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Pakistan Struggles To Fund Counterinsurgency Vehicles

What I can't understand is that we can make tanks and other APCs but we cant make an advance IFV & MRAP vehicle for our soldiers, why? and why PA is not using Talha and other APCs which are locally built? does it mean that they are not capable of handling rag tag TTP as compared to IA, if yes then how PA will handle IA as they are very potent force? :what:

A few IFVs

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Burraq MRAP:

Pakistan To Unveil MRAP Vehicle | Page 2
Looks sexy.. the sexiest armed 4x4 ever produced by Pakistan...

Old :


Just a new paintjob bro :P

btw any info regarding this Add-on armor ???
Because that tank is chinese

Its not about tanks, its about APCs etc which are not Chinese. All Pakistani APCs are based on US M113.

Since Mush's era PA should have pushed US to provide tech to build Bradleys like we build M-113s it would have changed the capability of fighting we have now, and it would have allowed PA more flexibility in operations against cold start type misadventure of IA.

Bradley Fighting Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In my opinion the only way to defeat insurgency is with insurgency. Evacuate the civilians slowly and allow insurgents who know the area well to take lead. It also depends on geography, some areas are easier to contain threats in. You need people that know how to get around well and know the area very well.
Because that tank is chinese

Its is based on a chinese tank .. but different in every aspect and uses not a single chinese system ... even the design is an evolution.. armour,ERA,IMBS,datalinking,engine,protection suite,laser detection/warning systems,imagery systems,APS,gun etc

We need to develop something like indian Mahindra mpv

Its a license produced BAE vehicle.
Pakistan Army needs Strykers but when the politicians are too busy doing massive corruption then this will happen, Pak Defence will struggle.
The only way is to accept deliveries of MRAP and other types of vehicles from withdrawing troops of USA.
Its a license produced BAE vehicle.

ooh really!! put your brain in spirit bottle... the Mahindra mrapv is JV in which the BEA have 26%share and Mahindra have 74%..... and it is not just a license produced
ooh really!! put your brain in spirit bottle... the Mahindra mrapv is JV in which the BEA have 26%share and Mahindra have 74%..... and it is not just a license produced

You are too bloody retarded or just a pathetic upbringing tht you can't reply without using low class language .. Google it .. It's nothing more than a BAE vehicle produced under liscense.
What's the aprox. explosive weight of IED's Taliban uses against armoured vehicles? I think It can provide usefull dataes that vehicle to be bought, should provide.
In my opinion the only way to defeat insurgency is with insurgency. Evacuate the civilians slowly and allow insurgents who know the area well to take lead. It also depends on geography, some areas are easier to contain threats in. You need people that know how to get around well and know the area very well.

Moronic idea.
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