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Pakistan Space and Satellite Developments

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coming from a country that gave us such fiascos as "nose cones" on the "indigenous" brahmos (imagine the balls to call a russian missile indigenous) being the only "indian made" part on the whole missile (not even the paint) and also the cause for all its CRASHING.

try again later .. :smitten:

Lets see when pakistan could launch its SLV. Its inability to do so in near future would be direct proof of the opinion that I put forward in my earlier post.

Having the technical know-how to build and operate and IRBM and pakistan still cannot launch much simpler SLV. Even an illeterate Talibani can draw fair conclusions out of this.

And your rants alone are not enough to alter the ground realities. No matter how hard you cry over brahmos, the matter of fact is that we still have it and you dont. Even though pakistan boasts of having superior rocket technology, it still lags behind India in space program by an embarassing magnitude.

Be it russian or martain, we have those super criticial technolgies which you can only dream about.
Lets see when pakistan could launch its SLV. Its inability to do so in near future would be direct proof of the opinion that I put forward in my earlier post.

Having the technical know-how to build and operate and IRBM and pakistan still cannot launch much simpler SLV. Even an illeterate Talibani can draw fair conclusions out of this.

And your rants alone are not enough to alter the ground realities. No matter how hard you cry over brahmos, the matter of fact is that we still have it and you dont. Even though pakistan boasts of having superior rocket technology, it still lags behind India in space program by an embarassing magnitude.

Be it russian or martain, we have those super criticial technolgies which you can only dream about.

One can easily understand the reason behind all your trash talk, and we will give it to you, for your sake, just to cheer you up.
But i don't understand the mentality of people like you, why do u compare India with Pakistan???? India a country seven times larger in size geographically, having more then seven times bigger population then Pakistan, much bigger economy, huge pool of resources be it in any regards, The list can go on, you name it and India has got the natural advantage, still you compare it with Pakistan, and then proclaim yourself the MATCHOS. You guys do it in every regard and every field and keep it doing when so ever you find the chance.
Honestly speaking it is as similar as if Pakistan starts comparing itself in each and every field with Sirilanka or Bhutan or Nepal. If we compare ourselves to them, and then boast our achievements against them, it will be the most embarrassing thing for us. At least I as a Pakistani would take it as a direct insult. In contrast you guys feel pride in those kind of things.Its simply shameful but for those who have some self respect and integrity, you can consider yourself excluded from that club.

The Facts are, that Pakistan being a much smaller state in comparison, with much lesser resources and much troublesome and unfriendly time line have achieved much better and much bigger goals and converted all dreams into hard realities. The facts are we have beaten you in every field we intended to compete and deemed them necessary, But just for your sake I would say don't count them, just consider them being on par with yours and not better, at least we can cheer you up in some way.

Satellites and SLVs have not been given much importance so far due to continuous defense needs and huge economic crisis lingering on for decades. Sooner or later it will be developed and launched, just depends upon the setting the priorities, and that's for sure, but I can bet that people like you wont accept the reality even after it is launched and declared successful, you will find ways rather call it create ways to nullify it and reject it. Its not your fault my friend, you have it in your blood and we know it very well, and that's through experience.

Have a nice day :coffee:


One can easily understand the reason behind all your trash talk, and we will give it to you, for your sake, just to cheer you up.
But i don't understand the mentality of people like you, why do u compare India with Pakistan????

I think you misinterpreted here. I am not comparing India's space program and pakistan's missile program. What I want to say is that Missile technology and space technology are both based on rocket science and both space and missile technology are inter-related.

Both India and pakistan boast about their prowess in rocket science and both are supposed to build and operate IRBMs but the exceptional point to note here is that India has been able to leverage its expertise in space technology and pakistan could not. Even basic building blocks of a simple SLV seems a very distant reality in pakistan.

So in totality, had the so called indegenious skill and expertise existed in pakistan then it should be not so much hard for them to build a SLV. Their utter failure could be attributed to the fact that the borrowed technology and hardware may be a great fun to show off and test every now and then but there exists a very serious vaccume in technological expertise.

