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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

Is this official now? Nothing wrong with supplying the ukrainians weapons as the russians do the same with the indians. It's just business. Nothing personal.
Hope JF17 engine won't turn into some business deal Plus, air refuelers and helicopter fleet.
Yeah. I dont see why people are making this a big deal. Russian have supplied the indian army since their inception, heck they fought wars against us using soviet/russian equipment.
People are making a big deal out of this because Niazi has filled up their brains with "America bad Russia good" bs.
And now suddenly everyone is a foreign policy expert.

Hope JF17 engine won't turn into some business deal Plus, air refuelers and helicopter fleet.
IL 78's were from Ukraine.
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Russia lost to Pakistan in Afghanistan. They will think 10 times before picking a fight with Pakistan.
Dude please. That was a proxy war. America also lost to Pakistan in Afghanistan. There is a difference between all out war and proxy war.

Russia would have destroyed our country if we had picked a conventional fight with them.
If that "tweets" (if there are any from some worthy person) and if they can make situation of common with an iota of improvement. Than I am all for it.

How will f16 make Pakistan any better?

Lol you did the same in 80s, and you are doing it again. Don't cry next time when there(still god forbid) are terror attacks in your country.

Did what????

We are selling a product to a customer

When Russia sells Su-30s to India is it any different?

It's just business, stop getting your panties in a twist

On the face of it not bad. Nothing wrong with supplying weapons but it needs to approved by parliament and clear how much money the GOP and its people are getting. The contracts should be public. The argument of "we don't want to tick off Russia" is nonsensical - if Joe sitting in Minnesota in his moms basement can figure out these flights and suspect it 2 weeks ago, the KGB shouldn't have any difficulty. Don't want this to go in to pockets of few Generals. These shells don't belong to the generals, it belongs to the people of Pakistan who pay taxes to have these made.

That would be idiotic

Going through parliament would make it a official state choice

Whilst this is just a low level business transaction
Interesting. Might be the reason of the coup. Imran Khan refused to deliver weapons to Russia so he was ousted and replaced by a pro Yank president.

The biggest pro Yank person in Pakistan isn't a civilian leader. It is a military leader and his name is Bajwa.

If we go by history, it is pakistan that gets fd in the end......

Russia does supply engine for their dear jet. Also they have stakes in Afghanistan and Iran.

Pakistan is doing what they does best, selling themselves to the highest bidder.

Neither is Pakistan going to get additional F-16s. The Yanks are abusing Pakistan in broad daylight. Bajwa is on a suicide mission. The man is openly pleading for a billion dollar IMF tranche and he barely got it. Now he is turning Pak Russia relations to dust. Remember that Pak Russia rapprochement took decades to become somewhat cordial. Now Bajwa has destroyed it in a matter of months. What Bajwa is doing here is bending over in the most humiliating manner. A treacherous military devil.

If I were Russia I would seriously halt supplying any engines to Pakistan. What a backstabbing COAS. An enemy of Pakistan.
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It was all out in open with British planes making daily flights. Interesting timing to pick a side though.
People are making a big deal out of this because Niazi has filled up their brains with "America bad Russia good" bs.
And now suddenly everyone is a foreign policy experts.

IL 78's were from Ukraine.

Don’t be an idiot. Niazi said we have no dog in the fight, and both nations should talk it out. (Neutral Stance)

Your Khuda Bajwa needed dollars and was willing to sell out Pakistan Army which really should be renamed to International Mercenary Army.
People are making a big deal out of this because Niazi has filled up their brains with "America bad Russia good" bs.
And now suddenly everyone is a foreign policy experts.

IL 78's were from Ukraine.
By now facility turn into rubble due to fighting. Maintenance calls will be in Russia or technicians will visit Pakistan from Ukraine ?????????????

last call was done in 2020

In Ukraine, completed the repair of the Pakistani Air Force IL-78 aerial refueling tanker​

aircraft Aircraft repair Asia Export IL-78 Mykolaiv Nikolaev Aircraft Repair Plan Pakistan Ukraine Ukrspetsexport
Specialists of the Mykolaiv Aircraft Repair Plan SE have completed the major overhaul and modernization of the aerial refueling tanker IL-78 of the Pakistan Air Force.

