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Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

CHAMAN- Pakistan has decided to make extended security arrangements at Pak-Afghan border.

According to official sources at Chaman, security forces are constructing a mud wall at the border by using heavy machinery and work on the project is in full swing. The mud wall is being constructed on an area of 60 kilometres to block all illegal ways and stop all unlawful transportation. The mud wall will be five feet deep and eight feet wide. The security officials said that the wall would also indicate exact location of the Pak-Afghan border. Moreover, check posts have already been established on Pakistan side of the border.

Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border
:rofl::rofl::rofl: mud wall lanat
I think it can be utilized in another way they stated that length is 5 meter and in 5 meter one car can be easily drive and you can say that 60km long road on top as well
The bitterness in them is due to failures, losses and helplessness that they are enduring since ranjeet singh times......imagine lahore is captured by india and you are so weakened that you cant take it back, Pakistani government signs agreement with india, handing over lahore to india.....even after 100 years, do you think you will forget about lahore and give up on it?.....Imagine the feelings if lahoris refuse to join back pakistan......
Afghans successfully defended themselves during invasions but also lost territories in each one. Afghanistan is 250 years old country and now it is crumbling, it is on the verge of division and further shrinking......,.pakistani pashtuns are giving them cold shoulders, infact are involved in destroying/fucking their country through ISI.....all this has added to bitterness..........No country/state is permanent, Afghanistan's days are numbered.....this should be wake up call for all good-for-nothing 45 million Pashtuns. Khuda ne aaj tak us qaum ki haalat nahiin badli // Na ho jisko khyaal aap apni haalat ke badalne ka

wtfff :bad:

Last time i checked sikhs are in India, while you guys are pretty friendly with them. Or you forget that Afghanis actually sold FATA and beyond with silver coins ;) And your Lahore exemple also doesn't make sense, because hindus with many times bigger army tried to conquer Lahore in 65 and failed :pakistan:

I don't know why you guys cry because Pakistani Pashtuns don't want to join country in shambles, landlocked, prone to invasion by every tom dick and harry soon will sign surrender document which will allow permanet USA troops in Afghanistan. And give up nuclear power and much more developed country. You talk about muhajir (35% of them are pashtuns anyway) vs pathan riots. But ethnic wars in Afghanistan are thousand times worst. They are either killing each other or getting killed by foreign invaders. Lets not even talk about integration which have happened in last 67 years between all provinces of Pakistan.

i think it cant be stolen, thats why lol

They can sell bricks and metal but not mud....... :lol: kiya idea hai :pakistan:
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wtfff :bad:

Last time i checked sikhs are in India, while you guys are pretty friendly with them. Or you forget that Afghanis actually sold FATA and beyond with silver coins ;) And your Lahore exemple also doesn't make sense, because hindus with many times bigger army tried to conquer Lahore in 65 and failed :pakistan:

I don't know why you guys cry because Pakistani Pashtuns don't want to join country in shambles, landlocked, prone to invasion by every tom dick and harry soon will sign surrender document which will allow permanet USA troops in Afghanistan. And give up nuclear power and much more developed country. You talk about muhajir (35% of them are pashtuns anyway) vs pathan riots. But ethnic wars in Afghanistan are thousand times worst. They are either killing each other or getting killed by foreign invaders. Lets not even talk about integration which have happened in last 67 years between all provinces of Pakistan.

They can sell bricks and metal but not mud....... :lol: kiya idea hai :pakistan:
You didnt get it, as usual. You are inflamed by hate so whatever i throw at you, you see it as a challenge and counter the sentences rather than post. My point was simple, its not black and white , its grey......from their prospective they are right in making claims on pashtun territories, from your prospective you are right in maintaining integrity of Pakistan.....they are friends of india, who has killed kashmiri muslims, you are friend of china who has killed uyghur muslims......they invaded bajaur in 60s, you invaded jalalabad in 90s......Your ISI is involved in Afghanistan, their NDS is involved in Pakistan......