And somehow for pakistan not a single missile test experiment has failed or did not manage to achieve all parameters. Even the US or the russians have never been so efficient with a technology as complex as rockets and missiles and this isnt funny.
One can easily understand the reason behind all your trash talk, and we will give it to you, for your sake, just to cheer you up.
But i don't understand the mentality of people like you, why do u compare India with Pakistan???? India a country seven times larger in size geographically, having more then seven times bigger population then Pakistan, much bigger economy, huge pool of resources be it in any regards, The list can go on, you name it and India has got the natural advantage, still you compare it with Pakistan, and then proclaim yourself the MATCHOS. You guys do it in every regard and every field and keep it doing when so ever you find the chance.
Honestly speaking it is as similar as if Pakistan starts comparing itself in each and every field with Sirilanka or Bhutan or Nepal. If we compare ourselves to them, and then boast our achievements against them, it will be the most embarrassing thing for us. At least I as a Pakistani would take it as a direct insult. In contrast you guys feel pride in those kind of things.Its simply shameful but for those who have some self respect and integrity, you can consider yourself excluded from that club.

The Facts are, that Pakistan being a much smaller state in comparison, with much lesser resources and much troublesome and unfriendly time line have achieved much better and much bigger goals and converted all dreams into hard realities. The facts are we have beaten you in every field we intended to compete and deemed them necessary, But just for your sake I would say don't count them, just consider them being on par with yours and not better, at least we can cheer you up in some way.


although a agree that narad was a bit hard....i would say as long as you develop an slm....this theory is still believeable.......there is some logic into it......

now since you have started comparing sizes!!! let me tell you britain is smaller that both our nations ....arent they ahead by all means?....size of a nation does not matter but the hard work put in by its citizens. so your logic of comparing your nation with countries is flawed!!!!
take us we always compare ourselves with china in feilds where development is necessary....coz they have crossed the same path that we are in -say by a decade ahead!...so we do have to compare ourself with the chinese if we are to go in the same path of economic sucess
although a agree that narad was a bit hard....i would say as long as you develop an slm....this theory is still believeable.......there is some logic into it......

M.r. Narad has just proved my point once again, so no option is left but to ignore him, other wise one will only waste the bandwidth.

now since you have started comparing sizes!!! let me tell you britain is smaller that both our nations ....arent they ahead by all means?....size of a nation does not matter but the hard work put in by its citizens. so your logic of comparing your nation with countries is flawed!!!!

You are wrong if you are presenting the case of Britain as similar to us. We both India and Pakistan got their independence on the same day about 60 years ago, with two very different level of states, in all regards and resources. We lost one half of our real self, (If India had faced such a situation i wonder if it would have survived, and most probably disintegrated like USSR into different states,, no offense intended) yet we rouse from the death bed and converted all dreams to reality. All that has been set for to achieve was achieved and this case is nothing different and hence will be achieved. Britain is a totally different case, It was a colonial power, a super power, our master your master for centuries, winner of the world wars, and yet after its decline was supported by the next super power America, by Marshal Plans and god knows what more, Britain never stood alone in any regards,call them (UK and US) two bodies one soul.So in any case it doesn't fits our situation.

However your statement, size of a nation does not matter but the hard work put in by its citizens is correct to a large extent. and that's exactly why Pakistan has survived and progressed even in presence of all odds and bigger and stronger enemy to face. Only hard work of the citizens is not the sole variable to influence and direct the wheal of success, prosperity and growth. Other factors are evenly important, like Political stability, geographic vulnerabilities, conducive environments both external and internal, level of influence of unfriendly counties/forces on both you and the international community and most importantly presence of clear direction(Vision) placed by leaders of the state. The truth is that in this regard we sucked a lot and have been to greater disadvantage, till date. Yet our achievements are more then incredible and therefore is only attributed to the hard work of our citizens, which proves to be more then yours.

take us we always compare ourselves with china in feilds where development is necessary....coz they have crossed the same path that we are in -say by a decade ahead!...so we do have to compare ourself with the chinese if we are to go in the same path of economic sucess

You should compare yourself to them, that would be correct thing to do,but alas most of Indians direct their guns towards us:lol:

This thread has become more political than scientific.
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one of my posts in another thread but i think it's more relevant here

Space development is an expensive work.And Pakistan doesn't have the funds for it.

