and Bajwa nexus is at work. PDM is just an insignificant pawn utilised to achieve the main objective.
Is this official now? Nothing wrong with supplying the ukrainians weapons as the russians do the same with the indians. It's just business. Nothing personal.
then why also asking Russia for oil and gas at the same time?
Dude please. That was a proxy war. America also lost to Pakistan in Afghanistan. There is a difference between all out war and proxy war.

Russia would have destroyed our country if we had picked a conventional fight with them.

Russia is struggling to fight the Ukranians but will destroy Pakistan? We are much stronger than you think.
Good luck procuring RD-93 replacements and spares

The RD-93 was never a viable long term option as indian pressure could have stopped the russians from supplying them to us. A better alternative is the Chinese WS-13 engine:

Ukerine has been providing Al Khalid engines when Russia refused due to indian pressure

Pakistan never procured any thing directly from Russia apart from recent mi 35 helis. Jf engines are procured by china who owns 50 percent partnership in project

Do you think Russia cannot prevent the delivery of engines to Pakistan even when these are delivered through China? Russia is turning a blind eye despite Indian anger and complaints which are registered publicly. You need a reality check. We had finally something going with Russia until Bajwa and America intervened.

Everyone has eyes. We have seen how much respect the Americans give to Pakistan through IMF. Bajwa is a Trojan horse and Pakistan will find out soon enough how serious the damage is. The Americans are going to turn their guns on Pakistan eventually because that is what they always do.
then why also asking Russia for oil and gas at the same time?

You can do business with both parties if you remain neutral which Imran Khan wanted.

Army boys on the thread can’t seem to comprehend that their supreme leader Bajwa chose a side.

They should really be thinking about what for? What did Pakistan get in return? Nothing. But then there are no free lunches in this world.

So if Pakistan did not benefit in this then someone did. Perhaps it was the Army boy’s supreme leader.

That’s of course what logic dictates if you have an iq over 70.
Pakistan is just doing business too, why would it be personal for us?
doing business OR doing US BUSINESS? this comment is so naive.
Interesting. Might be the reason of the coup. Imran Khan refused to deliver weapons to Russia so he was ousted and replaced by a pro Yank president.
Pakistan should have balance relations with both US and the rest of the world. US is the biggest market for our products over 8 billion dollars of trade. But, we are grass in elephant war... better grow far away from elephants.
Right now our govt celebrating the approval of IMF loan of huge massive ..1.2 billion ?
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