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Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam


Mar 31, 2007
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Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam since its inception : Imam-e-Kaaba


LAHORE: Imam-e-Kaaba Al-Shaikh Abdul Rehman al-Sudais has said Pakistan is striving for glorification of Islam and spreading the message of Islam across the globe since its inception.

He said this while addressing a large gathering of faithful after Maghrib prayers (after sunset) here in Badshahi mosque on Wednesday.

Besides chief minister Punjab, ruling PML-Q president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed , over 150000 faithful offered prayer led by Imam-e-Kaaba.

The mosque was packed to its capacity and women in large number also offered prayer. Government of Punjab had installed 2 large and 8 small screens inside the mosque to facilitate the faithful.

Imam-e-Kaaba said Pakistani nation started playing its role for the glorification of Islam from the day the country came into being. People of Pakistan have great affection for Islam and Haram Sharif. Pakistan provided security and safety to Islam in real terms. Islam is a reality and truth. This objective can be achieved only through love with the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) besides adhering to Tauheed.

He urged the Muslims to get united under one banner and work for glorification of Islam adding it is commandment of Almighty Allah.
How about striving to make Pakistan a fully developed country with a modern outlook before we start to think about glorifying what is believed to the religion handed down by God himself ? Isnt it glorified enough already ?

God, if that thing, exists, will take care of his/her/its religion.

Man should take care of mankind first.
Those were the views of grand mufti about Pakistan.
Still, Pakistan definately need to improve on many areas, in order to rank among the developed countries.

But, I hope you know that Islam is a code of life and taking care of mankind is its basic element, that's why it declares all humans euqal beings and nagates any differenciation on the basis of cast or ethnicity.

BTW, If you don't believe in God than what does your avatar reflect?
BTW, If you don't believe in God than what does your avatar reflect?

I dont know if I believe in God or not. I dont know if it exists or not. Neither do I buy any of the "my religion is this and that" sermons offered. I'm convinced I know a little more than that. Arrogance? Yes.
But, I hope you know that Islam is a code of life and taking care of mankind is its basic element, that's why it declares all humans euqal beings and nagates any differenciation on the basis of cast or ethnicity.

This is what Islam is? But sadly thats not the way it is known around the world.

Only the dumbest can say 'Islam has to be glorified'....all relegions are glorified as they all were 'ways of life' preached by different preachers who blessed our world at different times.
How about striving to make Pakistan a fully developed country with a modern outlook before we start to think about glorifying what is believed to the religion handed down by God himself ? Isnt it glorified enough already ?

God, if that thing, exists, will take care of his/her/its religion.

Man should take care of mankind first.

Now if u dont have anything to discuss y dont u keep ur nose out of these kind of threads. What was ur contribution... Can u highlight it for me. Now what eva ur purpose is y dont u make it clear enough so we can have a debate abt it....

This is what Islam is? But sadly thats not the way it is known around the world.
Only the dumbest can say 'Islam has to be glorified'....all relegions are glorified as they all were 'ways of life' preached by different preachers who blessed our world at different times.

And ur concern is. Again u and ur friend need each others. How sad, y dont u put some arguments so we can talk abt it. such stupid remarks are noy worth not discussing. Oh can u tell me what does the world know abt islam. Y dont u go and have look at what Muslims did to ur country. Maybe if Muslims were such bad evil ppl, y not destroy red fort or even Taj Mahal... Oh i forget this is all the talk of hypocracts...
This is what Islam is? But sadly thats not the way it is known around the world.

Only the dumbest can say 'Islam has to be glorified'....all relegions are glorified as they all were 'ways of life' preached by different preachers who blessed our world at different times.

