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Pakistan stock Exchange welcome new era with historic single day gain 1700+ points

Those EVIL Pakistanis transferring money home so Pakistan can improve its balance of payments situation.
How about the charity projects that better the lives of millions in Pakistan which are run by expats?
How about you ask your feudal lords in Pakistan to fill the void which will be left if suddenly all the above stopped.
Sir i welcome everyone, but we should not make it a life or death situation. The environment right now is either you're with us or against us in PTIs case.

We need to make Pakistan stronger economically, militarily and democratically. If it's done by PDM or PTI so be it.
Chalo bachon ko nargis ka mujra daikhnai main to asani hogi

Better to get a Itel Mobile then these Low Quality Laptops. Has a 6400RPM HDD and some Low Speed Celeron Chip. Barely costs 80 90 dollars to make. Enough to make Noonis Happy
Time will tell.

Oh ok. So when Nawaz was in power during Kargil how much did the US send then?
How about the Salala incident with good old PPP in power, they sent plenty of ordinance over, the only problem was it was aimed at Pakistani troops.
Can you please point out where Shahbaz has stated this will happen.
Sir i welcome everyone, but we should not make it a life or death situation. The environment right now is either you're with us or against us in PTIs case.

We need to make Pakistan stronger economically, militarily and democratically. If it's done by PDM or PTI so be it.

I understand that and people become over emotional.
Regarding making Pakistan stronger, that's fine but if history is used as a benchmark these PDM lot won't do much.
This world economic system is controlled by US, they can manipulate the value of dollar against currencies at their will, they are doing the same with Turkey, when Turkey stood up they devalued Lira. But these are just bones from the US, they will keep throwing these as they want to stabilise regime change, at the end of the day Pakistan will be under huge debt.
If Pakistan gets freedom which we will inshallah, we must work with China, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia and other countries for an alternate economic system. China and Russia are already working on it, Turkey and Malaysia wanted to do the same with Pakistan, Iran and other Islamic countries but Saudis stopped Pakistan from participating. Freedom is not just from US but the entire US build world order which includes World Economic order.
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It didn’t happen in last 4,5 years especially when IK was PM.
It actually has, multiple times. Don't be foolish. The reason why the market saw some decline during the PTI era was due to PTI no longer artificially propping up the market by flooding the market with dollars to prop them up, which was a major policy reversal from the PMLN era, and a major IMF demand.

Pmln is gonna do this again, because they wanna pretend the markets are growing, when in reality no such thing is occurring. Meanwhile ForEx is gonna suffer as a result, as it ALWAYS does under PMLN.

Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore. Once I get my family out of Pakistan, I'm out permanently.
The economic and financial literacy I see in this thread is seriously disheartening, and I'm a bit tired of seeing people make false claims about the economy.

@Chak Bamu, @HammerHead081 @pak-marine @Waterboy @Death Adder: I challenge you to produce macro-economic data (e.g.; annual trend analysis) from well established sources that show PML-N's performance, and I will do the same for PTI. Suggested indicators to start (we can add more later):

- Net exports
- Current account balance
- Forex reserves
- Debt to GDP
- Employment
- Inflation
Oh ok. So when Nawaz was in power during Kargil how much did the US send then?
How about the Salala incident with good old PPP in power, they sent plenty of ordinance over, the only problem was it was aimed at Pakistani troops.
Can you please point out where Shahbaz has stated this will happen.
Talks for F 16s and C 130s are not rumours. Where there's smoke there's fire. Personally i don't think they will materialise but some chiria says otherwise.
Numbers do not lie.

They don't you do. This is the last 5 years of the KSE @pak-marine and other Patwari experts please pay attention.


KSE took a nose dive towards the end of the last PMLN tenure and continued to do so until an IMF deal was struck. Then you can see the Early 2020 crash caused by COVID-19.

Since then it's been on the up and spent most of the last 18 months hovering around the same ball park.

If we take a 10 year view you can see it only performed better for 6 months at the start of 2017, after which it took a continous decline, in the hands of your allegedly suave economic operators.


Please save the BS for the whatsapp circle-jerks.

Money grows on trees
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