So What to do then???

The best Pakistani chance is to try to convince gulf countries to invest in Pakistan Space Program.And one thing More NO SATELLITES.That's just a loss.

I was reading article somewhere on the Web(Unfortunately i lost the link)where the author has described the market of Space Tourism and Space Hotels.

Believe me the author in the article actually proved by references and statistics about that it will be a huge a success.

And Besides there is a 5 billion dollar market that NASA wants to outsource it's ferrying between ISS and Earth.

I have no doubt with a few years of research and funds Pakistan can make a vehicle like Spaceship One and Spaceship Two.

It all boils down to funding and it's such a shame that Pakistan hasn't tried to use gulf for Funds.

Those Arabs if you even impress them with a single Presentation you could get billions in a just a moment.

It's so Bad that Pakistani government hasn't tried.But Our Armed Forces should also share the Blame that they also haven't tried to get funds or shall i say it as a lack of vision in Both Government and Armed Forces.

But Ultimately Pakistani must start quick if it has to succeeded.Because Private Space Travel is relatively new and Big Corporations are not there.So if Pakistan acts fast and Does get funds we have a good chance to succeed because now is the time a little late and then those Big Corporations won't allow you in.
I read in the media that during his last visit to China, Musharraf discussed the possibility of sending first Pak astronaut into space with China soon. :yahoo:

I can't wait to see that happen.

Musharraf was very smart guy...he tried his best for the country...i hope inshallah his endeavours will prove milestones for the country...
COSPAS-SARSAT Program in Pakistan:

COSPAS-SARSAT is an international satellite-based search and rescue system, established by Canada, France, the United States, and the former Soviet Union in 1979. SARSAT is acronym for Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking. COSPAS is acronym for the Russian words "Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov," which mean "Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress," indicative of the maritime origins of this distress alerting system.

SUPARCO is participating in an international humanitarian programme for satellite –aided search and rescue, COSPAS-SARSAT since 1990. The Govt. of Pakistan accorded approval for SUPARCO’s participation in the COSPAS-SARSAT program as Ground Segment provider and lead agency. Over the years, the satellite ground station technology has advanced tremendously and a host of more capable COSPAS-SARSAT satellites, that are not fully compatible with old ground stations like PALUT/PAMCC, have been added to the fleet. Consequently most parts of the PALUT/PAMCC have become obsolete. Due to system obsolescence and introduction of new satellite systems, as well as change of frequency from 243 MHz to 406 MHz, SUPARCO is upgrading the PALUT and PAMCC.



COSPAS-SARSAT program accrues the following benefits to Pakistan for efficient search and rescue operations.

.An early indication of a possible air crash, a marine accident or beacon-equipped person in distress by receiving a radio distress signal.

.Detection and location of distress beacons thus avoiding grid searches by a search and/or rescue aircraft which are time-consuming and highly expensive.

.Safety of the personnel involved in search and rescue from unnecessary risks by accurate location of the distress signals.

.Prompt detection of distress signals within an hour or so, due to the network of low earth orbiting operational satellite.

Search & Rescue
Unlike popular belief Pakistan has a very efficient and well organized Maritime search and rescue department..It is a part of Pakistan navy and coast guard and their head quarters used to be on a decommissioned Naval ship anchored off the coast of Karachi.
They have Navy helicopters and fast boats at their disposal and have saved many lives over the years...In addition to COSPAS-SARSAT pakistan also participates in INMARSAT.
China-Pakistan space technology cooperation

Author: Ghulam Ali, National Chengchi University

On 11 August 2011 China successfully launched Pakistan’s communication satellite, Paksat-1R, into space from its Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in Sichuan Province.
The satellite covers all of Pakistan, parts of South and Central Asia, the Far East, Eastern Europe and East Africa. It will replace the aging Paksat-1, which is approaching the end of its 15-year life span this November.