Islam is the only religion choosen by God Almighty for the mankind, so there is no other religion to take the humanity towards success in this world and in life hereafter.
All the Prophets right from the first prophet and first human being on earth "Prophet Adam (PBUH)" was sent with the message of Islam. It is with the passage of time that mankind started diverting from the true path of God and created many religions and many isms (Communism, Socialism etc.)
As per Quran God sent his messanger in every part of the world upto the last prophet of God, Muhammed (PBUH) as his final messenger.
If you want to know Islam correctly study it with your mind open for truth and not to malign it. It is the only saviour for you in life after death.
And ur concern is. Again u and ur friend need each others. How sad, y dont u put some arguments so we can talk abt it. such stupid remarks are noy worth not discussing. Oh can u tell me what does the world know abt islam. Y dont u go and have look at what Muslims did to ur country. Maybe if Muslims were such bad evil ppl, y not destroy red fort or even Taj Mahal... Oh i forget this is all the talk of hypocracts...

:undecided: ..what the.....??
If you want to know Islam correctly study it with your mind open for truth and not to malign it. It is the only saviour for you in life after death.

I believe in Hindusim the only true relegion that exists.
I am sorry to say that Pakistan and most of the govts of remaining muslim countries are working against Islamic values and norms. I am not accusing the muslim masses who are close to Islamic values despite all their weaknesses. It's the so called Secularist, Athiest and believers of Western civil values who are controlling the muslim world with the help of there masters in west. Their masters don't want any govt in the muslim world which will rule the country as per the Islamic norms, rules and regulations which is obligatory for any muslim.
If you are taking the speech of Imam-e-Kaaba in the context that Pakistan has worked for unity, Protection and development of muslim ummah from the plate form of OIC or else then its right.

True religion.... alrite just wait a mintue ill bring u bak to earth... now what kind of religion is this.... Im asking u maybe u can explain this to me... No offence... u bring question from About Islam ill answer it for u and now u can explain these matters to me. I always love learn and now is great opportunity being offered by u.

Visit at ur own discretion... Im not turn this thread away from the core topic, but i feel obliged to answer him

http://www.alexandervandergraaf.nl/Welkom/Landen/India/India Khajuraho tempels.jpg
http://www.goddessgift.net/images/Goddess Shiva and Shakti Multi.jpg

This would be enough for time being. So can u please EXPLAIN TO ME THESE PART OF HINDUISM, Im really interested in learning and how they came about in Hinduism. Though i know some abt hinduism but less leave that aside and u start to educate..

PS: MODS or who eva is going to complain, my intention is to learn, as he has branded islam as false religion through usage of nice words than i also have the right to ask him question abt his religion so i can learn abt his religion b4 making remarks. These are not offence pictures as they are part of their religious practice...
I am sorry to say that Pakistan and most of the govts of remaining muslim countries are working against Islamic values and norms. I am not accusing the muslim masses who are close to Islamic values despite all their weaknesses. It's the so called Secularist, Athiest and believers of Western civil values who are controlling the muslim world with the help of there masters in west. Their masters don't want any govt in the muslim world which will rule the country as per the Islamic norms, rules and regulations which is obligatory for any muslim.
If you are taking the speech of Imam-e-Kaaba in the context that Pakistan has worked for unity, Protection and development of muslim ummah from the plate form of OIC or else then its right.

I think speration of church and state is a good thing, mixing religious and politcal power results in tyranny. Not jsut in the west but in caliphate after caliphate as well. Men have a hard enough time when in power, giving them divine right only makes it worse. This also backe dup by the fact that not one theocraic society is among the top nations on earth when comparing standards of living. When a goverment is concerned about the people not God, the people benifit. Leave religion for the clerics and politics for the politicians and hopefully the two shall never meet. Even Jesus who you respect as a phrophet said this- Render unto ceaser what is ceasers, and rende runto God what is Gods. A very clear disticntion between temporal and secular authority.

A fact borne out in Islam'sown history- Muhammed ruled a small following as the caliphates grew in power they lost track of God except to manipulate the masses with calls for jihad that were really wars of conquest for thier own ambition. It was this type of greed that got the last true caliph trampled by mongol ponies.

In America where the seperation is iron clad islamis growing by somethign other thsan imigration or birth but by recruitment. other religions here enjoy the same type of growth beucase they are free to concentrate on God's will not political power games.
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