And when we talk about Afghanistan , then which Afghanistan?
Afghanistan of barakzai monarchy?
communist Afghanistan of khalq and parcham?
Afghanistan of mujahideen?
Afghainstan of taliban?
Democratic Afghanistan of today?
I mean you make fun of Afghanistan for being slave of soviets , but you deliberately ignore the armed resistance of mujahideen against them......you make fun of afghanistan for being slave of America but you ignore the armed resistance of taliban and hikmatyar against them....If current set up fails, civil war occurs and taliban succeed , then you would al;so make fun of that afghanistan for being slave of america?
Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

CHAMAN- Pakistan has decided to make extended security arrangements at Pak-Afghan border.

According to official sources at Chaman, security forces are constructing a mud wall at the border by using heavy machinery and work on the project is in full swing. The mud wall is being constructed on an area of 60 kilometres to block all illegal ways and stop all unlawful transportation. The mud wall will be five feet deep and eight feet wide. The security officials said that the wall would also indicate exact location of the Pak-Afghan border. Moreover, check posts have already been established on Pakistan side of the border.

Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

Wouldn't it be washed away in case of rain.
You didnt get it, as usual. You are inflamed by hate so whatever i throw at you, you see it as a challenge and counter the sentences rather than post. My point was simple, its not black and white , its grey......from their prospective they are right in making claims on pashtun territories, from your prospective you are right in maintaining integrity of Pakistan.....they are friends of india, who has killed kashmiri muslims, you are friend of china who has killed uyghur muslims......they invaded bajaur in 60s, you invaded jalalabad in 90s......Your ISI is involved in Afghanistan, their NDS is involved in Pakistan......

And when we talk about Afghanistan , then which Afghanistan?
Afghanistan of barakzai monarchy?
communist Afghanistan of khalq and parcham?
Afghanistan of mujahideen?
Afghainstan of taliban?
Democratic Afghanistan of today?
I mean you make fun of Afghanistan for being slave of soviets , but you deliberately ignore the armed resistance of mujahideen against them......you make fun of afghanistan for being slave of America but you ignore the armed resistance of taliban and hikmatyar against them....If current set up fails, civil war occurs and taliban succeed , then you would al;so make fun of that afghanistan for being slave of america?

Pakistan invaded Jalalabad? really? never heard of that before...

And Chinese are not occupiers while Hindus are, Kashmir is disputed territory. And no Afghanis does not have any right over FATA and beyond. Its not a disputed territory, neither people there are occupied. And i talk of Afghanistan as a whole.
How is that possible. Anyway, what's with this idea of mudwall when everywhere in the world, wired fencing is used. :blink:

i told you it saves you from bullets.

We have such mud houses instead of brick or cemented in tribal areas. as i said its science.

This is not to fence for stopping attacks but its more to do with other precautions.

and mud houses stand for years in rain as well

Yes! A mud wall...

The last time we put anything metal up as a fence, it was cut and sold for scrap in Afghan markets.

Durand line needs to be turned in the durand wall.

:) the wall is at chaman border
Yes! A mud wall...

The last time we put anything metal up as a fence, it was cut and sold for scrap in Afghan markets.

Durand line needs to be turned in the durand wall.

Actually we do have barbed wire wall along the border of miranshah and khost.I have seen them myself in 2011.And they were quite intact.
i told you it saves you from bullets.

We have such mud houses instead of brick or cemented in tribal areas. as i said its science.

This is not to fence for stopping attacks but its more to do with other precautions.

and mud houses stand for years in rain as well

Mudhuts generally have roof to protect it from rain it but I seriously doubt the effectiveness of wall, Pakistan in not in Sahara desert where you won't expect rain. :laugh:
Mudhuts generally have roof to protect it from rain it but I seriously doubt the effectiveness of wall, Pakistan in not in Sahara desert where you won't expect rain. :laugh:

mudhuts ?

lolzz u have no idea about mud walls here
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