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Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

World breaks wall. We create one!

Although there are numerous challenges like terrorism, smuggling, infiltration, refuge etc but its a two way road. Afghans never accepted it as a border and our Pakistani elite used the illiterate Afghans to do jihad (so the elite could make schmoney).

The blame is always put on the elder brother, right? Pakistan had the resources and ability to STOP Amrikan jihad in Soviet days and promote education and economic activity instead Unkale Jihadi's Jihad.

Looking forward, a wall is not a solution. You have to inspire Afghans if they dont understand you. You have to inspire them by developing your country, educating the masses, economic revival etc

And NO - Gung ho jihadis are not the hurdle (ultimate problem although they are part of this mess). Its really the blood money local elite.
Because now the time has come. These people either shun violence or get separated. Pakistan allowed them more than enough freedom of movement. You abuse that privilege, you will lose out.

Stopping privilege can also create problem and can be used to create violence.......It is not easy to handle these...
Stopping privilege can also create problem and can be used to create violence.......It is not easy to handle these...
Actually it is. The Pakistanis living on their side of the border are now sick and tired of the this violence. It will benefit them more than anybody else. With Afghanistan getting aggressive, Pakistan needs to tell it that in that border region, we have more clout than them and we can do as we please. The last time Afghanistan sent it's forces into Pakistan deliberately (during 1960s) it wasn't good for them.

Think of this way, Punjab region is divided b/w India and Pakistan. Same culture and language. Same lifestyle. But since Pakistan and India don't trust each other, having an open border policy is not feasible. Same with the people living on either sides of LOC in Kashmir.
Actually it is. The Pakistanis living on their side of the border are now sick and tired of the this violence. It will benefit them more than anybody else. With Afghanistan getting aggressive, Pakistan needs to tell it that in that border region, we have more clout than them and we can do as we please. The last time Afghanistan sent it's forces into Pakistan deliberately (during 1960s) it wasn't good for them.

Think of this way, Punjab region is divided b/w India and Pakistan. Same culture and language. Same lifestyle. But since Pakistan and India don't trust each other, having an open border policy is not feasible. Same with the people living on either sides of LOC in Kashmir.

Well i dont think Afghanistan underestimate Pakistan or its clout, especially as a land locked country.... There are chances of few incidents in boarder but never a serious one (atleast from afghanistan side)... It is true when it comes to our case because of the mutual trust we have.... but in our case we have been like this for about 60 years....
You didnt get it, as usual. You are inflamed by hate so whatever i throw at you, you see it as a challenge and counter the sentences rather than post. My point was simple, its not black and white , its grey......from their prospective they are right in making claims on pashtun territories, from your prospective you are right in maintaining integrity of Pakistan.....they are friends of india, who has killed kashmiri muslims, you are friend of china who has killed uyghur muslims......they invaded bajaur in 60s, you invaded jalalabad in 90s......Your ISI is involved in Afghanistan, their NDS is involved in Pakistan......

And when we talk about Afghanistan , then which Afghanistan?
Afghanistan of barakzai monarchy?
communist Afghanistan of khalq and parcham?
Afghanistan of mujahideen?
Afghainstan of taliban?
Democratic Afghanistan of today?
I mean you make fun of Afghanistan for being slave of soviets , but you deliberately ignore the armed resistance of mujahideen against them......you make fun of afghanistan for being slave of America but you ignore the armed resistance of taliban and hikmatyar against them....If current set up fails, civil war occurs and taliban succeed , then you would al;so make fun of that afghanistan for being slave of america?

your example makes no sense as @Nuri Natt pointed out...

You Afghans have wreaked havoc on Pakistan's economy by bringing drugs, prostitution and weapons.

Furthermore, instead of being thankful for our gracious hospitality you spit in our face by siding with our arch enemy.

I think the Pak army has finally realized that you parasites are a burdening liability & national security threat and you people need to be kicked out of the country and shipped back to your shithole in Afghanistan or some shithole in friendly India

jis thaali may khanaa usi may chaid kerna
LOL they're trying to keep out humans not Tanks.

A mud wall with bunkers and check posts is better than a barbed wire fence.

Valid point, but don't forget we are dealing with Afghans here, they will just eat this wall in days.
Pakistan tights security at Pak-Afghan border
17 May, 2014

CHAMAN: Pakistan has decided to make extended security arrangements at the Pak-Afghan border, according to official sources at the Chaman on Friday.

The sources said that security forces were constructing a mud embankment at the border by using heavy machinery. The officials confirmed that the work on the project was in full swing on the border.

The mud embankment is being constructed on an area of 60 kilometres to block all illegal ways and stop all unlawful transportation. The embankment will be five feet deep and eight feet wide.

The security officials said that the mud embankment will also indicate exact location of the Pak-Afghan border. Moreover, check posts have already been established on the Pakistan side of the border.


Pakistan tights security at Pak-Afghan border - PakTribune
It's a start. It will be extended, and eventually the whole border will be mined. That is the plan for now, from what I've heard.

It will be a mix of barbed wire and mud wall.

excellent move just seal the darn place
Mud wall is all we can afford right now. I have a feeling that illegal afghans will push this wall down lol
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