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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

YES YES YES. I would love to see Shahpar 2 in Ukraine, imagine a low-cost TB2 class TB2 alternative... Or even better, REK for Ukraine, so much export potential here.
Pakistanis can’t think with logic.
We need to truly put PAKISTAN FIRST!
Putting Pakistan first means not being a slave of EAST or WEST.
Use them both for your interests and squeeze dollars out them both.

Imagine we sell enough Shahpar 2 to Ukraine that it funds development of a Shahpar 3 and we get feedback on how to make it better.
This is our golden opportunity to get our defence industry up and running and earn a name in the defence market. Once our products are battle proven, countries will be lining up for them.
I’d say send two or three units of Shahpar 2 to Ukraine for free as aid.
This would be prime marketing for us. We get in good books of west. Our products get battle proven. We get free marketing. We get valuable feedback to improve our product. And 2 - 3 units wouldn’t cost more then $10 million so it’s not like it’s gonna bankrupt us.
We’re basically paying for the best marketing available. Turkey used Azerbaijan to market tb2. Let’s use Ukraine.
Pakistan can sell 122 mm ammo but Russia will just blow up Ukraine's 122 mm guns. You can't shoot 122 mm ammo without 122 mm gun. This ain't Afghanistan war where China supplied the lion's share of Mujahideen arms and ammo with millions of AK-47 supplied via Pakistan. Pakistan's meager ammo supply changes nothing in Ukraine war and makes Russia an enemy. It is bad deal for Pakistan. Very bad deal.
People are really overreacting. I don’t really agree with sending Ukraine weapons (there’s zero proof we were even paid for it) but you guys are really overblowing Russia's potential reaction. Nothing that we’re able to send will make a difference.

Russia isn’t going to refuse to do business with you. Like come on…they’re literally still selling to the europeans, why wouldn’t they sell their resources to you as well?

Turkey is a major arms supplier to Ukraine. It has opposed Russia in Syria, Libya & even Azerbaijan. Heck, they even gave free TB2s to Ukraine & yet they’ve just signed a massive arms deal which includes ToT for S400s. Why wouldn’t they sell the RD93 or anything else to us? Also, don’t forget India is slowly moving away from Russian arms to local or western. The days when they were milked by Russia are coming to a close.

Russians don’t think like the west. To their credit, they have a mature foreign policy. They’re not going to try & ”punish” us when they can derive long term benefits from cooperation even with a pro-west gov. Just like they’re doing with Turkey & arabs.
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I doubt Pakistan is even paid for 122 mm ammo. Pakistan is taking part in genocide against Russians only because Yanks installed their guy in Islamabad. Shame. Shame. Shame.
People calling it business and export as if Pakistan gonna earn billions of dollars by this.
Maybe some dollars for fat pindi guys but nothing for nation

On the other hand Pakistani public is surely is suffering from 45% inflation which could have been avoided.

People don't even know difference between selling weapons in peace time and donating weapons in ongoing wars

And don't compare Pakistan with turkey in this situation
We both are different
Looks like benefit of ceasefire with India across LOC. These artillery shells would have been fired towards India if there was no ceasefire. Pakistani were cursing when PA agreed for ceasefire.

Anyway it is not good news for Pakistan in long run. It can't be compared itself with Western countries. Everyone knows, west is Hippocrates and it gets away with it. Pakistan and India can't do that.
I don't think few hundred or thousand shells will change the outcome of war, Ukraine will be broken and many parts of it will have heavy insurgency even if Russia made a full retreat. Ukraine won't see any peace for many years to come, but Pakistan Army is still sell out cucks and have to be removed from power, the institution has to be raised to the ground and rebuild, from a Sipahi to General sab ke sab is haram khori mai hisedaar hai.
Pakistan rent an army sa or expect be kia Kya ja sakta ha.
I don't understand why we never learn from our history. The first time we made the soviets our enemy when we decided to go to the USA while leaving countries in the region, giving US bases to fly U2 missions for the US from Peshawar to spy on Soviets. This resulted with India developing stronger ties with soviets and we ended up angering the bear and loosing out an entire chunk of our territory.
Then again we joined the western block against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, radicalized our society and because of that are still suffering the consequences of that not to mention the WOT and 70000 Pakistani lives lost because of that.
Now IK tried to reset relationship, we were expecting cheap oil, gas & wheat something that directly affects ordinary Pakistanis but no this rent an army generals had to throw the spanner because for them we are after all bloody civilians while they literally worship Western world and it's culture.
Russians won't forget this however I hope they realize Pakistan or it's people are not supporting this but few greedy generals and the imported regime imposes is.
Pakistan rent an army sa or expect be kia Kya ja sakta ha.
I don't understand why we never learn from our history. The first time we made the soviets our enemy when we decided to go to the USA while leaving countries in the region, giving US bases to fly U2 missions for the US from Peshawar to spy on Soviets. This resulted with India developing stronger ties with soviets and we ended up angering the bear and loosing out an entire chunk of our territory.
Then again we joined the western block against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, radicalized our society and because of that are still suffering the consequences of that not to mention the WOT and 70000 Pakistani lives lost because of that.
Now IK tried to reset relationship, we were expecting cheap oil, gas & wheat something that directly affects ordinary Pakistanis but no this rent an army generals had to throw the spanner because for them we are after all bloody civilians while they literally worship Western world and it's culture.
Russians won't forget this however I hope they realize Pakistan or it's people are not supporting this but few greedy generals and the imported regime imposes is.
Yes, yes, every bad thing is due to Pakistan and nothing wrong with Russians/soviets.