China-Pakistan cooperation in space technology spans over two decades. In 1990 Pakistan launched its first indigenously-developed satellite, Badar-1, from China. A year later they formally signed an agreement to enhance cooperation for peaceful applications of space technologies, and various other agreements in the same vein have ensued.

The agreement to develop Paksat-1R was finalised in October 2008. For its completion, Beijing provided Pakistan with a RMB 222 million (US$34.7 million) loan. And in October 2010, Pakistan signed a contract with the EXIM Bank of China to obtain an additional RMB 86.5 million (US$13.5 million) concessional loan.

Pakistan stated that the launch of Paksat-1R would ‘revolutionise’ the use of broadband internet, digital television broadcasting and rural telephony, as well as spur the economy, strengthen the education and health sector, and help increase disaster preparedness (a priority after the devastating 2010 floods). Some analysts suggest the satellite will also provide strategic advantages to Pakistan’s armed forces. But most importantly, young Pakistani scientists gained first-hand experience by working alongside Chinese counterparts. This experience will go a long way in Pakistan’s space sciences research, with Sino-Pakistani space cooperation seeking to cover climate science, clean-energy technologies, clean-water technologies, cyber-security, and other sciences across the board.

Pakistan’s space agency (the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission: SUPARCO), plans to launch an optical satellite by the end of the year, and a high-resolution Remote Sensing Satellite System in 2014. Pakistan even intends to eventually build its own spaceship as well — with China’s help. Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, Masood Khan, stated that it was his country’s desire that the first foreign astronaut aboard a Chinese spacecraft be a Pakistani, alluding to the future level of their cooperation. And analysts do not rule out the future possibility of a Pakistani astronaut flying with Chinese counterparts for space missions.

China and Pakistan are also connected through a multilateral forum on space cooperation. In 1992, China, Pakistan and Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding for Asia Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications (AP-MCSTA). Then in October 2005, these countries along with Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia and Peru signed a convention to establish Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) for the cooperation and promotion of space knowledge within the member countries and the Asia-Pacific region. Several regional and extra-regional countries are now affiliated with APSCO.

China will also gain a lot from its cooperation with Pakistan. From a commercial perspective, space technology is an emerging market in which China is gaining an advanced level of expertise. By 2020, the market value of the navigation and satellite industry is expected to exceed US$400 billion, and China intends to grab a share. The Chinese government has pushed its state-owned telecommunication companies to go overseas for commercial deals. These companies offer competitive prices, soft loans to finalise deals, training for local scientists and technology transfer. It was not surprising then that, a week before the launch of Paksat-1R, China’s space program clinched a US$294 million agreement with Bolivia to build and launch a satellite for that country. Against this backdrop, China will showcase the success of its cooperation with Pakistan to attract other developing countries and gain direct financial benefits from any deal with Pakistan.

There is a military dimension to this cooperation as well. Although China-Pakistan cooperation in space technology is ostensibly only for peaceful purposes, its defence implications cannot be ruled out. SUPARCO is closely linked with Pakistan’s other organisations such as the Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL), responsible for Pakistan’s missiles program. The US-imposed sanctions against Pakistan over the clandestine development of its nuclear and missile program during the 1990s effectively included a sanction on SUPARCO. So the current China-Pakistan cooperation in space technology might raise concerns with the US, and possibly India.

Regardless of how other states respond, China-Pakistan space cooperation is timely and mutually beneficial. China is looking for a market for its growing space expertise. And Pakistan needs assistance with soft loans, training of its scientists and know-how in space sciences. This cooperation adds a new dimension to their already robust relationship. It brings Pakistan closer to China than ever before.

Ghulam Ali is on the Taiwan Fellowship at the Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei.

China-Pakistan space technology cooperation | East Asia Forum
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