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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

If we go by history, it is pakistan that gets fd in the end......

Russia does supply engine for their dear jet. Also they have stakes in Afghanistan and Iran.

Pakistan is doing what they does best, selling themselves to the highest bidder.
People started talking good about Pakistan on Twitter... that's much more worthy than Russian engine... More F16 for Pakistan...
People started talking good about Pakistan on Twitter... that's much more worthy than Russian engine... More F16 for Pakistan...

If that "tweets" (if there are any from some worthy person) and if they can make situation of common with an iota of improvement. Than I am all for it.

How will f16 make Pakistan any better?

Pakistan is just doing business too, why would it be personal for us?

Lol you did the same in 80s, and you are doing it again. Don't cry next time when there(still god forbid) are terror attacks in your country.
pakistan army right now

What i find hilarious is that theses babaa g think that we are still loving in 70s where no one will find out bout the weapons crate….someone should make them attend university in 21st century…
as soon as you entered this gate you reached in new universe

please consider it date not time


What is Pakistan getting in return?
IMF bailout
On the face of it not bad. Nothing wrong with supplying weapons but it needs to approved by parliament and clear how much money the GOP and its people are getting. The contracts should be public. The argument of "we don't want to tick off Russia" is nonsensical - if Joe sitting in Minnesota in his moms basement can figure out these flights and suspect it 2 weeks ago, the KGB shouldn't have any difficulty. Don't want this to go in to pockets of few Generals. These shells don't belong to the generals, it belongs to the people of Pakistan who pay taxes to have these made.
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