The press service of the Ukrspetsexport SE informed.

The work has been successfully fulfilled within the framework of a multi-million contract concluded between the state-owned enterprise Ukrspetsexport and the Procurement Office of the Pakistan Air Force in June 2020.

The Ukrspetsexport company won the tender for the repair of the Pakistani “air tanker” with the option to conclude additional contracts in the future.

IL-78 of the Pakistan Air Force takes off from the airport in Mykolaiv Photo: Ukrspetsexport SE
The recently restored and upgraded aircraft was transferred to the Pakistan Air Force and went to the base.

“The successful implementation of this contract is another confirmation of the high level of cooperation between Ukraine and Pakistan in the field of military-technical cooperation. We do not put an end to it, because we still have many joint projects ahead. And not only in the aviation industry,” – the Deputy Director General, the Ukrspetsexport SE, Artur Maksimov said.

The Ukrspetsexport called this event an important stage of cooperation with Pakistani partners.

According to Ukrspetsexport, more than ten export contracts over $150 million are currently being worked out in the armored industry alone.

“Further deepening of Ukrainian-Pakistani cooperation in the military-technical direction helps to strengthen not only the defense capability of our countries, but also fraternal relations between Ukraine and Pakistan,” – Artur Maximov said.

In June 2021 the General Director of the Ukrspetsexport SE Vadim Nozdrya within the framework of the international specialized exhibition Arms and Security, signed with the Pakistani side another contract for the modernization and repair of another IL-78 aerial refueling tanker of the Pakistan Air Force.

Іл-78 ВПС Пакистану
IL-78 of the Pakistan Air Force Photo: Wikipedia/Václav Paluzga
The Ilyushin Il-78 (NATO reporting name Midas) is developed and designed for refueling military aircraft in the air. It can also be used as a military transport aircraft.

During 2009-2012, four similar aircraft were delivered to Pakistan by Ukraine.
People are making a big deal out of this because Niazi has filled up their brains with "America bad Russia good" bs.
And now suddenly everyone is a foreign policy experts.

IL 78's were from Ukraine.
precious forex reserves and goodwill for us.
Well not to make it political but what i find amusing is that while cutting these under the table deals with West, leader of the armed forces and the leaders of a nuclear powered country had a begging bowl in left hand for flood victims …..

Did what????

We are selling a product to a customer

When Russia sells Su-30s to India is it any different?

It's just business, stop getting your panties in a twist

That would be idiotic

Going through parliament would make it a official state choice

Whilst this is just a low level business transaction

They sell you heli and jet engines as well.

Have u sold anything to ukraine historically as well? Its business when u sell it in peacetime, its taking sides when u sell it in wartime.

Yes its business that deals in blood, which will come to haunt u again. I am not shitting as it wont effect me, but it will pakistan in long run. Don't shout next time that we are an independent country. When Ruskies and chinese treat u like beggars.

Does parliament even matter in pakistan, the men in khaki makes the decision for you and pakistan and its countrymen pays the price. It has, It is, and it will be like this for foreseeable future.
Turkey has provided TB2's to Ukraine possibly even more equipment but did Russia suspend the S400 deal??
These shells cannot change the course conflict anyhow because tbh in the end Russia is going to win.
On the face of it not bad. Nothing wrong with supplying weapons but it needs to approved by parliament and clear how much money the GOP and its people are getting. The contracts should be public. The argument of "we don't want to tick off Russia" is nonsensical - if Joe sitting in Minnesota in his moms basement can figure out these flights and suspect it 2 weeks ago, the KGB shouldn't have any difficulty. Don't want this to go in to pockets of few Generals. These shells don't belong to the generals, it belongs to the people of Pakistan who pay taxes to have these made.

What a genius idea. Lick American boots and supply weapons to some far flung country we got no commonality with. All the while anger a country that provides crucial parts for JF-17 fighter and could potentially provide so much more. Man, I love Pakistani logics.
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