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Pakistan successfully test fires Ghauri V (Enhanced)

Fair enough, but we are talking about policy of a large nation state, not some sissy neighbor boy. Pakistan maintains it's freedom to change it's policy, it's policy we are talking about - If we find that there is no advantage to accrue to our national interests, we can change policy to ensure benefit.

Completely agree.

A nations policies do not have to be set in stone. The world is not static, and our policies need to evolve and adapt.

Whatever is best in terms of national interest.
When is the next pakistani test due date? any idea which missile may be tested?
can somebody tell me the story about how isreal tried to bomb pakistani nuclear facilites
Some people also need growing up ;)

Its not that you develope a ICBM over such short period of time from MRMBs and IRBMs, no body is saying we shall strike Israel but what ever we develope has its consequensive thinking in the West and it is Good for US to think like this since If we are not able to retalliate against US (if they threaten us in future) we should be able to retalliate against weak points of US interest in the World.


Ice you say as if America will always be our friends.
Havent we learnt yet, america also wants to arm our enemy against us
what does that tell you ?
Pakistani experiments are being conducted to modernize the missile technology of the country to enhance its defense capability. Under this programme, another test-firing of Shaheen missile is scheduled for the second week of January, while the Ghauri missile will be test-fired in the third week of the same month.

Pakistan will test fire Shaheen and Ghauri missiles in Jan 2008 - Unique Pakistan

Done Good Job!!! .....It's Great event in trying to establish strategically balance in power, wish loyalty must be their in our political rulers, who are supposed to act positively, plan brilliant foreign & defense policy by quick mutual consents and public consensus for sound standing to face any expected or unexpected challenges.
We should enhance our range up to maximum possibilities to force world powers to must rethink before involving in any offensive plan against Pakistan, for the sake of their own safety.
Done Good Job!!! .....It's Great event in trying to establish strategically balance in power, wish loyalty must be their in our political rulers, who are supposed to act positively, plan brilliant foreign & defense policy by quick mutual consents and public consensus for sound standing to face any expected or unexpected challenges.
We should enhance our range up to maximum possibilities to force world powers to must rethink before involving in any offensive plan against Pakistan, for the sake of their own safety.

I disagree on the following grounds.
It is only the right of an independant nation to make independant decision. We are not independant. we are financially, politically and mentally dependant. What is even more important, we are not independant even in agricultural products especially staple diets. When you accept dependancy, you are expected to tow certain lines which suit your master. This is exactly what is happenning at the moment and the Americans are openly violating your borders and even killing you soldiers, and they are your friends. Why do you think the government is so quiet. Because they know that once the aid stops your Government will collapse,as it would be crippled.
In order to be able to live with self respect one has to be able to stand on ones feet. In Pakistan's scenario it means financial, industrial, economic and mostly mental independance. Till the mental independance is there you make efforts but only behind the scene and that too quietly and dont project your power till it becomes inevitable. This is what we have done so far and will continue to do till we are no longer dependant. Mind you it does not look like happenning for atleast the next 2 decades.
I am sorry if my post seems harsh ,but the intentions are good, and I hope the message sound.
Dear Araz, If you happen to have the opportunity to closely watch how western nations becomes so financially strong than you would realize it was all because of foul play!
The moment you challenge their corporate world you are doomed.
We all know piracy is fedral crime but what we don't know is that those corporations hire specialists to plan how to keep taping your pockets!
As example: why do microsoft need to have new operating system every year?
From which countries IMF gets more profit? Why from last half century we are only servicing debts but not getting rid of them?
The biggest customer of western corporations is middleast and thirdworld.
If third world countries stop buying western arms than half of their industry will collapse. remember how many got unemployed after cold war? how many companies closed?
Dear Araz, If you happen to have the opportunity to closely watch how western nations becomes so financially strong than you would realize it was all because of foul play!
The moment you challenge their corporate world you are doomed.
We all know piracy is fedral crime but what we don't know is that those corporations hire specialists to plan how to keep taping your pockets!
As example: why do microsoft need to have new operating system every year?
From which countries IMF gets more profit? Why from last half century we are only servicing debts but not getting rid of them?
The biggest customer of western corporations is middleast and thirdworld.
If third world countries stop buying western arms than half of their industry will collapse. remember how many got unemployed after cold war? how many companies closed?

I am fully aware of the western corporate mentality of subjugation and subversion. The thing is we go to them not the otherway round. Nobody asks you to take loans , but you do instead of BOT arrangements. I remember in early 50s there were a couple of yrs when Pakistan actually had a trade surplus. There was an option to purchase steel industry from the germans. What did we spend our money on--- buying Government Vehicles!!!
I think the traps are there for everyone, it is upto you to avoid them and negotiate better. Our leaders clearly have not which is why we are in this mess today.
You are absolutely right but it is not simple to pinpoint the problem.
We all know how various regimes and their leaders are demonized by western press and officials. If ever any thirld world country come across a leader than they simply won't let him survive. They would even fund the perpatrators and it is not hard to find corrupt people in any nation, its just matter of will and interest.
This is the advantage west enjoys! otherwise if you offer them bribe they will never say no!
We think every thing is fair in west but it is not!
As some one very well said that leaders are not born every day infect we have to wait years for a leader to be born.
What happened in Pakistan's past was definately wrong shots by iept leaders, but that does not mean that we never come across a true leader ever.
Salam buddies
Remember never to compromise quality for quantity the msiisile spped is too low for our ballistic missiles they can easily be intercepted what we need are short range 2000km be enough but wth a speed of say 2+Mach
oh my god........ i thought we tested a new missile........ i was so happy............. you just disappointed me :rofl:
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