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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

Unbelievable molvie sahab..you gave such a long lecture but you don't know the problem in Myanmar was more of an ethnically clash rather than a religious one. The non Muslim rohingyas also got the burn of it.
They were banished out or internally displaced .. and no airforce has been used on them since the issue began.the airforce was used towards a non rohingya rebel group in their north west..you don't know sh!t about things and then you come here to distribute moral certificates..

I’m not a maulvi, but I don’t think I wrote anything wrong.
If Pakistan as a state has ever sold any defense equipment, spares, ammunitions etc. before this conflict than Pakistani state hasn't done nothing wrong or out of usual, but if Pakistan as a state hasn't sold anything back then ............ then all I have to say is ............... Really appreciate that Military Jarnail living in Pakistan have maintained the tradition of Urta hua teer apni B may laina ...........

Anyways you wanted to sell at least have the courage doing it directly and stop selling your souls for these behind the curtains shady deals, at the end of conflict nobody is going to acknowledge if Jarnail living in Pakistan did ever help.

Is there any chance that this Bajwa is following some religious cult that has global agenda, he can't be this stupid and indifferent unless he is following orders and has sold his soul to some agenda.
I am loving how some of the members here and public out there on twitter is drawing parallels to Turkey and Myanmar.

I look forward to someone drawing parallel to potential sale of jf17 to Argentina when you have Brits in your back yard…

Everyone who's giving example of turkey
I just want them to prove it right by buying oil and wheat from russia

Turkey can afford to play on both sides while we're obliged to follow orders of western masters

There hasn't been any interaction between Pakistan and Russia in months
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People are really overreacting. I don’t really agree with sending Ukraine weapons (there’s zero proof we were even paid for it) but you guys are really overblowing Russia's potential reaction. Nothing that we’re able to send will make a difference.

Russia isn’t going to refuse to do business with you. Like come on…they’re literally still selling to the europeans, why wouldn’t they sell their resources to you as well?

Turkey is a major arms supplier to Ukraine. It has opposed Russia in Syria, Libya & even Azerbaijan. Heck, they even gave free TB2s to Ukraine & yet they’ve just signed a massive arms deal which includes ToT for S400s. Why wouldn’t they sell the RD93 or anything else to us? Also, don’t forget India is slowly moving away from Russian arms to local or western. The days when they were milked by Russia are coming to a close.

Russians don’t think like the west. To their credit, they have a mature foreign policy. They’re not going to try & ”punish” us when they can derive long term benefits from cooperation even with a pro-west gov. Just like they’re doing with Turkey & arabs.

Do not compare Turkey and Pakistan their is a night and day difference. One is a donkey painted with tiger stripes with a begging bowl pretending to be something it’s not; while the Turks have an independent foreign policy and able to act on its own without bending over. At best Pakistani top brass has shown PA is a stadium security force at best.
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Do not compare Turkey and Pakistan their is a night and day difference. One is a donkey painted with tiger stripes with a begging bowl pretending to be something it’s not; while the Turks have an independent foreign policy and able to act on its own without bending over.
Never understood Pakistanis' obsession with non nuclear country like Turkey which is a nato member for 70 years and has American bases on its soil for protection and is currently begging deposits from Saudi and others just like Pak.

As for providing security to FIFA world cup in Qatar, Turkey would be there too.

Do not compare Turkey and Pakistan their is a night and day difference. One is a donkey painted with tiger stripes with a begging bowl pretending to be something it’s not; while the Turks have an independent foreign policy and able to act on its own without bending over. At best Pakistani top brass has shown PA is a stadium security force at best.

Did you just ignore everything else I said and focus on the word turkey? Like I said, Russia likely isn’t going to do much if anything at all. Forget Turkey, they’re still doing business with the Europeans & Americans where possible. I only mentioned Turkey because unlike Pakistan they openly oppose Russian interests in multiple regions & yet the Russians continue to cooperate with them & even give them favourable arms deals.

These are not black-and-white relationships. Cooperation with even a pro-west Pakistan is far more beneficial to Russia then restarting open hostilities. Long term trends regarding Pakistani establishment are in their favour.
What is Pakistan getting in return?

joke aside, your think thanks should get out of the box thinking regarding global affairs, world is mixed so much that it is necessity to work with everybody in order to gain something and achieve self interests.
this is good move by Pakistan.
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Why are such deals not made through parliament and proper channels? I guess the generals sell our weapoms too and get residencies and jobs for their offspring and kickbacks. Pakistan truly is under occupation of a colonial remnant army.
People are making a big deal out of this because Niazi has filled up their brains with "America bad Russia good" bs.
And now suddenly everyone is a foreign policy expert.

IL 78's were from Ukraine.
You liar.
Pakistanis can’t think with logic.
We need to truly put PAKISTAN FIRST!
Putting Pakistan first means not being a slave of EAST or WEST.
Use them both for your interests and squeeze dollars out them both.

Imagine we sell enough Shahpar 2 to Ukraine that it funds development of a Shahpar 3 and we get feedback on how to make it better.
This is our golden opportunity to get our defence industry up and running and earn a name in the defence market. Once our products are battle proven, countries will be lining up for them.
I’d say send two or three units of Shahpar 2 to Ukraine for free as aid.
This would be prime marketing for us. We get in good books of west. Our products get battle proven. We get free marketing. We get valuable feedback to improve our product. And 2 - 3 units wouldn’t cost more then $10 million so it’s not like it’s gonna bankrupt us.
We’re basically paying for the best marketing available. Turkey used Azerbaijan to market tb2. Let’s use Ukraine.
Good books of the West??? bro Pakistan has already done so much for them and look at the treatment it has gotten. don’t spend your life trying to impress others.
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