You really think Russians would have spared us if we had joined their block? Forget Afghans, they didn't even spare their Chinese allies. They always wanted access to warm water and they would eventually come. It wasn't a question of if, it was a question of when and they eventually did try.
What is Pakistan Generals getting in return?
Fixed the above for you.

Yes, yes, every bad thing is due to Pakistan and nothing wrong with Russians/soviets.

You really think Russians would have spared us if we had joined their block? Forget Afghans, they didn't even spare their Chinese allies. They always wanted access to warm water and they would eventually come. It wasn't a question of if, it was a question of when and they eventually did try.
Yeah keep believing this.
People calling it business and export as if Pakistan gonna earn billions of dollars by this.
Maybe some dollars for fat pindi guys but nothing for nation

On the other hand Pakistani public is surely is suffering from 45% inflation which could have been avoided.

People don't even know difference between selling weapons in peace time and donating weapons in ongoing wars

And don't compare Pakistan with turkey in this situation
We both are different
I am loving how some of the members here and public out there on twitter is drawing parallels to Turkey and Myanmar.

I look forward to someone drawing parallel to potential sale of jf17 to Argentina when you have Brits in your back yard…
Fixed the above for you.

Yeah keep believing this.
You actually believe the opposite? Seriously?

I really don't get what's up with Pakistanis' obsession with sucking upto Russia... 70% of all the weapons in Indian inventory are Russian. Heck even their nuclear program had Russian help. The same nukes which India might drop on Pakistan someday and kill millions upon millions. And here Russia's fanboys are shivering because Pakistan provided a few artillery shells to Ukraine. Same Ukraine which was a colony of Russia, hardly got out and now Russians are killing them again.

I get it, you guys don't like west and your own generals but seriously Russia? That lunatic sadistic country?
Your argument illustrates the height of moral bankruptcy.

It can be compared to a certain part of the Quran that I recommend you reading:

Imam Zayn al-‘abidin has stated that there was a tribe that lived near the seashore. Allah and his apostle told them not to catch fish on Saturday but they disobeyed their commands and prepared holes and tanks and rivulets near the sea so that they can catch fish easily. The fish entered the rivulets and tanks through holes and were caught. And in the evening could not return to the sea and the next day (Sunday) they caught them and said we have not caught you or touched you on Saturday. They were lying. In this way by catching and selling fish, they became very rich and led a luxurious life. They all were about eight thousand in all. About one thousand were doing the work that Allah disliked. Allah says,

“O Muhammad ask them (Jews) about the town which stood by the sea; when they exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, when their fish came to them on the day of their Sabbath on the surface of the sea, and on the day on which they do not keep the Sabbath, they did not came to them We try them because they transgressed.” (7:163)

“And when a party of them said, why do you admonish a people whom Allah would destroy and whom Allah would chastise with a severe chastisement? They said, to be free from blame before your Lord and that happily they may guard (against evil)” (7:164)

Imam said they were three groups among them, one was disobeying Allah and catching fish, a group prevented them from it and the third group remained silent.

Allah, the Exalted also said,

“So when they neglected what they had been reminded of, we delivered those who forbade evil and we overtook those who were unjust with an evil chastisement.” “Therefore when they revoltingly persisted in what they had been forbidden, we said to them; Be (as) apes, despised and hated.


Pakistan did sell the JF-17 to the tyrannical government of Myanmar that engaged in the oppression and killings of Muslims.

There is no need to sugarcoat it. Let’s not be hypocrites. The first step to solving a problem is in admitting that you have one.
Unbelievable molvie sahab..you gave such a long lecture but you don't know the problem in Myanmar was more of an ethnically clash rather than a religious one. The non Muslim rohingyas also got the burn of it.
They were banished out or internally displaced .. and no airforce has been used on them since the issue began.the airforce was used towards a non rohingya rebel group in their north west..you don't know sh!t about things and then you come here to distribute moral certificates..
Courtesy Generals of PA, Pakistan has been turned into a joke.
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